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1、阅读理解【牛刀小试】【能力选练】 A阅读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容,在每小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。Disneyland in ShanghaiBuilt from 2011, Shanghai Disney Resort is the sixth Disneyland park in the world, and the first one on the Chinese mainland. Like other Disneyland parks, the one in Shanghai will have classic Disney characters and stories.

2、But it will also have new attractions designed for Chinese people. It is open to the public now in 2016.Enchanted Storybook Castle(奇幻童话城堡)Located at the heart of the theme park, the Enchanted Storybook Castle will be the tallest and largest Disney castle yet. Inside the castle, there are spaces for

3、entertainment, dining and performance. There you can meet all the Disney princesses. Treasure Cove(宝藏湾) This is the first pirates-themed(海盗主题的) land in a Disney park. The land will have a major attraction, which is a high-technology boat ride attraction. The attraction will bring visitors along a pi

4、rate adventure. Are you ready to jump on the boat?Garden of the Twelve FriendsIn almost every other Disneyland park around the world, there is a “Main Street, USA” at the entrance. But Shanghai Disneyland park is the first without that attraction. Instead, it has the Garden of the Twelve Friends. Ea

5、ch friend stands for the 12 animal signs using popular Disney characters.Toy Story HotelLiving experience is also fun inside the park. Toy Story Hotel features the characters of the film Toy Story. There are about 800 rooms for visitors to stay. In the restaurant of the hotel, you may even see chara

6、cters walking around and take photos with them.25.How many Disneyland parks can people visit in the world now?A. 4 B. 5C. 6D. 726.Which is the special attraction designed for Chinese people?A. Enchanted Storybook Castle.B. Treasure Cove.C. Garden of the Twelve Friends.D. Toy Story Hotel.27.What can

7、people do in Shanghai Disney Resort?A. People may eat and dance in this largest Disneyland park. B. People may meet a great number of Disney characters in the Treasure Cove. C. People may live in the Toy Story Hotel and take photos with different characters.D. People may enjoy the nature around the

8、central lake in the Garden of the Twelve Friends.参考答案2527、CCC【能力选练】 B2016中考英语阅读理解分类练习:记叙文She was returning from teaching out in a small community . It was a moonless night, and a heavy snow was falling. She remembered back to when she had first started teaching out in small communities. In those day

9、s she had always picked up hitchhikers (搭便车者), until the day her sister told her of a friend who had been shot (中枪) in the head by a hitchhiker, all because she had stopped out of kindness to help him during a storm. Her family didnt become concerned (关心的) about her safety over the hitchhikers until

10、 the family heard the promise: “No more hitchhikers!” The snow that night was making her think back to this. Then she saw a man waving. She slowed down for him, but now as he ran toward the car in the dark she shook with fear. Yet she thought that if he was truly in need she couldnt leave him here i

11、n this storm. The stranger explained that his car was dead, and she told him to get in. They drove for an hour into the next city and she took him to a telephone booth (公用电话亭). She waited until he had made a call. When he reported back to her that a family member would soon come for him, she wished

12、him well and left. Tears fell on her cheeks as she drove away. She felt as though she had been holding her breath for an hour. “I hope theyll understand why I had to break my promise,” she thought.【小题1】What can we learn about the woman? AShe was a taxi driver. BShe used to be a hitchhiker.CShe taugh

13、t in small communities.DShe seldom picked up strangers.【小题2】What made her family worried about her safety? AShe had been hurt by a hitchhiker.BHer sisters friend was killed by a hitchhiker.CThere were often snowstorms on her way home.DHer car often broke down on her way home.【小题3】We can infer from t

14、he underlined sentence in the last paragraph that _. Ashe was sorry for picking up the stranger.Bshe felt too tired to breathe.Cshe had been afraid being with the stranger.Dshe had been too careful driving in the storm.【能力选练】 C有些人为了要扩张耕地和工地面积,试图把湿地变成农田,变成建筑,可是这是决不行的!因为湿地对我们人类来说是十分重要的。 There are many

15、 wetlands(湿地) in China and some of them have become the worlds important wetlands. The Chinese Yellow Sea Wetlands are among them. They are in Yancheng, Jiangsu Province. They are home for many different kinds of birds and animals. The worlds largest Milu Deer Nature Reserve(自然保护区) is in them. More

16、than 700 milu deer live freely there. There are not many red-crowned cranes in the world, but every winter you can see some in the Red-crowned Cranes Nature Reserve in the Yellow Sea Wetlands.The temperature in the wetlands is usually neither too high nor too low. There is a lot of rain and sunshine,



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