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1、英语课件,外研版 高二年级 (必修5) Module 4 抚远一中 英语组,Reading,Can you describe one of the Chinese festivals?,Spring Festival January 1,Christmas Day December 25,reindeer 驯鹿,sleigh雪橇,Santa Claus 圣诞老人,How much do you know about the following western festivals?,Christmas,Thanksgiving Day,the last Thursday of November

2、This is when Americans remember the hard times when they first arrived in the country.,turkey 火鸡,pumpkin pie 南瓜饼,Do you know anything about Thanksgiving Day? Where is it celebrated? When? And why?,Holi (撒红节),This is a festival of color, which marks the beginning of spring in India.,Halloween,This fe

3、stival is at the end of October, when “ghosts” come out.,Halloween October 31,Easter,This is a Christian holiday in March or April when Christians remember the death of Christ and his return to life.,Easter Bunny,Easter eggs,around March 22-April 25,Reading and vocabulary,1. hide 隐藏, 掩盖 She tried to

4、 hide her feelings. 她设法掩藏她的感情。 She hid herself behind the curtain. 她躲在窗帘后面。,The Use of the Words in the Text,2. extend 延伸 They extended the subway to the suburbs. 他们把地铁延伸到郊区。 This road extends to the port. 这条道路一直延伸到港口。,3. pretend 假装 He didnt want to go to school, so he pretended illness. He pretende

5、d to be dead when he met a bear. He pretended that he was working hard.,4. come to an end 完结 The meeting came to an end at midnight. 那次会议进行到深夜才结束。 I wonder how I can bring their dispute to an end. 我不知道如何才能使他们停止纷争。,They should put an end to that ridiculous war. 他们应该中止那场荒谬的战争。 come to and end bring to

6、 an end put an end to,5. dress up 打扮, 装扮 We dressed up for wedding. 我们为婚礼而盛装打扮。 The children dressed (themselves) up as pirates. 孩子们打扮成海盗。 be dressed in 穿着 She was dressed in white. 她穿着一身白衣服。,6. book 预订(房间、座位、票等) Did you book a seat on the plane? 你订好飞机座位了吗? Youd better book early for the play.那场戏你最好

7、早订票。 (在警察局)登记备案 He was booked for speeding. 他因超速驾驶而留下了违规记录。,7. wander 漫步, 闲逛 He was wandering about in the street. 他在大街上徘徊。 I spent the vacation wandering through France. 我的假期是在法国漫游中度过。,8. revive 复活, 再流行 He will revive in the fresh air. 吸一吸新鲜空气, 他就会苏醒过来。 Water will revive those roses. 水会使那些玫瑰花起死回生。,

8、1. If you dress up, you put on_. A. special clothes B. lots of clothes 2. If you extend something, you make it _. A. longer B. shorter,Chose the correct meanings of the words and phrases.,3. If you pretend to do something, you _. A. try to do it B. behave as if you were doing it, 4. When a crime is

9、unpunished, the criminal _. A. has been caught B. hasnt been caught,5. Firearms are _. A. guns B. fireworks 6. If something is banned, you are _ to do it. A. allowed B. not allowed,7. If you revive something, you _. A. kill it B. bring it back to life 8. If you are wandering, you are _ in a particul

10、ar direction. A. going B. not going,1. Can you say something about western festivals? 2. Where does carnival originate from? 3. How are they celebrated?,Discussion,Listen to the tape and finish the following exercises.,Whenever you think of carnival, you may think of _, _ and _. The sights may diffe

11、r in different countries, but the _ is the same everywhere.,What is your general impression of carnival?,Paragraph 1,crowds,costumes,confusion,excitement,1. What does carnival mean? Carnival means “no more meat.” 2. What people do at carnival? At carnival, people have fun, eating, drinking and dress

12、ing up.,Paragraph 2,Where does the writer say we can see the most famous carnival? Venice.,Paragraph 3,What was the law about wearing masks? Men were not allowed to wear masks at night nor were they allowed to dress up as women. Later people who wear masks could not carry firearms or enter a church

13、with a mask.,Paragraph 4,When and how was the tradition of celebrating carnival revived? In the late 1970s, the tradition was revived by the students.,Paragraph 5,1. How is carnival celebrated in Venice today? Carnival is celebrated in Venice for five days. People arrive from all parts of the Europe

14、.,Paragraph 6,2. What is the feature of the Carnival in Venice? The spirit of Venice carnival is the mystery of the mask.,Read the text carefully and fill in the blanks with the information in the text.,after Christmas,walked round,women,enter a church,memory,organizing parties,five days in February

15、,the fun,Read the text again and fill in the blanks.,At the beginning of the carnival in Venice, ordinary people wearing masks could pretend to be 1. _, while famous people could have romantic adventures 2. _. When the government realised that wearing masks had become a problem, they used laws to limit it until in 3. _.,rich and important,in secret,the late 1970s,Today, when you wander through the streets, you can see thousands of masks 4. _ or frightening, sad or 5. _, tra


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