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1、第一部分夯实基础过教材 八年级 上 Units1 2 Stillnooneseemedtobebored 然而似乎没人感到厌烦 Unit1P3 考点1 考点精讲 seem的用法 教材例句讲考点 考点冲关 1 Everyoneseems differentopinionsaboutthismatter have 2 It thatatyphooniscoming 似乎 3 Thefutureseems forpoorMike becausehecangotoschoolagain A hopeB tohopeC hopefulD hopeless seems tohave C Itwassunn

2、yandhot sowedecidedtogotothebeachnearourhotel 天很晴朗也很热 于是我们决定去离我们宾馆很近的海滩 Unit1P5 考点精讲 decide的用法 省卷 2016 34 考点2 考点冲关 4 Theyhavedecidedon afewtreesonthehill plant 5 Inordertokeephealthy hedecides someexerciseafterschool take 6 Wearenotkidsanymore andwehavetheabilityto 做决定 planting totake makeadecision

3、7 Peterandhisfriendshaven tdecidedwhere aparty Maybeattheirhome 举行 8 Tomaketheirschoolmorebeautiful thechildrendecided theirplaygroundthisFridayafternoon A cleanB cleanedC cleaningD toclean D tohold MysisterandItriedparagliding 我和姐姐 妹妹 尝试了滑翔伞运动 Unit1P5 考点精讲 try的用法 省卷 2014 68 考点3 考点冲关 9 Iwilltrymybes

4、t theteachingquality thenewteachersaidinthespeech improve 10 Wetried thedifficultproblembyourselves Andwesucceededfinally solve 11 Evenifyouarebusy youshould todoeverythingwell 尽你们最大的努力 toimprove tosolve tryyourbest 12 MaybeIcanmakethemachinework Pleaseletme 试一试 13 Whenyoufeelstressedortirednexttime

5、 try someexerciseyouenjoy A doneB doC todoingD doing haveatry D Andbecauseofthebadweather wecouldn tseeanythingbelow 而且因为糟糕的天气 底下的任何东西我们都看不到 Unit1P5 考点精讲 辨析becauseof与because 考点4 考点冲关 14 Heisabsentfromthemeetingtoday hehasbeenseriouslyillfortwodays A thoughB becauseC unlessD becauseof B 15 Tomhasmade

6、muchprogressinmath hishardwork Ithinkhesetsagoodexampleforus A aswellasB becauseC insteadofD becauseof D Myfatherdidn tbringenoughmoney soweonlyhadonebowlofriceandsomefish 我爸爸没带够钱 因此我们只吃了一碗米饭和一些鱼肉 Unit1P5 考点精讲 enough的用法 考点5 常用句型为be adj enoughtodosth 足够 做某事 如 Thishouseisbigenoughtoholdaparty 这个房子足够大可

7、以举办一场聚会 考点冲关 16 Thereare inthefridgeandwedon tneedtogoshopping 足够的食物 17 Howdoyoulikethetalkshow Ithinkit s butsomepeoplethinkit ssoboring A wonderfullyenoughB enoughwonderfulC wonderfulenoughD enoughwonderfully C enoughfood 18 Mybrotherisbraveenough theproblembyhimself A tosolveB solvingC solvedD be

8、solved A HehardlyeverwatchesTV 他几乎不看电视 Unit2P11 考点精讲 辨析常见频度副词 hardly always never sometimes often与usually 省卷 2017 40 2014 45 曲靖 2017 33 2014 57 昆明 2015 44 频度副词一般用于实义动词之前 be动词 助动词或情态动词之后 考点6 让我们用百分比来表示频度副词的频率大小 考点冲关 19 Milliedancesverywell Whereisshetrained Shelearnsallbyherself She goestoanytraining

9、class A usuallyB oftenC neverD ever20 Englishpeople use Mr beforeaman sfamilyname A sometimesB usuallyC neverD hardly C B tishealthyforthemindandthebody 它对身心而言是很健康的 Unit2P13 考点精讲 mind的用法 省卷 2014 74 用作动词 意为 介意 反对 常用于疑问句和否定句中 后接名词 代词 动名词或从句等 常见的句式有 Would Doyouminddoingsth 省卷 2014 74 意为 劳驾 好吗 或 你介意做某事吗

10、 常用来表示委婉 客气的请求 考点7 用作名词 意为 思想 想法 头脑 智力 常见短语有 changeone smind改变某人的主意makeupone smindtodo某人下定决心做 keep inmind牢记 考点冲关 21 Nothingwillmakeme Iwillsticktomydream 改变主意 22 Hecan t Heisnotsurewhetherhecangoondoingthisjob 下定决心 23 Wouldyoumind meahand Ofcoursenot A giveB givingC togiveD gave changemymind B makeu

11、phismind 24 Wouldyoumindnot anynoise Aliceissleeping Sorry Ithoughtshewasawake A makeB makingC makesD made B 基础写作训练 连词成句1 a music plan I to during instrument the kind holiday of learn 2 are about folk this traditional there stories many festival Iplantolearnakindofmusicinstrummentduringtheholiday Th

12、erearemanytraditionalfolkstoriesaboutthisfestival 高频话题作文指南 话题3假期 3 the I take in activity during summer two week part a experience will holiday 4 usually go weekends a together my with picnic friends I for at 5 happy I rich and short holiday a have in Iusuallygoforapicnicwithmyfriendstogetheratweeke

13、nds Inshort Ihaveahappyandrichhoiday Duringthesummerholiday Iwilltakepartinatwo weekexperienceactivity 汉译英1 这个周末我想去看望我的祖父母 2 他和他的家人每年都一起庆祝新年 3 在中国 春节期间给孩子红包是一种习俗 HecelebratestheNewYearwithhisfamilyeveryyear InChina itisacustomtogivekidsluckymoneyduringtheSpringFestival Iwanttovisitmygrandparentsthis

14、weekend 4 这个周末我想要爬山 这样我就可以亲近自然了 5 很多人都喜欢在国庆节去度假 ThisweekendIwanttoclimbthemountain sothatIcangetclosetonature ManypeopleliketotakeavacationonNationalDay 句子改错1 ChinesepeoplehavebeencelebratetheMid AutumnFestivalandenjoyingmooncakesforcenturies 2 NowmoreandmoreforeignersareinterestinChineseculture 3 I

15、usetowatchTVorplaysportsonweekends celebrate改为celebrating interest改为interested use改为used 4 Iwilltellhimthenewsassoonashecomebackfromvacation 5 WelivedonabighotelwhenwetraveledinGuangzhou come改为comes on改为in 能力提升 命题探索 云南三套卷近5年中考书面表达跟假期相关的话题只考查过1次 2015年昆明B Awonderful 可以用awonderfulvacation补全题目 描述精彩的假期 主

16、要介绍假期的活动安排与计划 假期发生的事情等 开头句 1 Summervacationiscoming Iplantodomorereading 2 I msureyouwillenjoyyourselfhere 3 I mgoingtostayathomeandrelaxmyself 4 I lltravelwithmyfamilyorfriendstoenjoythebeautifulsceneryofnature 5 Iwanttowatchafootballgamethisweekend 6 Ihaven tmadeupmymindwhethertogoskatingornot 好句积累 中间句 1 Therearemanykindsofactivitiesforustotakepartin 2 Wehavemadealistofallthethingswewishtodo 3 Iamgoingtotraveltoplacesofinterestwhichcanopenupmyeyes 4 Also Besides IamgoingtoasummercampinJulywher



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