2019届高考英语精编优选练:“语法填空 短文改错”组合练:精编优选练(一)含答案.doc

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2019届高考英语精编优选练:“语法填空 短文改错”组合练:精编优选练(一)含答案.doc_第1页
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2019届高考英语精编优选练:“语法填空 短文改错”组合练:精编优选练(一)含答案.doc_第3页
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《2019届高考英语精编优选练:“语法填空 短文改错”组合练:精编优选练(一)含答案.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019届高考英语精编优选练:“语法填空 短文改错”组合练:精编优选练(一)含答案.doc(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、精编优选练(一)“语法填空短文改错”组合练1(限时:30分钟)对应学生用书(单独成册)第105页题组一.语法填空Have you ever thought about the best meal you have ever eaten? For many people, it isnt just about the quality of the food;its also about great memories of a particular vacation or the person it was shared 1._. We asked 100 famous chefs from ar

2、ound the world 2._ their best meals were, and we got some 3._ (interest) answers. As the researchers expected,30% of the chefs 4._ (survey) said that their best meal as a kid was still what they liked the most as an adult. 20% 5._ (consider) a meal in a fancy restaurant as the best one in their live

3、s, and another 10% said that a meal while they were on vacation with their wife 6._ husband was the best of all time. 15% said that a simple meal that they often cooked at home ranked 7._ (high) than any other meal, and the same number said that their best dish was something they made at the place w

4、here they worked. 8._ (surprising),10% of these chefs said that their favorite meal of their entire lives was at a fast food restaurant! These best 9._ (cook)in the world would pick McDonalds or KFC if they had the choice of what 10._ (eat)语篇解读本文是一篇议论文。就什么是最佳美食,研究人员对世界上一百名著名的厨师做了调查,得到了许多非常有趣的答案。1解析:

5、考查固定搭配。根据语境可知,最佳的美食不仅仅与食物的质量有关,还可能与某个特别假期的美好回忆或共同进餐的人有关。share with为固定搭配,意为“与分享”。答案:with2解析:考查宾语从句。分析该句结构可知,空处引导宾语从句,作及物动词asked的宾语补足语;该引导词在宾语从句中作表语,故用what引导该宾语从句。答案:what3解析:考查形容词。根据空后的名词“answers”可知,空处修饰该名词,故用形容词形式。答案:interesting4解析:考查过去分词。chefs和动词survey之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,表示“被调查的厨师”,故用过去分词作后置定语。答案:surveyed5解


7、为他们一生中最喜欢的美食是在快餐店吃的饭菜。答案:Surprisingly9解析:考查名词单复数。cook为可数名词,根据该句中的“these”可知,该处用复数形式。答案:cooks10解析:考查动词不定式。分析该句结构可知,此处应用“疑问代词whatto do”作介词of的宾语。答案:to eat.短文改错Ive been longdistance runner for about eight years now. Before that, Id probably never ran more than 100 metre to catch the bus! Then one day I s

8、urprised me by agreeing to run a marathon. The marathon was organizing to raise money to a childrens hospital in our city. I found the training unbelievably tough at first, but it was a worth cause so I really pushed myself. I was always amazed by that our bodies can do. Every run makes me to realiz

9、e how thankful I am to be strong, to be able to do this.答案:Ive been longdistance runner for about eight years now. Before that, Id probably never more than 100 to catch the bus! Then one day I surprised by agreeing to run a marathon. The marathon was to raise money a childrens hospital in our city.

10、I found the training unbelievably tough at first, but it was a cause so I really pushed myself. I always amazed by our bodies can do. Every run makes me realize how thankful I am to be strong, to be able to do this.题组二.语法填空Way back in 1674, a frog helped Antonie van Leeuwenhoek make an incredible di

11、scovery. Antonie was an amateur scientist from Holland, so fascinated by microscopes 1._ hed built some of his own. One rainy day, as he went for a walk,a leaping frog 2._ (draw) his attention to a puddle.Antonie collected a drop of puddle water and put it 3._ his microscope. He was amazed 4._ (see)

12、 a whole community of creatures swimming in this one drop tiny beings no one had ever seen before.These tiny beings, called microbes, are everywhere:in dirt, in food and on your kitchen table. People 5._(cover) in them, too. 6._ you were to count all the microbes on and inside your body, you would f

13、ind your body has more microbes than the world has people over 6 billion!Microbes cant survive on 7._ (they) own.They need food. After 8._ (settle)into a homeyou, for instancethey steal vitamins and other nutrients and leave behind dead cells and poisonous liquids called toxins. Some microbes can ma

14、ke you sick. People usually call these ones germs.9._ (lucky) for you, there are more 10._ (help) microbes, working together to keep you healthy, than bad ones.语篇解读本文是一篇说明文。通过安东尼用显微镜发现水滴中的微生物引出话题,指出微生物无处不在,但大多数微生物对人类是有益的。1解析:考查连词。安东尼是一个来自荷兰的业余科学家,他对显微镜太入迷了以至于他自己做了几个。根据so可知本空应用that引导结果状语从句。答案:that2解析

15、:考查动词的时态。在一个雨天,他散步的时候,一只跳跃的青蛙使他注意到一个水坑。根据One rainy day可知,本句应用一般过去时,故填drew。答案:drew3解析:考查介词。安东尼收集了一滴水坑的水,并把它放在他的显微镜下。根据常识可知,要把物体放到显微镜下面观察,故应用介词under“在下面”。答案:under4解析:考查不定式。他吃惊地看见一整个生物群落正在这一滴水中游动。be amazed to do sth.为固定用法,意为“吃惊地做某事”。答案:to see5解析:考查动词的时态和语态。根据语境可知,此处讲述客观事实,应用一般现在时;本句中的cover和主语People是动宾关系,故应用一般现在时的被动语态,故填are covered。答案:are covered6解析:考查连词。如果你要数你身体上和身体内所有的


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