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1、兰州交通大学毕业设计(论文) 摘摘 要要 内容摘要:本设计内容为西宁市城市污水回用处理工程设计,其处理对象 主要为生活污水和工业废水,要求城市污水经处理后,60%就近排入水体。达 到污水处理厂出水水质参考城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准 (GB18918- 2002)中的一级 B 标准。城市污水经处理后,40%经处理工艺处理后的,作为 回用水。夏季主导风向为西南风,进水 BOD 为 300mg/L,SS 为 340mg/L。根 据进水水质分析,以及出水要求,污水水质 BOD/COD=0.73,可见原污水可生 化性良好。因此,经过几种方案的比较,最终选择以卡鲁塞尔氧化沟为核心的 处理工艺, 本设计的

2、工艺流程为:进水粗格栅污水提升泵站细格栅平流式沉 砂池厌氧池卡鲁塞尔氧化沟辐流式沉淀池紫外线消毒配水井溶气 气浮池普通快滤池池接触池回用水池。主要构筑物有水泵 5 台,卡鲁塞 尔氧化沟 4 座,辐流式二沉池 4 座,紫外线消毒渠 1 座,气浮池 2 座,普通快 滤池 4 座,接触池 2 座,中水池 1 座。 污泥部分处理流程为:污水回流泵房浓缩池污泥脱水泥饼外运,主 要构筑物包括 2 座浓缩池,1 座脱水机房 文本部分包括:设计说明书、设计计算书、结束语、致谢、参考文献; 图纸包括:污水厂平面布置图、污水厂高程布置图、污水提升泵站布置图、 平流式沉砂池工艺图、卡鲁塞尔氧化沟工艺图、辐流式二沉池

3、工艺图、污泥浓 缩池、接触池工艺图。 本设计的要点是将原污水经过中格栅间,由污水泵站提升,经过平流式沉 砂池的一级处理,再经过厌氧池及氧化沟,经二沉池达到泥水分离,再经过紫 外线消毒,一部分水达到二级排放标准直接排放,另一部分经气浮池,普通快 滤池过滤及接触池消毒,进入回用水池以再次利用, 。本设计的优点就是利用氧 化沟工艺,不设初沉池和污泥消化池,是工艺流程简单,便以操作和运行,对 于水质的处理的效果好。 关键词:关键词:城市污水处理,卡罗塞尔氧化沟,污泥浓缩,中水回用 Abstract Summary: This design content Xining city wastewater

4、reuse treatment engineering design, mainly for its handling of domestic sewage and industrial wastewater, urban sewage after treatment requirements, 60 percent discharged into nearby water bodies. Achieve sewage treatment plant effluent quality reference 兰州交通大学毕业设计(论文) urban sewage treatment plant p

5、ollutant discharge standards (GB18918-2002) in a B standard. Urban sewage after treatment, 40% of the treated process treated as reuse water. Dominant wind direction is southwest summer influent BOD of 300mg / L, SS of 340mg / L. According to water quality analysis, and water requirements, wastewate

6、r quality BOD / COD = 0.73, shows that the original wastewater biodegradability is good. Therefore, after comparing several options, chose to Carrousel oxidation ditch treatment process as the core, The design of the process: water coarse grid sewage pump stations advection fine grid anaerobic pond

7、grit chamber Carrousel oxidation ditch radial flow sedimentation tank with ultraviolet disinfection Well dissolved air flotation tank contact with ordinary rapid filter pool pool pool reuse. There are five major structures pumps, Carrousel oxidation ditch 4, radial flow secondary sedimentation tank

8、4, ultraviolet disinfection drainage 1, flotation tank 2, the general rapid filter 4, contact tank 2, in the pool 1. Partially treated sludge process: sewage pumping station reflux concentrate tank sludge dewatering sludge cake Sinotrans, the main structures include two concentrated pool, a dewateri

9、ng room Text section includes: design specification, design calculations, Conclusion, Acknowledgements, References; Drawings include: wastewater treatment plant floor plan, elevation layout sewage plant, sewage pumping station layout, advection process diagram grit chamber, Carrousel oxidation ditch

10、 process diagram, radial flow process diagram secondary settling tank, sludge concentration tank, contact tank process diagram. The point is that the original design of the wastewater through the grille from the sewage pumping station upgrade, through advection grit chamber of a deal, and then after

11、 the anaerobic tank and oxidation ditch, reached by secondary sedimentation tank water separation, and then after ultraviolet disinfection, part of the water discharge standards to achieve two direct emissions, partly through the flotation tank, ordinary rapid filter filtration and disinfection cont

12、act tank into the pool in order to re-use reuse. The advantage of this design is the use of oxidation ditch process, with no primary settling tank and sludge digestion tank is a simple process, then to operate and run for the water treatment effect. Keywords: urban sewage treatment, carrousel oxidation ditch, Sludge Thickening, water reuse 兰州交通大学毕业设计(论文) III 目录目录 1.设计概述及设计原则.1 1.1.1 设计题目.1 1.1.2 设计资料.1 1.1.3 设计依据.3 1.1.4 进度安排.3 1.1.5 设计成果要求.3 1.2 设计原则.4 1.2.1 污水处理厂厂址的选择.4 1.2.2 工艺流程选择的原则.4 1.2.3 污水厂的平面布置原则.5 1.2.4 污水厂的高程布置原则.6 2.设计方案的比选.7 2.1 污水水质及处理程度的计算.7 2.1.1 进水水质.



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