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1、上海市 2019 年中考二英二模汇编:首字母填空 长宁 It is often said that when people go to a different country for the first time they experience culture shock because e_81_ is so different: the language, the food, the landscape, the social customs and lots of others! When I first set foot in the City of Leeds, England, I

2、 found myself in a c_82_ different culture from that of my own city, Guangzhou. For the first few days of my stay in Leeds I really knew about this so-called culture shock. One problem I had was with the food. Obviously Chinese people are not used to the t_83_ of British food, but mentally I was pre

3、pared for that shock. The problem I actually had was with the names of the different types of food. When I went to the university canteen it was very embarrassing: When the woman behind the counter asked me what I wanted, all I could do was to p_84_ and say I want this or I want that. Something else

4、 which was different was the countryside. When I was sitting on the bus heading from Manchester International Airport towards Leeds, I saw through the window large f_85_ of green grass on either side of the motorway. There were no crops but green grass and beautiful trees all the way. Now and then ,

5、 I could see some sheep or horses grazing(吃草) in a free way in the vast green areas. What a beautiful landscape! You probably wouldnt see such a scene in China c_86_ in Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia because we Chinese use every piece of land to grow crops. As you know, China has the largest population

6、 in the world but very I_87_ agricultural land which supports about one fifth of the worlds population. We cant afford to leave large areas of rich land unused. I have given some examples of culture o shock, but after a few days I got over this and really enjoyed my stay in England. 杨浦 I recently to

7、ok part in a very exciting five-week trip for teenagers, to volunteer at an international wildlife study centre, off the coast of a country far from where I live. The a_81_ of the center was to help protect wildlife. So the project I signed up for included attending classes about wildlife, and going

8、 on daily dives under water to collect important information for the scientists back at the centre. We were w_82_ by staff about our accommodation(食宿)before we arrived at the center. Sure enough, when we got there, we were shown to some small wooden huts where we would live. They were quite b_83_: n

9、o indoor washroom and no fridge, so our meals were all vegetarian. However, I hadnt eaten meat for years, so it was perfect for me. The day after our arrival, we started our t_84_-learning the names of all the different fish, and how to count and describe them in a way that would be useful to the sc

10、ientists. We also learnt about a very important underwater creature called coral. However, this creature is now in danger because of problems such as global warming. So a_85_ we did very little work involving the coral itself, we really felt our work in helping local sea creatures was essential. Eve

11、ry day at the study centre was amazing, but there was one in particular when I was under the water as usual, with mydiving buddy , collecting data on the fish in the area. I s_86_ looked up-and found myself face to face with two absolutely beautiful fish. My partner and I decided to spend our last f

12、ew minutes under the water with these amazing creatures. As we got nearer to the fish, they didnt seem at all w_87_ about us, and just watched us in an interesting way, before swimming off towards the coral reef. Unforgettable! 徐汇 In late January, returning home from a day in town, my husband and I

13、were greeted by a couple of birds sitting on a hanging basket in the garden. It seemed that they were planning to build a nest. The next morning, we came home to find a construction had started on the hanging basket, right front of our front door. We didnt have the heart to (81)m_ it, so the buildin

14、g went ahead, with the pair of birds flying in with building materials. They seemed to be in a hurry to finish this nest. Finally, after a week, a beautiful nest was (82)c_. It was woven(编织)with various materials, and lined with hair and wool. The next day an egg appeared in their nest, followed by

15、(83)a_ two during the week. Two weeks went by quickly and three baby chicks were hatched(孵出). The tireless task began for the parents to find (84)f_ to bring back to their babies. In and out both of them would fly during the day to feed their family. It was amazing how (85)q_ the babies were growing

16、. One night I approached the nest quietly and took a look into their nest. How lovely to see three little heads and bodies lying orderly side-by- side. They were having a sound sleep with their hearts beating-their little bodies rising and (86)f_ with each breath. So beautiful, I would have liked to put a kiss on each tiny head but dared not. They were so peacefu



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