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1、THE COMPANIES ACT NO. 15 OF 2001 2001年公司法第15号令CONSTITUTION-公司章程OF.2ND FLOOR, BLOCK B, RUISSEAU CREOLE OFFICESLA MIVOIE, BLACK RIVERREPUBLIC OF MAURITIUSCONSTITUTIONOF.Index目录Article条文 Pages1.Interpretation解释32. Name, registered office and nature of Company 公司名称,注册办公室及公司性质 4 2.1 Name公司名称42.2 Register

2、ed office 注册登记地42.3 Nature of the Company公司性质43. Shares股本43.1Rights and qualifications of shares股权及股权证书43.2Issuance of new shares新增股权43.3Purchase or other acquisition of own shares公司股权的购买或认购53.4Share register股权登记53.5Share certificates股权证书63.6Transfer of shares股权转让63.7Transmission of shares股权流转64. Me

3、etings of members股东会74.1 Meetings and resolutions in lieu of meetings股东会及股东决议74.2 Procedure at meetings of members股东会程序75. Directors董事135.1 Appointment of directors董事的任命135.2 Remuneration of directors董事薪酬135.3 Proceedings of directors董事议事程序146.Officers官员157.Seal公司印章168.Dividends股息169. Solvency test偿

4、付能力测试1710. Winding up 公司清算17THE COMPANIES ACT NO. 15 OF 2001THE CONSTITUTION OF.根据2001年公司法制定的-公司章程1.INTERPRETATION 解释In this constitution, if not inconsistent with the subject or context, the words and expressions standing in the first column of the following table shall bear the meanings set opposi

5、te them respectively in the second column thereof. 本公司章程所及之文字和表述,主要以右栏的解释为准。ExpressionsMeanings1.1 “Act” 本法The Companies Act No. 15 of 2001 as amended from time to time 指修改后2001年公司法1.2“board”董事会The board of directors of the Company.公司的董事会1.3“constitution”章程This constitution as originally framed or a

6、s from time to time amended最初制定的章程或修改后的章程1.4“member”股东A person who holds shares in the Company.持有本公司股权的人1.5 “person”自然人、法人或非法人团体An individual, a corporation, a trust, the estate of a deceased individual, a partnership or an unincorporated association of persons. 任何个人,公司,信托,遗产管理机构,合伙人或非法人团体1.6.1“ordi

7、nary resolution” 一般决议A resolution passed if it is proposed as such and more votes are cast in favour of the resolution than are cast against it by such members as, being entitled to do so, vote in person or by proxy at a meeting of members.公司享有表决权的多数股东或股东代理人一致达成的决议1.6.2 “special resolution”特别决议 A re

8、solution passed by a majority of not less than three-fourths of such members as, being entitled so to do, vote in person or by proxy at a meeting of members convened for the purpose of voting such a resolution. 公司四分之三以上绝大多数有表决权的股东或股东代理人在股东会会议上达成的决议1.7“seal” 印章The common seal of the Company.公司的印章1.8“

9、solvency test”清偿能力的判断标准The test of companys solvency provided for in Article 9章程第9条规定的对公司偿付能力的判断标准1.9“treasury share” 公司股A share in the Company held by the Company 公司持有的本公司股权1.10written or any term of like import includes words typewritten, printed, painted, engraved, lithographed, photographed or r

10、epresented or reproduced by any mode of representing or re-producing words in a visible form, including telex, telegram, cable, facsimile or other form of writing produced by electronic communication.“书面的”或任何类似的表述,是指以打字,印刷,绘画,雕刻,平版印刷,拍摄等方式或以任何可视形式表现的文字,包括电传、电报、电缆、传真或通过电子通讯形式产生的其他书面形式。1.11Save as afo

11、resaid any words or expressions defined in the Act shall bear the same meaning in this constitution. 前款文字及书面表述根据本法的规定在本章程中有同一含义。1.12Whenever the singular or plural number, or the masculine, feminine or neuter gender is used in this constitution, it shall equally, where the context admits, include th

12、e others. 本章程中文字表述上的单复数,阳性、阴性或中性词汇,一律平等。1.13 A reference to money in this constitution is a reference to the currency of the United States of America unless otherwise stated. 本章程所及之金钱均指美国货币(美元),除非另有规定。2.NAME, REGISTERED OFFICE AND NATURE OF COMPANY公司名称、注册登记地和公司性质2.1 Name 公司名称The name of the Company

13、is .本公司名称为:-2.2 Registered office注册登记地(相当于我国公司法所指的公司住所)The registered office of the Company will be situated at 2nd Floor, Block B, Ruisseau Creole Offices, La Mivoie, Black River or such other place within the Republic of Mauritius as the members from time to time may determine.2.3Nature of the Company公司性质The Company is a private company and the liability of the members is limited by shares. Any invitation to the public to subscribe for any shares or debentures of the Company is hereby prohibited.本公司为私人公司,为有限责任公司。公司股东的责任以其出资的股权为限。公司不得向公众发出任何认购公司股权或债券的邀约。



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