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1、Comment h1: 待着不动Comment h2: 好吧,不批注了,机器翻的吧,看不下去了。Few Americans stay put for a lifetime. We move from town to city to suburb, from high school to college in a different state, from a job in one region to a better job elsewhere, from the home where we raise our children to the home where we plan to liv

2、e in retirement. With each move we are forever making new friends, who become part of our new life at that time. 很少有美国人留下来了一生。 我们从郊区小镇到城市,从高中到大学在不同的状态,从工作在一个地区的一个更好的工作在其他地方,从家中,我们提出我们的孩子的家中,我们计划在退休后的生活。 随着每个动作我们永远是结交新朋友,谁成为我们当时的新生活锅。For many of us the summer is a special time for forming new friends

3、hips. Today millions of Americans vacation abroad, and they go not only to see new sights but also -in those places where they do not feel too strange -with the hope of meeting new people. No one really expects a vacation trip to produce a close friend. But surely the beginning of a friendship is po

4、ssible? Surely in every country people value friendship? 对于我们许多人的夏季是一个特殊的时间形成新的友谊。 今天,数百万美国人和他们去国外度假不仅要看到新的景点,而且在那些地方,他们并不觉得太陌生了迎接新人们希望的。没有人真的需要一个假期旅行产生一种亲密的朋友。 但肯定是一个友谊的开始是可能的?当然每个国家的人民珍视友谊? They do. The difficulty when strangers from two countries meet is not a lack of appreciation of friendship b

5、ut different expectations about what constitutes friendship and how it comes into being. In those European countries that Americans are most likely to visit, friendship is quite sharply distinguished from other, more casual relations, and is differently related to family life .For a Frenchman, a Ger

6、man or an Englishman friendship is usually more particularized and carries a heavier burden of commitment . 他们做的。 困难时,来自两个国家的陌生人见面,是不是缺少的友谊表示赞赏,但对什么是友谊,它是如何得来的不同的期望。 在这些美国人是最有可能访问欧洲国家,友谊是很明显区别于其他,更休闲的关系,是有不同的家庭生活有关。 对于法国人,德国人或是英国人的友谊通常更具体且带有较重的负担的承诺。 But as we use the word, friend can be applied to

7、a wide range of relationships -to someone one has known for a few weeks in a new place, to a close business associate, to a childhood playmate, to a man or woman, to a trusted confidant. There are real differences among these relations for Americans -a friendship may be superficial, casual, situatio

8、nal or deep and enduring. But to a European, whosees only our surface behavior, the differences are not clear.但是,正如我们用一个词, “朋友”可以应用到广泛的关系到一个人一个人知道了好几个星期在一个新地方,在密切的业务联系,在童年的玩伴,一个男人或女人到一个值得信赖的知己。 这些关系之间存在着真正的差异,美国人,可能是肤浅的友谊,休闲,情景或深刻而持久的。 但对一个欧洲人,谁只看到我们的表面行为,区别不明确。 As they see it, people known and acce

9、pted temporarily, casually, flow in and out of Americans homes with little ceremony and often with little personal commitment. They may be parents of the childrens friends, house guests of neighbors, members of a committee, business associates from another town or even another country. Coming as a g

10、uest into an American home, the European visitor finds no visible landmarks. The atmosphere is relaxed. Most people, old and young, arecalled by first names. 当他们看到它,人们已知的和暂时接受,随便,流入和美国人的家庭出现许多小仪式,并经常与一些个人承诺。 他们可能是孩子们的朋友的父母,邻居家里的客人,一个委员会的成员,从其他城市甚至另一个国家的商业伙伴。 作为进入美国的家里做客的到来,欧洲游客没有发现明显的地标。 气氛是轻松的。 大多数

11、人,老的少的,被称为首先名字。 Who, then, is friend? Even simple translation from one language to another is difficult. You see. a Frenchman explains, if I were to say to you in France, This is my good friend, that person would not be as close to me as someone about whom I said only, This is my friend. Anyone abou

12、t whom I have to say more is really less. 使是简单的从一种语言翻译成另一种是困难的, “你看, ”法国人解释说,“如果我说你在法国,这是我的好朋友,这个人不会像我这样的人靠近约人我说的只是,这是我的朋友。 关于他我要多说任何人是真的少了。 In France, as in many other European countries, friends generally are of the same sex, and friendship is seen as basically a relationship between men. Frenchwo

13、men laugh at the idea that women can t be friends, but they also admit sometimes that for women its a different thing. And many French people doubt the possibility of a friendship between a man and a woman. There is also the kind of relationship within a group -men and women who have worked together

14、 for a long time, who may be very close, sharing great loyalty and warmth of feeling. They may call one another copains -a word that in English becomes friends but has more the feeling of pals or buddies. In French eyes this is not friendship, although two members of such a group may well be friends

15、. 在法国,在许多欧洲国家,朋友一般都是同性,友谊是人与人之间的关系基本上是看到。 法国女人笑的想法:“女人不可能成为朋友, ”但他们也承认,有时,为妇女“这是一个不同的事情。 ” 和许多法国人怀疑的一个男人和一个女人的友谊的可能性。 此外,还有什么样的关系在一个组,男性和女性谁工作了很长的时间在一起,谁可能是非常密切,共享伟大的忠诚和温暖的感觉。 他们可致电彼此 copains,一个词,在英语成为“朋友” ,但对“好朋友”或以上的感觉“哥们” 。 在法国的眼里这不是友谊,虽然两个这样一个小组的成员可能成为朋友。 For the French, friendship is a one-to-o

16、ne relationship that demands a keen awareness of the other persons intellect, temperament and particular interests. A friend is someone who draws out your own best qualities, with whom you sparkle and become more of whatever the friendship draws upon. Your political philosophy assumes more depth, appreciation of a play becomes sharper, taste in food or wine is accentuated,enjoyment of a sport is intensified. 对法国来说,友谊是一对一的关系,要求对其它人的智力,气质和特殊利益的深刻认识。 一个



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