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1、Module1-introduction 课题必修2 Module 1 Our body and healthy habitsIntroduction课型新授课三维目标1. Knowledge and skillsToarouseSs interestedinlearningaboutthegoodhealthyhabits.How to express healthy lifestyle.2.Process and methodsReading:To train the students expressionabilityExplanation:To help the students ma

2、ster the language pointDiscussion: To help the students summarize the grammatical rules3.Emotion and valuesTo know how to keep healthy.重难点1.Teaching key points: How to express healthy lifestyle2.Teaching difficult points: words and expression教法学法Task-based teaching method 教学用具PPT、video、picture.教学过程备

3、注Step 1 :lead-in1.sing a song to lead in.2.Ask Ss the following questions: Have you ever got such illness like the flu and the toothache? How do you feel when you get these illnesses? How do you get rid of them?3.Discuss which is healthy and which is unhealthy.Have a debate.4.Then I will show some p

4、ictures about health to the students.Let the Ss discuss them and find why they are different.3.giving the words in box.using body language to show the meaning. Dentist diet fat fit flu get/catch a cold heath rare toothache unhealthy wealthyStep 2 :Pair work1. Divide the following words into two grou

5、ps about being healthy or unhealthy(ill)fat strong weak cold toothache flu catch a cod have a temprature junk food vegetables fish sweets anxious fever pain sugur do sports2. Ask Ss to go through the sentences in Activity 2 on P1, and tick witch is true for you . Then talk about themselves to each o

6、ther. For example: I take at least two hours exercise a week, but I sometimes get colds and flu. 3. What about your health?A discussion on your health condition(1)Do you sometimes get colds and flu?(2)Do you eat fruit and vegetables every d(3)Do you eat fish once a week ?(4) Do you eat much fat, for

7、 example,fatty meat?(5)Do you eat a lot of sweet things?(6)Do you often take exercise ?Step3:Mini-writing and speaking.How to make ourselves healthier ?Step4:proverbs 1.Ask Ss to read the four proverbs together; Then discuss what the proverbs mean either in English or in Chinese. (1) You are what yo

8、u eat. 人如其食 Your body and even mental state is affected by the type of food you eat. (2) A healthy mind is in a healthy body. 健康的思想寓于健康的身体之中 If you are clear about eating healthily and follow a sensible diet, you are likely to be clear thinking in other areas of life. (3) Early to bed, early to rise

9、 makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. 早睡早起的人享有健康、财富和智慧 Sleeping late or sleeping in the morning are not good for the body, the mind or for business. (4) An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 每天吃苹果,不必上诊所 It is important to eat fresh fruit and vegetables everyday in order to stay healthy. 2.Can you

10、think of any Chinese proverbs connected with health?translate it.(1)饭后走一走,活到99 Walk one after dinner and live to 99(2)苦口良药 A good medicine tastes bitterStep5:Golden eggsTo help children review todays Knowledge.i hope they can have a good understanding of todays lesson by this game.Step6:Summary and exerciseAsk somebody to share summary.Give some exercises to review.板书设计On the left,i will show two groups(healthy and unhealthy) On the right,i will show some proverbs.学后记3 / 3


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