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1、授课教师:_ 201_年_月_日星期_蜀河初中 年级 学科 课题:Unit 8 It must belong to Carla. 教学设计 教学目标1.学生能识记以下词汇:whose,truck,picnic, rabbit,attend,valuable,pink,anybody。2.学生能初步掌握用情态动词推测物品归属的句型:Whose volleyball is this?It must/might/could/cant be Carlas.It must/might/could/cant belong to Carla.备注2. 情感态度价值观目标:学生能根据已有线索推测事情真相,提高

2、学生的观察判断能力。重难点1. 教学重点:掌握用情态动词must,might,could和cant来推测物品的归属。2. 教学难点:情态动词表示推测的可能性的大小。教学方法任务型教学法,听说法课时SectionA 1a-2d教学准备PPT 收音机教学过程第一课时创设情境目标领航. Lead in 1. Prepare a pink pencil-case. Put it under a students desk before class.2. After class begins, pick it up and ask students: “I found a pencil-case on

3、the floor. Whose pencil-case is it? Is it a boys or a girls?”3. Guide students to answer: “It must be a girls pencil-case because its pink.”4. Ask which girl it might belong to. Guide students to answer: “It must/might/could/cant be sb.s. Or It must/might/could/cant belong to” (环节说明:设置具体语境:老师无意中在地板上

4、发现一个粉色铅笔盒,询问它是谁的,引导学生用情态动词来推测物品的归属。这场景是我们日常生活中经常遇到的,能让学生结合日常生活经验用情态动词来推测物品的归属。为引入新课做热身,也为后续活动做好准备。) 问题诱导自学展示. Work on 1aTalk about the things in 1b and then put them in the correct columns in the chart of 1a.(环节说明:到目前为止,学生已经学习了很多物品的名称却也遗忘了很多。本环节对学过的某些物品进行,为接下来谈论物品的归属作好铺垫。). Listen to 1bBefore listen

5、ing1. Ask students to read the instructions and then guess what the conversation might be about.2. Ask students to guess the owner of each thing and the reason.3. Ask students to read the words and sentences in the chart to get some useful information before listening.(环节说明:通过浏览表格中的信息,并进行大胆的预测,能为后边的

6、听力做准备,同时又能形成信息期待。)While listening1. Ask students to listen and match the information.2. Listen again and check the answers. (Students must use complete sentences to say out the answers, e. g. The toy truck must belong to Janes little brother because he was the only little kid at the picnic.)3. Liste

7、n and repeat for pronunciation and intonation. (环节说明:通过听的方式输入本课功能句型。在听的过程中先听后读,培养学生学习英语的良好习惯。). Listening 2a,2b1. Before listening to 2a, the teacher asks students: “What do you usually have in your schoolbags?” and let students list as many things as possible.2. The teacher says: “Last weekend, Bob

8、 and Anna found a schoolbag at the park. What are in the schoolbag?”3. Play the tape and write down the things in the schoolbag.4. Check the answers and then the teacher asks: “There are three things in the schoolbag. Whose schoolbag is it?”5. Listen again. Fill in the blanks of 2b.6. Check the answ

9、ers.7. Listen and repeat. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.8. Work in groups of four. Discuss about the differences the modal verbs in this listening and how to use them to make inferences.(环节说明:在每次听之前都设置具体的任务,这样能让学生在听的时候有的放矢。还可以让学生在具体的语境中去感知和总结情态动词在表示推测时可能性的大小。)合作探究反馈交流. 1c Pair wo

10、rk 1. Ask students to practice the conversation, in pairs. The teacher moves around the classroom when the students are practicing. Give them some help if needed.2. Role-play the conversations. When talking about the owners of the things, they may use two ways: It must be /It must belong to3. Ask se

11、veral pairs to act out their conversations.(环节说明:引导学生运用合作学习法进行语言实践;鼓励学生大胆开口,养成“学了就说”的良好习惯。让学生在语境中模仿感知所学语言,培养学生运用目标语言进行交际的能力。)2c Pair work 1. Work in pairs. Make conversations using the information in 2a and 2b.2. Ask several pairs to act out the dialogue.2d Role-play Before reading1. The teacher ask

12、s: “According to the text in 2b, we know that the schoolbag must be Lindas. How could Linda feel after she lost her schoolbag?”Let students guess and give their own ideas. Make sure that they use modal verbs to make inferences.(环节说明:2d对话是前边听力的延伸,读前先让学生预测Linda丢了书包会是什么心情,然后让学生用情态动词进行推测,这样能激发学生的好奇心去读接下

13、来的课文。)While reading1. Read the dialogue quickly and answer the question:How does Linda feel after losing her schoolbag?2. Read the text again. Answer the following questions:What things are in Lindas schoolbag?What did Linda do yesterday?When did she leave the park?3. Find the sentences with the mod

14、al verbs to make inferences and read them.(环节说明:读课文时设计一些问题,能让学生一步一步地获得一些关键信息,以达到理解课文的目的。让学生找出用情态动词表示推测的句子,是让学生进一步巩固本单元重点句型,同时又为下一步的输出做准备。)After reading1. Work in pairs to read the dialogue.2. Ask several pairs to act out the dialogue.(环节说明:本环节是对前边活动的输出和检验。)课堂训练迁移应用Exercise: If time is enough, do som

15、e more exercise. 英汉互译:1玩具卡车_2听流行音乐_3小孩子_4hair band_5属于_6音乐厅_7捡,拾_8the rest of my friends_9有价值的东西_10去野餐_小结提升布置作业Summary :一、先自主学习,再以四人一组的方式展开讨论:1.本课主要学习了哪些句型?2.本课学习了哪些情态动词表示推测?它们进行推测的时候可能性大小有何不同?二、教师总结:本节课我们主要学习了如何用情态动词推测物品的归属。主要句型有:Whose volleyball is this? It must/might/could/cant be Carlas.It must/might/could/ca



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