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1、2009年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(浙江卷)自选模块测试语 文题号:01“中国古代诗歌散文欣赏”模块(10分)中国古代诗歌中有许多意象,如“雁”“柳”“菊”“竹”“莲”等,它们在诗中往往具有象征意味。(1)从5个意象中选取了3个,指出其常见的象征意味。(3分)意象:象征意味:意象:象征意味:意象:象征意味:(2)从5个意象中选取1个,结合具体作品,简析这个意象的特点及作用。(7分)(100字左右)题号:02“中国现代诗歌散文欣赏”模块(10分)阅读下面的散文,回答文后问题。W.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m我们有时度过一个亲密的夜鲍尔吉原野标题这句话是冯至的一首诗。这首写于1941年的




5、野。那么,“我们”是谁?“过去”和“本来”又在说什么?谁在“亲密的夜”?这首诗写出60多年了,那么遥远又那么新近。虽然读过说不出什么,却要说它真是好诗。疑问是不必要的,冯至知道一切,但我们失去了询问的机会。好诗像登上黄山巅峰,在大铁链锁上一把黄铜锁,“咔哒”,锁死了,把钥匙丢入深涧。深洞下,堆着像山一样的钥匙。(本文有删节)(1) 从内空、主言两上方面赏析文中画线语0。(5分)(80字左右) (2) 结合文中所引诗歌,探求末句“藏着忘却的过去,隐约的将来”的意蕴(5分)(80字左右) 数学题号:03“数学史与不等式选讲”模块(10分)已知正数x,y、z满足x+y+z=1.(1) 求证:(2)

6、求4x+4y+的最小值.题号:04“矩陈与变换和坐标系与参数方程”模块(10分)在极坐标系中,极点为O.已知一条封闭的曲线C由三段圆弧组成: =2cos(0),=2sin(),=2(2).(1) 求曲线C围成的区域的面积;(2) 若直线l: sin(+)=k(kR)与曲线C恰有两个公共点,求实数k的取值范围.英语题号:05阅读理解(分两节,共5小题;每小题2分,共10分)阅读下面短文,并根据短文后的要求答题。The final bell rings. Its the last day of school, and summer has finally come! Students dont h

7、ave to think about school for another 2 months. That is the way it should always be Schools should continue using the traditional calendar and not a year-round schedule. There are disadvantages year-round schooling. _Contrary to the well-accepted belief, year-round schooling has no constructive effe

8、cts on education. Most year-round schedules use the 45-15 method:45 days of school followed by 15 days off. And the breaks interrupt the learning process. Also, there is no evidence of higher test scores. Due to that. many schools that change to year-round schedules end up switching back.Like any ot

9、her facility, keeping a school open requires a great deal of money. When a school changes to a year-round schedule, the costs skyrocket. Keeping school open in the middle of summer requires air conditioning, and that adds significantly to the schools expenses. For example, a high school in Arizona h

10、ad a cost increase of $ 157,000 when they switched to year-round schooling. Some schools may not be able to handle such increases, and other schools that can handle these expenses could be doing better things with the money. An important part of a childs life is summertime. With year-round schedules

11、, students would hardly have and time to relax, They would not be able to go to most sornmer camps. One expert, Dr. Peter Scales, says,“ The biggest plus of camp is that camps help young people discover and explore their talents, interests, and values. Most schools dont satisfy all these needs. Kids

12、 who have these kinds of experiences end up being healthier and have fewer problems.” Obviously, the summer is very important to a childs learning and development.It is evident that year-round schooling is not the best choice for the school calendar. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the tradit

13、ional school year. Why change something that works so well? The final bell rings. Lets make sure this bell means that the “real”summer vacation has come.第一节 根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D和E中选出最适合填入短文缺处的选项,并将序号及相应答案写在答题纸上。选项中有一项是多余选项。A. Besides, teachers must be paid for all the weeks they are working.B. Using the

14、traditional calendar does bring a lot of advantages to students.C. Because of this, there are many first and last days of school.D. During the 15-day breaks, they would be always thinking about their quick return to school.E. It has no positive effects on education, it adds to costs, and it upsets the long-awaited summer vacation.第二节 根据短文所给的信息,用一个完整的句子回答下面的,并将序号及相应答案写在答题纸上。What does the underlined sentence in the last paragraph mean?题号:06填空(共10小


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