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1、Section 1 Making Friends一结识朋友1.Hi, my name is Bill. 你好,我叫比尔2.Hi, Im Mary. 你好,我是玛丽3.Nice to meet you, Mary. 玛丽,见到你很高兴4.Likewise. 我也是5.Where are you from? 你从那里来?6.Im from the USA, and you? 我来自美国,你呢?7.Oh, Im from Finland. 我来自芬兰。8.Finland? Where is that? 芬兰,在哪儿呢?9.Its in northern Europe. 它在欧洲北部。10.Oh, I

2、 didnt know. 噢,我还不知道呢。11.And where in the America are you from? 那,你来自美国的什么地方?12.Im from Texas. Thats in the south. 我来自德克萨斯洲。13.Yes, Ive heard of it. 嗯,我听说过它。14.Have you really? 真的吗?15.Sure, its quite famous. 当然了,它还挺出名的。Section 2 Around Town二周边介绍1.Do you know this town well? 你对这个城镇很了解吗?2.Sure, I have

3、 been here many times. 当然了,我到这里很多次了。3.How many libraries are there here? 这里有几座图书馆呢?4.There are three. 有三座。5.Three, thats a lot for a small town. 三座!对一个小镇来说,这相当多了。6.Well, one belongs to the town. 没错,一座归镇里所有。7.And the other two? 那另外两座呢?8.They belong to the university. 它们属大学所有。9.Can anyone use them? 任何

4、人都能使用它们吗?10.No. Only students can use the university libraries. 不是的。只有学生们才能使用大学图书馆。11.But can anyone use the town library? 人人都使用镇里的图书馆吗?12.Of course. I have been going there for years. 那当然了,几年来我一起都到那里去。13.But really you should join the library.不过你得先加入图书馆。14.How do I do that? 我该怎么做呢?15.You gave them

5、your name and address, and they gave you a ticket. 你报上姓名和住址,他们就会给你一张证。16.Good. That sounds easy. 嗯,听起来挺容易的。Section 3 Sir, Madam, Mr., Mrs., Miss and Ms.三阁下、女士、先生、太太、小姐1.In western countries, many titles are used. 西方,人们常用的称谓有很多。2.Men are usually called Mister. 男士们通常被称作先生。3.Women can have different ti

6、tles. 女士们则可以有不同的称谓。4.A woman can choose her title. 女士可以选择自己的称谓。5.If she is married, she can call herself Mrs. or Ms. 一个已婚的女士,可以自称为“太太”或“女士”。6.If a woman is unmarried, she can call herself Miss or Ms. 一个未婚的女士,可以自称为“小姐”或“女士”。7.So when do we use Sir or Madam? 那么什么时候可以使用“阁下”或“夫人”这样的称谓。8.They are often u

7、sed in formal letters. 它们常用于正式的信函中。9.Sometimes we hear people call others Sir or Madam. 有时,我们会听见人们称呼他人为“SIR”(先生)或“MADAM”(女士)。10.Yes. They are formal terms and very polite. 没错,它们是非常正规和有礼貌的称呼。11.So how do we know when to use them? 那么,我们如何知道什么时候使用它们呢?12.Well, if you dont know people, you can use those

8、terms. 这么说吧,如果你对对方不是很了解,你可以使用那些称谓。13.It is considered too polite. 这样做太多礼了。14.Some people would think so, but dont worry about it. 有些人也许会这么想,但不必为此太操心。15.Most people dont mind if you guess. 如果你猜测的话,大多数人是不会介意的。Section 4 Going Places四外出1.Travel can be very exciting. 旅游非常有趣。2.Many people like to travel.

9、很多人喜欢旅游。3.People think travel is expensive. 人们觉得旅游挺花钱的。4.This need not be so. 事实未必如此。5.We can travel by many ways. 旅游的方式多种多样。6.Walking is a form of travel. 走路是一种旅游方式。7.It can be very interesting. 它可以是非常有趣的。8.Walking enables us to see many things in detail. 走路让我们能够仔细地观察很多事物。9.We can travel by plane,

10、bus, train or car. 我们非唯心乘飞机、乘公共汽车、乘火车、乘汽车旅游。10.When we travel that way, we get to places quickly. 如果我们用上述的方式旅游,我们可以较快地到达目的地。11.However, we dont see things so deeply. 然而,这样做我们不能很仔细地观看事物。12.A bicycle is a quicker way to travel than walking. 骑车旅游比走路快一些。13.By bicycle, we can still see things in detail.

11、骑车时我们仍然可以较详细地观看许多事物。14.We can stop easier and examine what we find interesting. 我们可以很方便地停下来,看一看我们感兴趣的东西。15.But all types of travel are interesting. 但是所有的旅游方式都是有趣的。Section 5 In the Home五在家里1.There are many kinds of rooms in a house. 一座房子里有很多种房间。2.The bedroom is where we sleep. 卧室是我们睡觉的地方。3.In the kit

12、chen we cook our meals. 我们在厨房里烧菜和做饭。4.In the dining room, we eat the food we have cooked. 我们在餐厅里就餐。5.Lounges are used for relaxing. 客厅是休闲的场所。6.Some houses have a study. 有些房子里有一个书房。7.The study is like an office at home. 书房就像是设在家里的办公室。8.The bathroom is where we wash. 盥洗室是洗刷的地方。9.Some bathrooms have a

13、bath. 有些浴室里有澡盆。10.Other bathrooms have a shower. 其它浴室里有冲凉设备。11.Most bathrooms have a toilet. 大多数浴室里有马桶。12.Some houses have more than one bathroom. 有些房子里的卫生间不只一间。13.Several bedrooms can make a part of a house. 几间卧室组成了房间的一个部分。14.A house can also have a garden. 房子里也可以有花园。15.A garden may have a small ho

14、use called a shed. 花园里可能有亭子之类的小房子。Section 6 Cities, Towns and Villages六城市、城镇、乡村1.A city is really just a large town. 城市其实是一座大城镇。2.A town is just a large village. 城镇只是一个大乡村。3.A small village without any shops is called a hamlet. 没有任何商店的乡村被称为小村子。4.A hamlet may have only a few houses. 一个村子里也许只有几座房子。5.A

15、 village will contain a few shops and several houses. 一个乡村会有几家店铺和几座房子。6.Cities have lots and lots of people. 城市里有很多很多人。7.Towns have fewer people. 城镇的人比较少。8.Villages and hamlets have even fewer people. 乡村里的人更少。9.In England, every city has a cathedral. 在英国,每个城市都有一座大教堂。10.A cathedral is a large church. 大教堂是一座大的教堂。11.Some European countries also have cathedrals. 一些欧洲国家也



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