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1、relationship establishe d equivalent relationship 14 and subject appli cation problem 4 scores and percentage application problem review content overview answers scores and percentage application problem of key is according to meaning 1 determine standard volume units 1 2 find associate volume rate

2、corresponds to relationship Then in line sol ution Category fraction multiplication word problem score Division applications engineeri ng problem problem XV a subject review of the measurement of the amount of capacity measurement and units of measurement of common units of measurement and their sig

3、nifica nce in rate 1 currency length area volume unit size volume weight and rate Omitted 2 commonly use d time units and their relationships Slightly with a measurement units Zhijian of of poly 1 and of method 2 and poly method 3 and of method and poly method of relationship measurement distance of

4、 method 1 and tool measurement 2 and estimates 16 and subject geometry preliminary knowledge 1 line and angle review content line and segment and Ray and vertical and parallel and angle angle of classification slightly 17 and subject geometry preliminary knowledge 2 plane graphi cs review conte nt t

5、riangle and edges shaped a nd round and fan axisymmetric graphics perimeter and area com bination graphics of area subject Preliminary knowledge 3 review of solid content category 1 d shapes are divided into cyli nder and cone 2 column is divided into cuboi d square 3 cone cone of the features of cu

6、boids and cubes relationship between characteristics of circular cone is slightly solid surface area and volume 1 size 2 table 和 计算机组装与维护期末考试试题A 一 填空题 每空1 分 共 30 分 1 一个完整的计算机系统是由 和 两部分组成的 2 CPU 是由 和控制器组成的 3 系统总线是 CPU 与其他部件之间传送数据 地址和控制信息的公共通道 根 据 传 送 内 的 不 同 可 分 为 和 4 计算机的主板 机箱和电源都分为 和 两种类 型 5 计算机比较重

7、要的输入设备有 6 按总线类型划分 显卡可分为 四种类型 7 显示器按工作原理划分可分为 四种类型 8 按内存的工作原理 可将内存分为 和随机存储器两种 9 内存的主要性能指标是 和内存速度 频率 位宽 10 CPU的主要参数有 字长 内部 Cache 容量 协处理器 11 键盘按结构可分为 和 电容式 12 按鼠标的接口类型分类 有 AT接口 和 鼠标 13 IDE 硬盘的模式有 和 LBA 14 硬盘的主要接口有 接口 接口和 SCSI接口 三种 二 选择题 每题1 分 共 20 分 1 I O 设备的含义是 A 通信设备B 网络设备 C 后备设备D 输入输出设备 2 下列的CPU 中 型

8、号是最先进的 A Pentium B Pentium C Pentium D Pentium 3 下面哪款 CPU 是 Intel 公司的产品 A Athlon XP B Athlon 64 C Duron D Celeron 4 下面哪个 CPU 插座适合使用 Intel 生产的 CPU A Socket 775 B Socket 754 C Socket 462 D Socket 939 5 下列设备中既属于输入设备又属于输出设备的是 relationship establishe d equivalent relationship 14 and subject appli cation

9、problem 4 scores and percentage application problem review content overview answers scores and percentage application problem of key is according to meaning 1 determine standard volume units 1 2 find associate volume rate corresponds to relationship Then in line sol ution Category fraction multiplic

10、ation word problem score Division applications engineeri ng problem problem XV a subject review of the measurement of the amount of capacity measurement and units of measurement of common units of measurement and their significa nce in rate 1 currency length area volume unit size volume weight and r

11、ate Omitted 2 commonly use d time units and their relationships Slightly with a measurement units Zhijian of of poly 1 and of method 2 and poly method 3 and of method and poly method of relationship measurement distance of method 1 an d tool measurement 2 and estimates 16 and subject geometry prelim

12、inary knowledge 1 line and angle review content line and segment and Ray and vertical and parallel and angle angle of classification slightly 17 and subject geometry preliminary knowledge 2 plane graphi cs review conte nt triangle and edges shaped a nd round and fan axisymmetric graphics perimeter a

13、nd area com bination graphics of area subject Preliminary knowledge 3 review of solid content category 1 d shapes are divided into cyli nder and cone 2 column is divided into cuboi d square 3 cone cone of the features of cuboids and cubes relationship between characteristics of circular cone is slig

14、htly solid surface area and volume 1 size 2 table 和 A 硬盘B 显示器C 打印机D 键盘 6 硬盘工作时应特别注意避免 A 噪声B 磁铁C 震动D 环境污染 7 一般来讲 主板上有2 个 IDE 接口 共可以连接 个 IDE 设备 A 2 B 4 C 6 D 8 8 IDE 硬盘的数据线应该是 A 34 线扁平电缆 B 40 线扁平电缆 C 40 线同轴电缆 D 34 线同轴电缆 9 CD ROM 的音频输出线应连接到 A 主板B 显示卡 C 声卡 D 多功能卡 10 关机后 其中的程序和数据都不会丢失的内存是 A 硬盘 B 软盘 C RAM

15、 D ROM 11 下列的打印机中 打印质量最好的是 A 喷墨打印机B 激光打印机 C 针式打印机D 字模打印机 12 CMOS RAM 芯片 用来保存 等信息 A 用户程序B 硬件配置及用户设定的参数 C 计算机应用程序D 计算机运行结果 13 存储器的存储容量通常用字节 Byte 来表示 1MB 的含意是 A 1024MBB 1000K BitC 1024KBD 1000KB 14 ATX 主板电源接口插座为双列 A 20 针B 12 针C 18 针D 25 针 15 下列系统软件中 属于操作系统的软件是 A Windows2000 B Word2000C powerpointD Winr

16、ar 16 硬盘的数据传输率是衡量硬盘速度的一个重要参数 它是指计算机从硬盘中 准确找到相应数据并传送到内存的速率 它分为内部和外部传输率 其内部 传输率是指 A 硬盘的高速缓存到内存B CPU 到 Cache C 内存到 CPU D 硬盘的磁头到硬盘的高速缓存 17 下面哪一项不是 LCD 显示器的性能指标 A 点距 分辨率B 对比度 C 响应时间D 扫描频率 18 Integrated Peripherals 中文含义是 A 电源管理设置B 高级配置 C 整合周边D 芯片组特性 19 在 CMOS 中可以通过 PC Health Status 查看的项目有 A CPU 温度B 硬盘的大小 C 内存的大小D 键盘的类型 20 一台微机 在正常运行时突然显示器 黑屏 主机电源灯灭 电源风扇停转 试判断故障部位 A 主机电源B 显示器C 硬盘驱动器D 显示卡 三 判断题 在每小题前认为对的打 错的打 relationship establishe d equivalent relationship 14 and subject appli cation problem 4 scores


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