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1、山西重点中学协作体高二下学期英语暑假作业12专项篇之单词句子一、补全填空1、联系上下文,根据首字母填写单词。Every flu season it seems like were bombarded (炮轰,轰击) with commercials for new and improved medicines promising to relieve terrible headaches and f_1_. But for many people around the world, the secret to avoiding a nasty or even fatal cold might

2、lie in a better diet, not drugs. Researchers from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, the Beltsville Human Nutrition Research Center in Maryland, and the Nestle Research Center in Switzerland have found that a deficiency of the mineral selenium (硒) may c_2_ to the spread of highly virul

3、ent strains of influenza virus.The team infected two g_3_ of miceone that had sufficient selenium in their diets and one that did not with a type of flu that also affects h_4_. The selenium-deficient mice were more l_5_ to get sick after being infected. More worrisome (令人不安的), the flu virus grew m_6

4、_ virulent when it re-emerged for the selenium-deficient mice.Random mutations (变异) normally alter the genes responsible f_7_ designing the proteins on the viruss surface. But in selenium-deficient mice, “its the exact opposite to what we expected,” says Beck, a researcher. The rapid mutation was in

5、stead occurring in genes that code for internal proteins. Those changes, she says, might reprogram the flu strain, making it more contagious (传染性的).Beck and her team are still uncertain exactly h_8_ selenium fits into the puzzle, but scientists know the mineral is necessary for antioxidant (抗氧化剂) ac

6、tivity in the body. without selenium, excess (过度的) free radicals wreak havoc (发泄,报仇) on the viral (滤过性病毒) RNA, leading to those unexpected mutations, says Beck.Common sources of selenium include breads, meats and fish, foods that Americans eat in abundance, says Orville Levander, a chemist at the Be

7、ltsville Nutrition Center. But Levander points out that some areas in China l_9_ selenium in the soil, and people who live there require selenium supplements to a_10_ health problems.2、用who, whom, which, whose, that填空,完成下面句子。11.Ellen was a painter of birds and of nature,had withdrawn(脱离) from the hu

8、man society.12.I was born in New Orleans,name will create a picture in our mind.13.This is the boy withouthelp I couldnt have passed the difficult exam.14.He passed the College Entrance Exam,makes his parents very happy.15.Have you sent thank-you notes to your friends fromyou receive gifts?16.Baotou

9、 is a beautiful city in70% of the rare earth (稀土) in our country is made.17.The things and peoplemy grandpa told me still fresh in my mind.18.Many children,parents are away working in big cities, are taken good care of in the village.19.The sound of musicis the first English filmI have ever seen.20.

10、Mrs. Frank has two sons, both ofwork in Beijing now.二、翻译3、根据提示,把中文翻译成英文。1.在商业中,没有永远的敌人,只有永远的利益。(permanent) _2.两个学生帮助我做了这个实验。(assist) _3.他从失火的高楼内救出了三个孩子。(rescue) _4.他向慈善事业捐款数千英镑。(donate) _5.他已把早起锻炼当成了一种习惯。(it作形式宾语) _6.当我正要出门买东西的时候,他们来到我家。(be about to) _7.阅览室现在不能使用,正在粉刷。(have使役结构) _8.计算机能辨别人的声音,这个想法让很

11、多人大吃一惊。(同位语从句) _9.这就是她能为她的儿子所做的一切。(定语从句) _10.把这篇课文翻译成德语,他需要很长时间吗?(take) _4、英译中1.In recent years,great changes have taken place in our city,making it take on a new look.2After graduating from university,Tom applied for many jobs,but he has not found one which suits him yet.3In 2013,he performed on st

12、age for the first time.Since then,his popularity has grown greatly.4Instead of going to school,Dong Hao joined the army.5He is a friend that you can trust.He has never broken his promise to anyone.答案1、1. fever 2. contribute 3. groups 4. humans 5. likely6. more 7. for 8. how 9. lack 10. avoid2、11 who 12 whose 13 whose 14 which 15 whom16 which 17 that 18 whose 19 that 20 whom3、1. In business, there is no permanent enemy but there is only permanent interest.2. Two students assisted me with the experiment.3. He rescued three children from the burning building.4. He donated thousands of po


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