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1、 本科毕业论文题目:国有企业会计监督职能弱化的成因及对策学 院:管理学院专 业:会计学学 号: 学生姓名: 指导教师: 日 期:二一一年十二月f摘 要随着我国企业的不断壮大,会计监督逐渐形成以内部会计监督、政府会计监督为主要形式的监督体系.但是,现阶段企业会计监督呈现出低效率、弱化势态,监督职能弱化,会计信息失真、编制虚假报表、偷税漏税等屡见不鲜1.加强对会计工作的监督力度,保证会计工作依法有序地进行,建立健全会计监督体系是我国企业的重要任务。随着我国国有企业改革的不断深入和发展,企业的自主经营权得到了落实,但伴随着企业权力的扩大,所有者和经营者出现了利益上的冲突,企业会计监督权利不断削弱,有

2、些企业会计机构和会计人员甚至丧失了会计监督的权利,致使企业经济活动得不到有效监督,国有资本大量流失,会计信息质量滑坡,失真现象严重,企业中普遍出现了会计人“两难” 的怪现象,即“站得住的会计顶不住,顶不住的会计站得住”。对于我国而言国有企业的占有份额必须超过私有企业的市场占有份额,相对我国现在的经济制度国有企业会计监督职能就成了当今一个重要的研究对象,让我们根据现在的企业现况谈谈我们国有企业的会计监督职能所存在的问题。针对我国企业会计监督弱化的成因,提出了以下建议:加强内部审计力度,提高审计人员素质;健全企业法制体系,完善内部控制制度;重视政府监督,加强外部监督建设;强化企业文化建设,提高财会

3、人员综合素质;完善企业考核体系,实行激励约束并行机制;改进企业组织结构,实施审计委派制度.关键词 企业会计监督; 成因; 对策f AbstractAlong with our country enterprise expansion, accounting supervision and gradually formed to internal accounting supervision, the government accounting supervision as the main form of the supervision system. But, at this stage o

4、f enterprise accounting supervision and present a low efficiency, weakening trend, supervision function weakening, the accounting information distortion and preparation of the false statements, tax evasion and common occurance1。 Strengthen the supervision of accounting work, and ensure that the acco

5、unting work in an orderly manner in accordance with law, establish and perfect the accounting supervision system is an important task of our enterprise.With Chinas state-owned enterprise reform and development, enterprises got their own decisions, carry out, but with the expansion of power enterpris

6、e, owner and operator of the benefits appear conflict, the enterprise accounting supervision and rights constantly weakened, some enterprise accounting offices and accounting personnel and even lost accounting supervision to the right, and the enterprise economic activities without effective supervi

7、sion, state-owned capital loss, the quality of accounting information of the landslide, serious distortion, the enterprise is widespread in the accounting people appeared dilemma of strange phenomenon, namely stand accounting couldnt resist, couldnt resist the accounting stand.For our country state-

8、owned enterprise in the possession of the private enterprise must share more than the market share, compared with Chinas economic system now state-owned enterprise accounting supervision function became todays a important research object, let us according to the current talk about our enterprise now

9、 state-owned enterprises accounting supervision function of the existing problems.In view of Chinas enterprise accounting supervision and weakening the cause of its formation, and put forward the following Suggestions: to strengthen internal audit dynamics, improving the quality of audit personnel;

10、Perfect enterprise legal system, perfect the internal control system; Pay attention to the government supervision, strengthen external supervision and construction; Strengthen enterprise culture construction, improve the comprehensive quality of accounting personnel; Perfect enterprise evaluation sy

11、stem, the parallel mechanism of incentive and restraint; Improve enterprise organization structure, the implementation audit delegate system.Key words :Enterprise accounting supervision; Cause; Countermeasures目 录1 绪论11.1选题背景与研究意义11.1.1选题背景11.1.2 研究意义11.2国内外研究文献综述及评价11.2.1 国外文献21.2.2 国内文献21.3 文章的主要内容


13、策124.1加强内部审计力度124.2健全企业法制体系134.3重视政府监督力量144.4强化企业文化建设144.5完善企业考核体系144.6改进企业组织结构154.7加大国家监督力度,明确职责164.8加强注册会计师队伍建设,充分发挥注册会计师的经济警察作用164.9实行会计人员委派制度165.结论18参考文献19致 谢201 绪论1.1选题背景与研究意义1.1.1选题背景会计监督是会计机构、会计人员通过自身的业务活动,利用会计信息,对经济活动所进行的控制、调节和指导,是确保企业经济活动顺利进行的重要手段,是整个社会经济监督体系中的重要组成部分,会计法对实行会计监督也作出了明确规定:“会计机


15、有必要探讨一下国有企业的会计监督职能弱化的对策。1.1.2 研究意义会计监督涉及到各种利益关系,会计人员在进行会计监督的过程中,有责任也有义务以法律、法规为依据,维护国家、所在单位和社会公众等各方面的利益。会计人员对经济活动是否正确、合法的判断,必须以相关法律、法规作为依据,并做出恰当的处理。总之,会计监督是一项涉及面极其广泛的经济基础工作,只有各个方面、各个层次协同一致,才能将会计监督落到实处,才能维护社会主义市场经济秩序,确保国家和人民的利益不受侵害,促进我国经济迅速、健康地发展。1.2国内外研究文献综述及评价对会计信息提供者来说,他们只能控制内部质量成本的一部分,内部质量成本的鉴定成本,信息提供者基本不能控制,因之主要取决于企业规模大小,业务量大小,保证会计信息的符合性质量。为此,信息提供者应做好如下几项工作;首先,应严格遵守会计管理机构所规定的会计原则或制度;其次,应加强对财会人员业务技术的培训和责任心,使其树立真实、中立地反映经济业务意识;再次,要建立健全内部控制制度,使会计信息的符合性质量建立在健全的制度保



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