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1、新世纪高等院校英语专业本科生系列教材(修订版):听力教程(第3版)3Unit 3Section One Tactics for ListeningPart 1 Spot DictationWildlifeScriptListen to the passage and fill in the blanks with what you hear.Every ten minutes, one kind of animal, plant or insect dies out for ever. If nothing is done about it, one million species that

2、are alive today will have become extinct twenty years from now.The seas are in danger. They are being filled with poison: industrial and nuclear waste, chemical fertilisers and pesticides , sewage . If nothing is done about it, one day soon nothing will be able to live in the seas.The tropical rain

3、forests, which are the home of half the earths living things are being destroyed. If nothing is done about it, they will have nearly disappeared in twenty years. The effect on the worlds climate and on our agriculture and food supplies will be disastrous.Fortunately, somebody is trying to do somethi

4、ng about it. In 1961, the World Wildlife Fund* was founded a small group of people who wanted to raise money to save animals and plants from extinction. Today, the World Wildlife Fund is a large international organization. It has raised over 35 million for conservation projects, and has created or g

5、iven support to National Parks in five continents. It has helped 30 mammals and birds including the tiger to survive.Key(Refer to the tapescript.)Part 2 Listening for GistScriptListen to the dialogue and write down the gist and the key words that help you decide.Mrs. Bates: Hello. Is that Reception?

6、Reception: Yes, madam.Mrs. Bates: This is Mrs. Bates. Room 504. I sent some clothes to the laundry this morning, two of my husbands shirts and three of my blouses. But theyre not back yet. You see, were leaving early tomorrow morning.Reception: Just a moment, madam. Ill put you through to the housek

7、eeper.Housekeeper: Hello. Housekeeper.Mrs. Bates: Oh, hello. This is . Im phoning from Room 504. Its about some clothes I sent to the laundry this morning. Theyre not back yet and you see . Housekeeper: They are, madam. Youll find them in your wardrobe. Theyre in the top drawer on the left.Mrs. Bate

8、s: Oh, I didnt look in the wardrobe. Thank you very much. Sorry to trouble you.Housekeeper: Thats quite all right. Goodbye.Mrs. Bates: Goodbye.Key1. This dialogue is about making an inquiry about the laundry .2. The key words are reception, laundry, shirts, blouses, wardrobe .Section Two Listening C

9、omprehensionPart 1 Words and MessageGender EqualityScriptA. Listen to some sentences or short paragraphs and write the main idea of each of them in one sentence. You will hear each sentence or paragraph only once.1. Clicking through the channels, you might not see many Asians reporting on the evenin

10、g news, even though theyre the fastest growing segment of the U.S. population.2.If the world closed the gender gap in workforce participation, global Gross Domestic Product would increase by 28 trillion dollars by 2025. Thats about a quarter of the worlds current GDP, and almost half of the worlds c

11、urrent debt. Studies have found that countries with less gender inequality are more secure, and peace agreements last longer when women are at the negotiating table.3.Gender equality sometimes looks like an impossible task a pursuit without an end. But we can make progress, and that progress is wort

12、h making. Little by little, discussion by discussion, step by step, we can improve the lives of women and girls, men and boys all around the world. And in doing so, we can reach our shared goals of peace, prosperity, and security.B. Listen to the short paragraph again. You will hear the paragraph tw

13、ice. For the first reading, you will hear the sentences in small sections. Write them down while listening. And for the second reading check your answers.Gender equality sometimes looks like an impossible task / a pursuit without an end. / But we can make progress, / and that progress is worth makin

14、g. / Little by little, discussion by discussion, step by step, / we can improve the lives of women and girls, / men and boys all around the world. / And in doing so, we can reach our shared goals of / peace, prosperity, and security.Now listen to the paragraph again.KeyA1.Asians are ignored by popul

15、ar media, even though theyre the fastest growing segment of the U.S. population.2.Gender equality has powerful potential to improve the economy and security.3.Gender equality sometimes looks like an impossible task, but we can make progress.B (Refer to the tapescript.)Part 2 DialogueGlobal WarmingSc

16、riptA. Listen to the dialogue and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).A:On our programme this afternoon were going to be talking about a subject that has been getting a lot of attention recently and that is global warming. For years now, some scientists have been warning us about glob


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