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1、第一部分教材知识研究七年级 上 Units1 4 含Starter 考点一 辨析family home house与room 2013省卷74题 练讲重难点 Kateownsthesmallest 房间 inthebighouse 2 Iamgoingtoholda 家庭聚会 nextweekend 3 Lindaboughta 大房子 forherparentsinHainan room familyparty bighouse 考点抢测 4 Tom s isbetweenthesupermarketandthebookstore It sveryconvenientforhimtobuyb

2、ooksandthegoodsheneeds A houseB familyC homeD room5 SallyconsidersYulinashersecond becauseshehaslivedherefor13years A familyB houseC homeD room C A 满分点拨 familymember家庭成员 2013省卷74题 familyparty家庭聚会gohome回家warmhome温暖的家bighouse大房子beautifulhouse漂亮的房子cleanroom干净的房间brightroom明亮的房间 What Howabout 句型 2013省卷37

3、题 考点二 考点二 6 Wehaveworkedforthreehours Whatabout tothemusicforawhile listen 7 Whatabout basketballwithme Thatsoundsgreat A toplayB playC playingD played8 I dlikeacupoftea Acupofjuice A HowareyouB WhatareyouC WhataboutyouD Whereareyou C C listening 考点抢测 9 HowaboutvisitingourteachersonTeachers Day A Go

4、odideaB NowayC HaveagoodtimeD Nevermind10 Whataboutgoingshoppingtomorrowafternoon Ihavetogohometodosomecleaning A GoodjobB That sallrightC SoundsgreatD I mafraidnot A D 11 Ilikedrawingpicturesinmysparetime Whatabout Ilikeplayingtheviolin whichmakesmerelaxed A yourselfB yoursC youD your12 You dbetter

5、 yourfriendsforhelpwhenyouareintrouble A askB askingC toaskD asked C C What Howabout 意为 怎么样 好吗 一般表示征求对方的看法或意见 此处about为介词 后跟名词 代词或动名词 如 Whataboutacupofcoffee 一杯咖啡怎么样 Howaboutyours yourbike 你的 自行车 怎么样 Howaboutplayingfootballafterschool 放学后踢足球 好吗 满分点拨 向对方提出建议或请求 语气很委婉 相当于句型Wouldyoulike 常用的肯定答语 OK Allri

6、ght Goodidea 2013省卷37题 Ithinkso 等 否定答语 Sorry I I mafraidnot 等 如 Whataboutgoingfishingtomorrow 明天去钓鱼怎么样 Goodidea 好主意 拓 展 拓 展 Thankyoufor Thanksfor 的用法 2014曲靖76题 考点三 Thankyoufor mewithmystudy andnowIcanmakerightsentencesinEnglish help 14 Thankyouforyourhelpandsupport A Don tsayitB GoodideaC Mypleasure

7、D No thanks15 Thankyou youradviceandencouragement Ihavefoundtherightlearningmethodandmadegreatprogress A forB byC atD in helping A A 考点抢测 Thankyoufor相当于Thanksfor for为介词 后接名词或动名词 2014曲靖76题 后面跟感谢的原因 意为 因 而感谢你 如 Thankyouforhelpingmesomuch 谢谢你这样帮我 Thanksforcarryingtheheavyboxforme 谢谢你帮我搬那个重箱子 答语有 Youare

8、welcome Notatall That sallright Mypleasure It smypleasure 如 Thankyoufor ThanksforgivingmeahandwhenIwasintrouble 感谢你在我困难时帮助我 Notatall 不用谢 满分点拨 help的用法 考点四 16 myfriendJane Iworkedoutthemathproblemsuccessfully 在 的帮助下 17 Askyourteacher ifyouhaveanydifficulty 寻求帮助 18 Dearfriends pleasehelpyourselves thed

9、eliciousdishes A toB inC onD at Withthehelpof forhelp A 考点抢测 19 Myfatherhelpsme thepianoonweekends A onB forC withD to20 Icouldn thelp whenIsawthefunnypictures A laughB LaughingC tolaughD laughed C B 满分点拨 如 Withthehelpofmyfriends Ifinishedthetasksuccessfully 在我朋友的帮助下 我成功地完成了任务 ask的用法 考点五 21 Mr Wilson canI yousomequestions yourspeech 询问 22 Theteachersaskedus footballonthestreet play ask nottoplay about 考点抢测 23 WhenImeetdifficulties Ioftenaskmygoodfriends help A withB toC forD at24 Myparentsaskme homebefore9p m Otherwise theywon tletmegooutaloneanymore go C togo 满分点拨


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