My Uncle Theo 原文及翻译

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《My Uncle Theo 原文及翻译》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《My Uncle Theo 原文及翻译(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、My Uncle Theo is a man with real brains. He is a tall, thin, grey-haired man whose thoughts are always on learning and nothing else. He is quiet, gentle and absent-minded and with about as much sense as a child where money is concerned. Well, he applied for a post in Camford University. It was a ver

2、y good post and there were hundreds of candidates who applied for it, and about fifteen, including Theo, were asked to go to be interviewed. Camford is a very small town with only one hotel in it. It was so full that they had to put many of the candidates two in a room. Theo was one of these, and th

3、e man who shared the room with him was a clever and self-confident fellow called Adams, about twenty years younger than Theo, with a loud voice, and a laugh that you could hear all over the hotel. Well, the Dean, thats the head of the department of the University, and the committee interviewed all t

4、he candidates; and, as a result of this interview, the number was reduced to two, Uncle Theo and Adam. The committee decided to make their final choice after each candidate had given a public lecture in the college lecture-hall. The subject they had to speak on was “The Civilization of the Ancient S

5、umerians”; and the lecture had to be given in three days 3 Well, for three days Uncle Theo never left his room. He worked day and night at that lecture, writing it out and memorizing it, almost without eating or sleeping. Adams didnt seem to do any preparation at all. You could hear his voice in the

6、 bar where he had a crowd of people round him. He came to his room late at night, asked Uncle Theo how he was getting on with his lecture, and then told him how he had spent the evening playing bridge, or at the music-hall. He ate like a horse and slept like a log; and Uncle Theo sat up working at h

7、is lecture. The day of the lecture arrived. They all went into the lecture-room and Theo and Adams took their seats on the platform. And then, Theo discovered, to his horror, that the typewritten copy of his speech had disappeared! The Dean said they would call on the candidates in alphabetical orde

8、r, Adams first; and, with despair in his heart,Theo watched Adams calmly take the stolen speech out of his pocket and read it to the professors who were gathered to hear it. And how well he read it! Even Theo had to admit that he couldnt have read it nearly so eloquently himself, and when Adams fini

9、shed there was a great burst of applause. Adams bowed and smiled, and sat down. Now it was Theos turn. But what could he do? He had put everything he knew into that lecture. His mind was too much upset to put the same thoughts in another way. With a burning face he could only repeat, word for word,

10、in a low dull voice, the lecture that Adams had spoken so eloquently. There was hardly any applause when he sat down. The Dean and the committee went out to decide who the successful candidate was, but everyone was sure what their decision would be. Adams leaned across to Theo and patted him on the

11、back and said, smilingly, “Hard luck, old fellow, but, after all, only one of us could win.” Then the Dean and the committee came back, “Gentlemen,” the Dean said, “the candidate we have chosen is Mr. Hobdell.” Uncle Theo had won! The audience were completely taken by surprise, and the Dean continue

12、d, “I think I ought to tell you how we arrived at that decision. We were all filled with admiration at the eloquence of Mr. Adams. But I didnt think he had it in him. You will remember, Mr. Adams read his lecture to us. When Mr. Hobdells turn came, he repeated that speech, word by word from memory,

13、though, of course, he couldnt have seen a line of it before. Now a fine memory is absolutely necessary for this post; and what a memory Mr. Hobdell must have! That is why we decided that Mr. Hobdell was exactly the man we wanted.” As they walked out of the room, the Dean came up to Uncle Theo and sa

14、id, “Congratulations, Mr. Hobdell! But, my dear fellow, when you are on our staff, you must be more careful and not leave valuable papers lying about!” 我叔叔西奥是一个真正的大脑。他是一个高大的男人,瘦,头发灰白的男子的想法总是在学习。他是安静,温柔,心不在焉的和小时候一样在金钱方面,他申请了一个职位在Camford大学。这是一个很好的帖子,有数百名候选人申请,大约十五,包括西奥,被要求去接受采访。Camford是一个非常小的小镇只有一个酒店,





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