高中英语 Unit5 lesson17 Alanis-a true perer课件1 北师大版必修2.ppt

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《高中英语 Unit5 lesson17 Alanis-a true perer课件1 北师大版必修2.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语 Unit5 lesson17 Alanis-a true perer课件1 北师大版必修2.ppt(29页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、L17PerformanceAlanis atruePerformer Tasks1 Newwords2 Ex2 33 SthaboutAlanis4 Sthabouttheperformance5 Languagepoints 17PerformanceI ReadingReadtheconcernreviewandmatchthefourparagraphswiththetitles a d a theendoftheconcertb theaudiencereactionc thesongsplayedd thestartoftheconcert d c b a II Readthere

2、viewagainandanswerthesequestions 1 Didthereviewerliketheconcert Whyorwhynot 2 Howdidtheaudiencereacttothesinger 3 Whatthingsabouttheconcertwerenotverygood 4 Fromwhichalbumweremostofthesongs 5 Whatfeelingsdidsheshowinhersongs Yes becauseitwastheperformanceofarealstar 1 Didthereviewerliketheconcert Wh

3、yorwhynot 2 Howdidtheaudiencereacttothesinger Theyenjoyeditverymuch theylovedtheconcert 3 Whatthingsabouttheconcertwerenotverygood Theauditoriumwascoldandthesoundwassometimespoor 4 Fromwhichalbumweremostofthesongs Conflict 5 Whatfeelingsdidsheshowinhersongs Angerandlove III Readthepassageagainandfin

4、dSthaboutAlanis Canadiansinger songwriter JaggedLittlePill 15millioncopies Madeseveralmorealbums GrammyAwardwinner 30yearsold Sthabouttheperformance Time Place Weather Long Songs Atmosphere LastThursdaynight TheCornExchangeinCambridge Incrediblycold 3hours JaggedlittlePill EverythingBut Utopia Dedic

5、ated electrifying impressed LanguagePoints Haveyoueverwatchedaconcert live onTVoronvideo 你在电视或录像上看过 现场直播 的音乐会吗 liveadj 现场直播的 活的 有生命的e g Isitalivebroadcastorrecordedone alivefish 2 CanadiansingerAlanisMorissetteisusedtothespotlight Be get becomeusedto pron n ing 习惯于 e g 1 Ihavebeenusedtolivinghere 2

6、Haveyoubeenusedtohissmoking 3 Youwillgetusedtoit 另 usedto意为 过去常常 beused todo意为 被用来作 eout出版 发行 刊出e g OurlocalnewspapercomesouteveryFriday Aeout出来 由 出来 开花 污迹 被去掉 颜色 褪去 4 sellvi 主动的形式表示被动的意思 Open wash write Thismagazinesellswellinthecity Thepenwriteseasily 5 although though是连词 引导让步状语从句 它们可以互换 但用了althou

7、gh though就不能用but and可以用副词yet still e g Althoughitwasraininghard yet theystillwentonmarching 如果though相当于as并且处于第二个单词的位置时 这时就不能用althoughe g Childthough asheis heknowsalot though还可以作副词 放在句末 e g Hesaidhewouldphoneme hedidn tthough 6 managevi vt句型 manage n pron todomanagetodo强调结果 成功 trytodo强调动作 不一定成功 e g

8、1 Itisveryheavy butIcanmanagetocarryit 2 Willyoucometonight I llmanage 7 Throughout 介词 遍及 贯穿 常用在表时间的名词前e g Throughouttheyear hehasbeenpreparingforhisessay Allthelistenerswereexcitedbyhisspeechthroughoutthemeeting Throughoutthecountry alloverthecountry 8 impressvt铭刻 给 极深的印象 使感动impresssthonsbimpresssb

9、withsth使某人牢记某事beimpressedby at with 被 所感动 印入脑海impresssth up onone smind memory把某物印入某人的脑海 记忆 e g 1 Thewords MadeinChina wasimpressedonametalplate 2 Hisparentstrytoimpressonhimthatitisveryimportanttobehonest 3 Weweredeeplyimpressedbyhisdeeds 4 Whathesaidthatdaywasdeeplyimpressedonmymemory impressionn

10、印象Leave makea an impressiononsb给 留下 的印象e g Allthatleftalastingimpressiononhim 7 Befullof befilledwithFinish end begin startwith V SaysomethingaboutAlaniswiththehelpofthekey SthaboutAlanis Canadiansinger songwriter Album JaggedLittlePill 15millioncopies Madeseveralmorealbums GrammyAwardwinner 30yearsold V SaysomethingabouttheConcertwiththehelpofthekey Sthabouttheperformance Time Place Weather Long Songs Atmosphere LastThursdaynight TheCornExchangeinCambridge Incrediblycold 3hours JaggedlittlePill EverythingBut Utopia Dedicated electrifying impressed Thankyou



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