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1、分类号: 密级:不保密UDC: 学校代码:11065硕士专业学位论文 户外广告对城市形象影响的研究 指导教师 副教授学位类别 艺术硕士 专业领域 工业设计 答辩日期 年 月 日l摘 要城市户外广告是人们最直观接触的广告媒体形态。随着经济的高速发展与城市化进程的不断加快,与日俱增的户外广告对当代中国城市形象产生了空前而广泛的影响。户外广告为我们的城市生活的发展带来正面影响的同时,也带来了许多负面影响,由于户外广告规划的缺失与滞后,无孔不入的户外广告不仅备受世人诟病,而且也与各自为政的城市建筑、景观规划产生了愈来愈难以调和的矛盾。这不仅影响了户外广告的良性发展,而且还影响到传播城市的形象,显而易见


3、觉利益、让户外对大众的心里形成正面影响、让户外广告提升公共审美、让户外广告塑造城市坐标、户外广告必须重视环保等。本文观点一直强调户外广告的设置必须与城市形象保持整体性与协调性,使户外广告真的作为一种艺术形式来装饰城市,弥补城市建设中的不足,在城市形象的塑造中有效地发挥其应有的积极作用。关键词:户外广告;城市形象;合理规划;正面影响ABSTRACTOutdoor advertising is the important embodiment of city development. With the development of the social economy, outdoor adver

4、tising has been a part of city life. It can convey information and influence peoples way of life. Successful outdoor advertising can enrich the citizens life, can improve city services, can reflect the mental outlook of the city and is an important part of city humanism landscapes. It is the importa

5、nt part of the city imagine and the culture construction. In the image positioning of international metropolis, the development of outdoor advertising has received the widespread attention and recognition in society. The outdoor advertising of modern society has abundant intension, it is necessary f

6、or people to design and build the modern city and it is also the direct embodiment of the development of modern citys soft power.At present, our research for outdoor advertising design is still at the starting stage and has not formed a complete design system. Because of the matters of the outdoor a

7、dvertisement of our country in the design, planning and management, the outdoor advertising and city landscape lose coordination. The outdoor advertising brings a lot of negative effects to our urban development and life, which not only affects the healthy development of outdoor advertising itself,

8、but also affects the construction and spread of the citys image. Therefore the effect of the development of the city image which is affected by the outdoor advertising and the research of the outdoor advertising is of great significance. The paper studies the topic from two aspects: First, the autho

9、r investigates the current situation of urban outdoor advertising, studies outdoor advertising design, planning, management in detail from the angle of the construction and development of the city image, discusses the outdoor advertisings influence on the city image and puts forward some suggestions

10、. Second, the author puts forward reasonable outdoor advertising planning, takes some excellent outdoor advertising home abroad as an example, sums up how to make the outdoor advertising influence image of the city positively and puts forward the principles of the coordination between the outdoor ad

11、vertising and the humanities environment, the coordination between the outdoor advertising and the urban space environment and the coordination between the outdoor advertising and the urban planning The paper emphasizes that outdoor advertising should have integrity, coordination with the urban imag

12、e construction and outdoor advertising should be a form of art which can really decorated the city, make up the regret in the urban construction and play an important role in shaping city image.Key Words: outdoor advertising; city image; rational planning; advertisement design目 录引言1第1章 户外广告与城市形象概述1.

13、1 户外广告的概述1.1.1 户外广告的概念及演变1.1.2 户外广告的媒介与传播形式形式1.1.3 城市户外广告的功能1.1.4 城市户外广告的特点1.2 城市形象的内涵1.3 城市形象设计与户外广告发展的关系1.3.1 户外广告应切合城市的经济发展水平1.3.2 户外广告与城市视觉形象1.3.3 户外广告与城市文化内涵第2章 城市户外广告现状调研分析2.1中国城市户外广告发展基本情况2.2 城市户外广告存在问题分析2.2.1 城市户外广告设计的商业文化分析2.2.2 城市户外广告与城市空间环境的协调性分析2.2.3中国城市户外广告的文化特色分析2.2.4 城市户外广告规划管理现状分析2.2

14、.5 城市中与户外广告相关人员的现状分析第3章 合理规划与设置3.1 不同区域户外广告规划与设计3.1.1 户外广告设置的不同区域划分3.1.2 不同区域户外广告的设置形式及要求3.2 不同类型户外广告的设置原则3.3不同类型户外广告的设计原则3.4 城市户外广告的制作设置的质量控制3.5门面招牌的规划与设计 3.5.1门面招牌的分类 3.5.2门面招牌的规划要求 第4章 如何让户外广告对城市形象形成正面影响4.1 户外广告必须服务于视觉利益4.1.1 大众视觉利益4.1.2空间视觉利益4.1.3 环境视觉利益4.2.让户外广告对大众心里形成正面影响4.3让户外广告提升公共审美4.4让户外广告塑造城市坐标4.5户外广告必须重视环保第5章 户外广告纳入城市整体管理体系5.1 健全法律、法规建设5.2提高户外广告审批与管理效率5.3户外广告纳入城市规划5.4适当加大公益广告的投放比例5.5 加强户外广告业的行业自律,提高安全意识5.6 户外广告应加强社会社会监督结论参考文献攻读学位期间的研究成果致谢学位论文独创性声明、学位论文知识产权权属声明青岛大学硕士学位论文引言研究背景随着经济的高速发展与城市化进程的不断发展加快,城市户外广告不仅以创意科技有效的连接着生产与消费的桥梁,更以丰富多


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