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1、技术服务合同甲 方: 乙 方: 签订日期: 年月日项目名称:project n ame签订时间:Sig ning time :签订地点:Signing locati on委托方(甲方)con sig nor :电话:Tel :通讯地址:Adress :传真:Fax:受托方(乙方)Con sig nee:通讯地址:Adress :电话:Tel:本合同甲方委托乙方就 项目进行专项技术服务,并支付相应的技术服务报酬。双方经过平等协商,在真实、充分地表达各自意愿的基础上,根据中华人民共和国合同法的规定,达成如下协议,并由双方共同恪守。Jin gQi bio-nano tech no logy .Tec

2、h ni cal service rem un erati on. Two parts agree as follows accordi ng to theprovisi onsof the con tract law of the Peoples Republic of Chi na , on the basisof fully express their will.第一条甲方委托乙方进行技术服务的内容如下The content of the tech ni cal service技术服务的内容:Content:乙方应按下列要求完成技术服务工作complete tech ni cal ser

3、vices as required1. 技术服务地点:Locati on of tech ni cal service:2. 技术服务期限:个月Tech ni cal service period :第二条为保证乙方有效进行技术服务工作,甲方应当向乙方提供下列工作条件和协作事项JINGQI should offer some working conditions to assure RUcould complete thejob perfectly1. 提供技术资料;Provide tech ni cal in formati on2. 提供工作条件;Provide work con diti

4、 on第三条 甲方向乙方支付技术服务报酬及支付方式为The way that Jin gQi bio-nano tech no logy ., LTD pay for tech ni cal services toRU1.技术术服务费由甲方(一次或分期)支付乙方。Jin gQi bio-nano tech no logy pay for it in a timea)支付乙方$美元用于启动项目Inno vform will receive $to in itiate the projectb)进入临床研究,支付乙方$upon first dos ing of each of the produc

5、ts in a cli ni cal trialc)新药获得CFDA批件,支付乙方$upon in sura nee of the new drug certificate from chi na food anddrug乙方开户银行名称、地址和账号为:Bank n ame, Bank Address and acco unt:开户银行Bank name:Wachovia Bank , NA地址Bank Address :帐号: account :第四条本合同一式份,具有同等法律效力This con tract is incopies ,which own equal force of law.第五条 本合同经双方签字盖章后生效This contract shall become effective upon the signature and seal of both parties甲方:consignor :签名( Signature )姓名:Name:职务:Title :日期:Date:乙方:Consignee:签名( Signature )姓名:Name :日期:Date:


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