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1、四川大学锦城学院本科毕业论文 简.爱中简.爱的性格分析 罐 阂罐 阂四川大学锦城学院 罐 阂罐 阂本科生毕业论文(设计) 罐 阂罐 阂罐 阂罐 阂罐 阂罐 阂罐 阂罐 阂罐 阂罐 阂罐 阂罐 阂题 目 Characters of Jane Eyre 罐 阂学 院 罐 阂专 业 英语语言文学 罐 阂学生姓名 罐 阂学 号 年级 罐 阂指导教师 罐 阂罐 阂罐 阂四川大学锦城学院本科毕业论文 简.爱中简.爱的性格分析 罐 阂罐 阂 1罐 阂教务部制表 罐 阂二 一二 年 二 月 十五 日 罐 阂四川大学锦城学院本科毕业论文 简.爱中简.爱的性格分析 罐 阂罐 阂 罐 阂简爱中简爱的性格分析 罐 阂

2、罐 阂(英语语言文学专业) 罐 阂罐 阂学生 指导教师 罐 阂罐 阂简爱是19世纪一部具有浓厚浪漫主义色彩的现实主义长篇小说,该作品被誉为英国文学史上第一部女权主义小说,也是世界文学史上一部脍炙人口的经典作品。本论文以简爱成长过程中的一些事例为线索来分析简爱的性格。盖茨赫德里的简爱孤独,没人疼爱呵护,也没人重视尊重。一个被排挤呵斥的环境让她变得叛逆,渴望尊重和自由。洛伍德学校里,简爱感受到朋友的关爱,同时也明白了现实的残酷,她变得独立并且不断地追求自己想要的平等。桑菲尔德庄园里,简爱与罗切斯特之间一波三折的爱情故事,成功地塑造了一个出生低微,生活道路曲折却始终对爱情和生活保持独立自主的积极进取

3、态度,并且敢于斗争和争取自由平等地位的坚强女性形象。论文写作的目的在于,通过分析简爱的性格,让我们看到一个新时代女性身上赋有的自尊自爱自立自强的高贵品质。 罐 阂关键词:简爱;自尊;平等;独立;爱情 罐 阂罐 阂罐 阂罐 阂罐 阂罐 阂罐 阂罐 阂罐 阂罐 阂罐 阂罐 阂罐 阂罐 阂罐 阂罐 阂罐 阂罐 阂四川大学锦城学院本科毕业论文 简.爱中简.爱的性格分析 罐 阂罐 阂 I罐 阂ABSTRACT 罐 阂罐 阂Jane Eyre is a realism masterpiece in 19th century, which has a strong romanticism color. Th

4、e novel is titled as the first feminism novel in the literary story of England. It is also famous as one of the well-known classical works in the worlds literary history. This thesis has analyzed the characters of Jane Eyre by knowing her important stories in her life. At Gateshead, there was nobody

5、 loving her and caring about her. She also was not been cherished and respected. This environment which was filled with ignorance and excoriation lead Jane Eyre to be a rebel girl who was longing for respect and freedom. At Lowood School, Jane Eyre felt love from her friend. At the same time, she un

6、derstood how cruel the society was! She became strong and never stopped pursuing equality she wanted. At Thornfield, the complicated love between Jane and Rochester successfully built a female image that was born in a poor family and lived a path winding but always kept a positive attitude which mai

7、ntained independence and initiative to love and life and braved to fight for freedom and equality. The aim to write this article is through Jane Eyre, we can find a modern female who enjoys noble quality which involves self-respect, self-adamancy and self-independence.罐 阂Key words: Jane Eyre; self-r

8、espect; equality; independence; love 罐 阂罐 阂罐 阂罐 阂罐 阂罐 阂罐 阂罐 阂contents 罐 阂Introduction 罐 阂 .0四川大学锦城学院本科毕业论文 简.爱中简.爱的性格分析 罐 阂罐 阂 II罐 阂罐 阂 .0Part One Positive Characters of Jane Eyre 罐 阂 .11.1 Never stop pursing dignity and freedom of inspirit 罐 阂 .11.2 Never stop pursuing equality and independence 罐 阂

9、 .21.3 Never stop pursuing true love 罐 阂 .5Part Two Passive Characters of Jane Eyre 罐 阂 .82.1 Inferiority of Jane Eyres inner heart 罐 阂 .82.2 Jane Eyres surrender to traditional marriage concept 罐 阂 .9Part Three Enlightenment from Jane Eyre 罐 阂 .113.1 Spirit of Jane Eyre on modern females 罐 阂 .123.2 Spirit of Jane Eyre on me 罐 阂 .13罐 阂 .14罐 阂 .14罐 阂 .14罐 阂 .14罐 阂 .14罐 阂 .14四川大学锦城学院本科毕业论文 简.爱中简.爱的性格分析 罐 阂罐 阂 III罐 阂罐 阂 .14罐 阂 .14罐 阂 .14Conclusion 罐 阂 .14Notes 罐 阂 .15Bibliography 罐 阂 .16罐 阂 .17Acknowledgements 罐 阂 .


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