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1、学而思网校 九年级枣庄市滕东中学第二学期九年级摸底考试英语试卷第卷(选择题部分,满分 65 分,请把 1-50 题的答案写入卷答题处)一、单项选择(共 20 分,每题 l 分)1I prefer _ there.Await Bto wait in Cwriting Dwaited2They never know what would _ in a hundred years.Ahappened Bbe happened Chappen Dwas happened3Will the foreigners have any problems talking with Chinese in 2008

2、?I dont think so,New _ the young _ the old can speak some EnglishAeither;or Bnot only;but also Cneither;nor Dboth;or4I go to the supermarket because my parents _ thereAfind out Btry out Chang out Dtake out5I find phone cards beautiful,I _ them for many years.Ahad collected Bhad been collectingChave

3、been collected Dhave been collecting6He went to _ yesterdayAtown Ba town Cthe town Dtowns7Do you often _ a telephone call to your friends?Amake Bhave Ctake Dbuy8He is tired,let me go _Ainstead Binstead of Cplace Din place of9I am not angry with you,We are good friends _Aafter all Babove all Cin all

4、Dat all10Some friends _ my home to see meAdropped away Bdropped in on Cdropped by Ddropped back11_ the end of the road youll find the hospitalAIn BBy CAt DOn学而思网校 12There is a _ to the top of the hillApath Bway Cstreet Droad13Which _ you _ have,tea or coffee?Awould;like Bdo;like Cwould;rather Dis;li

5、ke14Travelling by air may be _,but not so _Aquicker, cheaper Bmore quickly,cheapCquicker,cheap Dmore quickly,cheaper15He aimed his gun(枪) _ the enemyAfor Bto Cat Din16It is better to teach a man fishing than _ him fishAto give Bgiving Cto find Dfinding17That is the house _ he was bornAin that Bwhich

6、 Cthat Din which18This is the one _ I wanted to buyAwhich Bthat Cwho Dwhen19He has _ most popular bookAa Ban C,the D20Books are made _ paper and paper is made _ woodAof,of Bfrom,of Cof,from Dfromof二、完形填空(共 l5 分,每题 l 分)Dear Dad,Im writing to you because its too difficult to talk about itI cant stop t

7、hinking about my uncle and how he 21 In fact,I seriously want to ask you 22 smoking. Ive looked up a lot of information about smoking and I 23 out some disturbing thingsYou already know that 24 is bad for your breathing and can cause cancer. Ive learnt that it causes many other illnesses 25 Did you

8、know that over l00,000 people die from smoking every year in Britain? Its 26 cause of death in the worldI dont want you to be one of those peopleWhen Mum asks you to smoke 27,you think shes annoyedWell,its true that she doesnt like the smell of smoke in the house and on our clothesIts not very pleas

9、ant学而思网校 28 ,when you smoke,its also bad for me and Mum,In 29 words,when we breathe in your smoke,its like were smoking 30 As a result, we can also get diseases. Doctors are finging that more and more non-smokers are falling ill 31 the effects of other peoples smokingI know that its very difficult t

10、o stop smoking but you mustnt 32 to itPlease see the doctor and ask him for helpWe will do anygting we can 33 youYou must try to save your own lifeYou are important 34 us and we dont want to lose youWho else can I ask to help me with my maths homework or 35 my bike? Please dont smoke!Your loving dau

11、ghter,Kate21Adies Bdeath Cdied D. dying22Ato stop Bstop Cstopped D. stopping23Afind Bfounded Cfound D. have found24Asmoke Bsmoking Csmoked Dsmokes25Atoo Balso Ceither Das well26Athe two big Bsecond biggest Cthe second biggest Dthe second big27Aoutside Binside Cout of Dinto28AHowever BWherever CWhene

12、ver DWhoever29Athe other Bother Cothers Danother30Amyself. Bherself Cthemselves Dourselves31Abecause Bbecause of Cas Dsince32Agive up Bgive away Cgive in Dgive out33Ahelped Bhelp Chelping Dto help34Afor Bto Cwith Dat35Afixed Bfixes Cfix Dfixing三、阅读理解(满分 30 分,每小题 2 分)AThere once lived in Greece a lea

13、rned manHe was so well known for his wide knowledge of almost everything that lots of people from all over the country came to learn things from him. The great man taught his students whole-heartedly and answered their questions with great 学而思网校 patience(耐心)One day a student asked him,My dear teacher, didnt you say you yourself have many,many more questions about things than we do? On the contrary(恰恰相反),we students have far more than you”With a smile,the teacher drew two circlesone as large as a big wheel(轮子),the other smallerOf course, Ive lea


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