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1、UNIT 1 CONVERSATION 1 NICE TO MEET YOU Barb Ummm Those burgers smell great It s a perfect day for a barbecue Mike It sure is I m glad it didn t rain My name s Mike Gates by the way Barb Oh hi I m Barbara Johnson Nice to meet you Mike I m sorry What s your name again Barb Barbara But please just call

2、 me Barb Mike So Barb what do you do Barb I m studying medicine Mike Really Where Barb At Harvard What about you Mike I m an engineer at IBM Barb Oh are you That sounds interesting Mike Yeah I like it Hey it looks like the food is ready Barb Good I m starving UNIT 1 CONVERSATION 2 COULD I HAVE YOUR

3、NAME PLEASE Officer Yes can I help you Ms Paine I d like to open a savings account Officer Certainly First we ll have to fill out a few forms Could I have you name please Ms Paine It s Paine Sarah Paine Officer And how do you spell your last name Ms Paine It s P A I N E Officer Thank you Next is it

4、Miss Mrs or Ms Ms Paine I prefer Ms Officer Fine Now could I please have your address Ms Paine Ms Paine 2418 Greystone Road Officer Is that in Chicago Ms Paine Yes that s right The zip code is 60602 Officer OK and please give me your telephone number Ms Paine It s 364 9758 Officer 364 9758 All right

5、 And finally Ms Paine what is your occupation Ms paine I work at City Hospital I m a lab assistant Officer Fine I just need some ID and we ll be all set UNIT 2 CONVERSATION 1 TELL ME ABOUT YOUR FAMILY Announcer National Flight 294 to Miami is delayed due to severe weather conditions Please stand by

6、for additional information Maria Oh no I hate these long delays Jim I know I can t wait to get home I ve been on a business trip for a really miss my family Maria A month is a long time to be you have any children Jim I have three Two boys and girls Would you like to see a picture Maria Oh how nice

7、Now who s this Jim This is Judy my oldest She s twenty four Maria Is she married Jim Yes she is And these are my two sons Jamie and Julian Maria How old are they Jim Jamie is twenty one He s in college now Julian is seventeen and that s my wife Beth next to my daughter Maria Well you certainly have

8、a lovely looking family Jim Thank you So tell me about your family Maria My husband and I have a son Tim UNIT 2 CONVERSATION 2 WHERE ARE THEY Clerk 1 Oh darn Where are they ClerK 2 Who Clerk 1 I went to get this CD for a woman and her I can t find them Clerk 2 What do they look like Clerk 1 Well she

9、 s fairly tall with curly red hair He s tall with short blond hair They look like they re in their late thirties Clerk 2 Hmm I don t see anyone like that What are they wearing Do you remember Clerk 1 Yeah He s wearing a red sweatshirt and blue jeans She s wearing a white skirt and a purple sweater C

10、lerk 2 A white skirt and a purple sweater Hey wait I think I see them in the classical section Clerk 1 You re right Sir Madam I have that CD you re looking for UNIT 3 CONVERSATION 1 DO YOU KNOW WHERE IT IS Michelle What are you doing Dominic I m cooking dinner tonight Michelle That s great Thank you

11、 What are you making Dominic A surprise By the way where do we keep the olive oil Michelle It s in the cabinet over the sink Dominic In the cabinet over the I ve got it Thanks And do you know where the big pot is Michelle It s in the drawer under the oven Dominic OK I m ready Now what time do you wa

12、nt to eat Michelle Whenever it s ready but what can I do to help Dominic Just stay out of the kitchen UNIT 3 CONVERSATION 2 WHAT DOES IT LOOK LIKE Luis Teresa I can t find the what do you call it Teresa What can t you find Luis You know The thing Teresa What thing Luis Oh come on you know It s on th

13、e tip of my tongue Teresa What does it look like Maybe I can help you find it Luis It s a long narrow flat thing It s made of plastic Teresa OK What color is it and what s it used for Luis It s red You use it for drawing straight lines Teresa Luis You mean the ruler It s in the box behind the teleph

14、one Luis Oh yeah I knew that all along I was just testing you UNIT 4 CONVERSATION 1 SEE YOU THEN Karen Greg when is Sheila s birthday Is it this week Greg Yeah it s this Saturday the twenty eighth Karen I d really like to see her on her birthday Are you two doing anything Greg Well yes we have ticke

15、ts to a concert at Carnegie Hall Karen What time does it start Greg It starts at 8 00 Karen Hmmm I m afraid I can t make it by then I have to work late on Saturday Hold on I have an idea What time does the concert end Greg Pretty late Probably around half past eleven Karen Well how about going to th

16、e Cafe Alfredo for some coffee and birthday cake after the concertI ll meet you there Greg Well what time does the cafe close Karen It s open until at least 1 on admit it it s a fabulous idea Greg OK OK Karen We ll see you then UNIT 4 CONVERSATION 2 HOW DO I GET THERE Keith Excuse me do you know where the police station is Woman No I m sorry I don t I m not from around here Keith OK thanks anyway Anna Hi Keith How s it going Keith Not too lost my wallet and it had all my ID and credit cards in i


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