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1、OpeningM: Hello, everyone! Welcome to this weeks Crispy English on 。Broadcasting Station. Its April 15th. Im M: Hey Lina, have you noticed that flowers in our campus all blossom recently. In different colours those beautiful flowers make a best decoration for our campus.F: Absolutely. As spring come

2、s, the whole campus becomes quite colourful. Since my childhood, colours are always fascinating to me. They are very common yet to some degree, amazing. M: Ah, then you may be quite interested in todays program, because the topic today is colours. There will be fresh words, interesting stories and a

3、n excellent movie.F: Thats great. Well start Word Club in a minute. Please stay tuned. Word ClubM: Welcome back! You are with Yuanxuan and Lina in Word Club. Today, our topic is “colours”. Embut there is plenty of colours, where do you think we should get started. Any ideas?F: Well, since we are tal

4、king about colours, why not begin with the very word “colour”. M: Good idea! In English, the word “colour” has more to say than merely being the general name of colours.F: Yep. For example, redness of the face can be called colour, which is usually regarded as a sign of good health. 在英语里, “colour” 可

5、以表示一个人的脸色、气色。 至于气色的好坏,则可以用 “little” 和 “high” 来形容。 “has very little colour”, “气色很差”; “has a high colour”, “气色不错”。 M: There are also other interesting expressions related to colour. 比如,你想形容某人以优异的成绩通过考试,那就可以说 “She passed the exam with flying colours”。 F: 此外,“颜色鲜艳的”是 “colourful”; “苍白无色的”是 “colourless”.

6、形容颜色深,可以用 “dark” or “deep”; 形容颜色浅则可以用 “light” or “pale”. For instance, “pale green”, “淡绿色”.M: Words that have a very close relationship with “colour” are “hue”, “tint”, “shade”, and “tone”. Though these four words describe fairly simple colour concepts in reality they are often misused. F: Ah, it so

7、unds like you know much about them. Im ready to hear more.M: I just did a little research. Hue is what we usually mean when we ask “what colour is that?” For example, when we talk about colours that are red, green, and blue, we are talking about hue.F: What about the other three?M: In distinguishing

8、 “tint”, “shade” and “tone”, the important thing is to remember how the colour varies from its original hue. If white is added to a colour, the lighter version is called a “tint”, such as “a tint of red in the sky”, “一抹淡淡的霞光”. If the colour is made darker by adding black, the result is called a “sha

9、de”, like “a deeper shade of blue”, “一种深蓝色”. If any gray is added, each gradation gives you a different “tone”. F: Wow, this is something interesting. Thank you, Mr. Knowledgeable.M: My pleasure.F: When come to specific colours, the first word comes to my mind is “rainbow”. As we all know from child

10、hood, every rainbow has seven colours: red, orange, yellow, green, indigo, blue and violet. M: Among the seven rainbow colours, we can find primary colours for both light and paint. “primary colour”, “原色”又名 “基本色”. 红、黄、蓝是颜料中的基本色,红、绿、蓝则是光的基本色。F: And when mixed together in different ways, primary colou

11、rs can be used to make any other colours which are called secondary colours. “Secondary colour”, “合成色” . 通过混合基本色,可以获得其他各种颜色, 这些颜色就被称为“合成色”。In this beautiful world, secondary colours are countless.M: Exactly. Just take the family of “red” for example, there are “crimson”, “深红色”; “scarlet”, “猩红色”; “ve

12、rmilion”, “朱红色”; “magenta”, “紫红色”; “maroon”, “褐红色” and many other unnamable ones.F: Indeed, I should say, the world is in all colours of the rainbow. “In all colours of the rainbow”, “五彩缤纷”. Do you know that colours, both in English and Chinese, are also rich in their extended meanings? M: Of course

13、. There are plenty of words and expressions related to colours. But Im afraid its impossible to go over every colour word in our program.F: You are right. Why not choose one colour and leave the rest to audience? Whats your favorite colour? We can talk about that.M: Great! My favorite is blue. So, l

14、ets take blue for example. In English, colour blue is associated with depression and sadness. So there are expressions like “be in the blues”, “情绪低落的”; “blue Monday” “倒霉星期一”; 不过需要注意的是 “out of the blue”可不是情绪好转的意思,它表示 “出乎意料”。 Lina, can you name some other expressions?F: No problem. There are “blue-col

15、lar workers”, “蓝领”; “blue book”, “蓝皮书”; “blue blood”, “名门望族”; “blue ribbon”, “最高荣誉”; and “blue-brick universities”, “蓝砖大学”, which refer to world famous universities like Oxford and Cambridge.M: Good job! By the way, the blue-collar worker you just mentioned is one of five colour-collar workers. Can

16、you tell the other four?F: A piece of cake. The other four are “gray-collar workers”, “灰领”, 指服务性行业的职员; “pink-collar workers”, “粉领”, 指职业女性群体; “golden-collar workers”, “金领” 指既有专业技能又懂管理和营销的人才; and “white-collar workers”, “白领”, which is the one we are most familiar with.M: So far all weve talked about are colours in English. In Chinese colours are also abundant with meanings, especially the Chinese character “红”


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