八年级英语下Unit7Know Our World-Lesson38The world is a big place公开课优质课比赛获奖课件

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八年级英语下Unit7Know Our World-Lesson38The world is a big place公开课优质课比赛获奖课件_第1页
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八年级英语下Unit7Know Our World-Lesson38The world is a big place公开课优质课比赛获奖课件_第2页
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八年级英语下Unit7Know Our World-Lesson38The world is a big place公开课优质课比赛获奖课件_第3页
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八年级英语下Unit7Know Our World-Lesson38The world is a big place公开课优质课比赛获奖课件_第4页
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八年级英语下Unit7Know Our World-Lesson38The world is a big place公开课优质课比赛获奖课件_第5页
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《八年级英语下Unit7Know Our World-Lesson38The world is a big place公开课优质课比赛获奖课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《八年级英语下Unit7Know Our World-Lesson38The world is a big place公开课优质课比赛获奖课件(28页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Welcometomyclass Unit7KnowOurWorldLesson38 TheWorldIsaBigPlace 掌握并正确运用词汇和词组 planet total increase surface Indian intotal onethird twothirds becoveredwith 掌握如何用英语表达大陆和海洋 及分数的用法 了解世界人口和地理的知识 善待地球 保护地球 Learningaims 预习检查 India n adj 2 three 序数词 3 increase 现在分词 4 morethan 同义词 5 luck adj adv 反义词 third inc

2、reasing over luckyluckily unluckyunluckily Indian 预习检查 6 pointout 7 by2050 8 总计 9 1 3 2 3 11 被 覆盖 12 全年 13 mustbe 指出 到2050年 intotal onethird twothirds becoveredwith allyearround 肯定是 Amazingnumbersabouttheearth 2 3 twothirds 7billion 7 4 1 3 onethird Doyouknow continents oceans people Onethirdofthepl

3、anetisland Twothirdsoftheearth ssurfaceiscoveredwithwater SevenContinents greenforests freshwater richlands Whycanweliveonthesecontinents Doyouknowaboutourworld Antarctica南极洲 Antarcticaiscoveredwithsnowandiceallyearround thePacificOcean thePacificOcean theAtlanticOcean theIndianOcean theArcticOcean

4、FourmainOceans 大西洋 太平洋 太平洋 印度洋 北冰洋 Whichoceanisthelargestone Pleaselistenandrepeat 跟读录音 纠正读音 Reading Paragraph1 a Sixofthesevencontinentsaregoodforpeopletoliveon Paragraph2 b Weshouldtreattheearthwell Paragraph3 c Anincreasingpopulationisabigproblemfortheearth Paragraph4 d Twothirdsoftheearthiscover

5、edwithoceans Paragraph5 e Peoplecannotliveeverywhereontheearth Readthelessonandmatcheachparagraphwithitsmainidea Someproblems Skim Howmanyproblemsdoestheearthface Para1Theearthisaveryspecialplanet anditfacesabigproblem Intheyear2010 theworld spopulationwasover7billionintotal Itisincreasingveryquickl

6、y By2025 theworldmayhaveabout8billionpeople Andby2050 theworld spopulationmayreach9billion Para2Thereisanotherproblem Peoplecan tliveeverywhereontheearth Wecan tliveinwater andonlyaboutonethirdofourplanetisland Butpartsofthislandareverydry Thesedryplacesarecalleddeserts Someareashaveveryhighmountain

7、s Othershavealotofsnowandice Itisnoteasytoliveinthoseplaces Whataretheproblems CarefulReading In20107billion By20258billion By20509billion Theworld spopulationisincreasingveryquickly WordGuessing increase Skim 跳读 Howmanyproblemsdoestheearthface Para1Theearthisaveryspecialplanet anditfacesabigproblem

8、 Intheyear2010 theworld spopulationwasover7billionintotal Itisincreasingveryquickly By2025 theworldmayhaveabout8billionpeople Andby2050 theworld spopulationmayreach9billion Para2Thereisanotherproblem Peoplecan tliveeverywhereontheearth Wecan tliveinwater andonlyaboutonethirdofourplanetisland Butpart

9、softhislandareverydry Thesedryplacesarecalleddeserts Someareashaveveryhighmountains Othershavealotofsnowandice Itisnoteasytoliveinthoseplaces What sthesecondproblem CarefulReading deserts TopicSentence highmountains snowandice CarefulReading Peoplecan tliveeverywhereontheearth Why Languagepoints 1 I

10、ntheyear2010 theworld spopulationwasover7billionintotal Languagepoints billion 意为 十亿 千兆 其前有具体数字时 billion不能用复数形式 例如 我们想要20亿 e gWewant2billion billionsof意为 数十亿计的 例如 天上有数十亿的星星 e gTherearebillionsofstarsinthesky hundred thousand million billion前有数字 不要s和of 若无 则反之 2 Wecan tliveinwater andonlyaboutonethird

11、ofourplanetisland Oceanscoverstwothirdsoftheearth ssurface onethird表 三分之一 twothirds表 三分之二 观察 onefifth1 5twofifths2 5threefifths3 5fourfifths4 5 得出英语中分数表示方法 先 后 分子 分母 分子大于1 分母 Languagepoints 分子 分母 基数词 序数词 加s 不可不记 1 2a onehalf1 4onequarter3 4threequarters One thirdofthewater have usedup Ourclassisbig

12、two thirdsofthestudentsinourclass be boys Threequartersofthebooks be writteninEnglish Three fifthsoftheland be coveredwithwater has are are is 当分数 of做主语时 谓语动词的单复数视其后的 而定 如名词是复数 谓语用 名词是单数或不可数名词时 谓语用 名词 复数 单数 巩固练习 2 3 ofthestudentsaregirlsinourclass 2 Whatdoyouthinkoftheenvironmenthere Wonderful ofthe

13、land coveredwithtreesandgrass A Twofifths isB Twofifth isC Twofifths areD Twofifth are Twothirds Twofifths is 3 Threequartersofthestudents be girlsinourclass 4 Itcostthem billion ofdollarstofinishthework 5 Inwinter theground snowandice A coverwithB iscoverwithC iscoveredwithD coveredwith are billions C Theearthisourhomenowandinthefuture Protectourearth protectourhome Homework Rememberthewordsandphrasesinthislesson Previewnextlesson Thankyouforlistening



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