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1、汉英商业广告用语大全 安心益气 to make one feel at ease and energetic按质论价 fixing prices according to quality of products按质论价 fixing prices according to quality of products百问不烦,百拿不厌 ever ready for inquiry, ever ready to serve; ready answers to enquiries, tireless catering to customers needs.包君健康 keep you fit all th

2、e time包退包换 guarantee to exchange if returned as unsuitable包装多样 diversified in packaging包装牢固 strong packing包装美观牢固 elegant and sturdy package包装新颖美观 fashionable and attractive packages保健治病 promoting health and curing diseases保暖防风 warm and windproof保温性强 extremely efficient in preserving heat; good heat

3、preservation保险性强 high safety保质保量 quality and quantity assured备用详细目录,惠索即寄 catalogues will be sent upon request备有各种款式的现货,任君挑选 available in various designs and specifications for your selection备有塑料盒,便于安全保存 a plastic case is compartmentalized for safe storage.备有现货,交货迅速 stocks are always available in lar

4、ge quantities for prompt delivery本公司随时准备为客户提供优秀服务。 The branch is ready to provide excellent service to customers.表面光泽 lustrous surface薄利多销 volume large, profit small补肝益肾,调和气血,益髓添精,强健筋骨,乌须黑发,驻颜养血 an enricher and nutrient for the liver and kidney, for improving blood circulation, beneficial to essenti

5、al medulla, strengthening sinews and bones, preventing hairs from graying and helpful to retain complexion补气,健脾,益精滋肾,祛风活血,强筋壮骨 good for energy and the spleen, beneficial to the sperm, nourishing the kidneys relieving rheumatism, activating blood circulation and strengthening sinews and bones补血和气,壮腰强

6、筋 nourishing blood and adjusting spirit, strengthening waist and sinews不断提高服务质量。 to steadily improve service; to improve the quality of service continually不可退货 without return不惜工本 spare no cost at any cost;at all costs; at any cost采用先进技术和工艺 to adopt advanced technology采用最新设备和工艺 with the most up-to-da

7、te equipment and techniques操作简便 easy and simple to handle产、供、销一条龙 form an integrated system for the procurement of supplies, production and marketing产品按质分等 grade products according to quality产品实行三包 three guarantees for products产品远销英国、美国、日本、意大利和东南亚,深受消费者欢迎和好评 Our products are sold in Britain, America

8、, Japan, Italy and South East Asia and well appreciated by their purchasers.产销见面 link production with sales产销历史悠久 to have a long history in production and marketing.产销两旺 both production and marketing thrive产销直接挂钩 direct contract between the producing and marketing department常饮绿茶,增进健康 regular tea dri

9、nking improves your health敞开供应 sufficent supply; products are sold without limitations; commodities are available without restriction畅销全球 selling well all over the world除湿散寒,祛风定痛 relieving rheumatism, chills and pains穿着舒适轻便 comfortable and easy to wear传送灵活 to ensure smooth transmission传统绣工精湛 exquisi

10、te traditional embroidery art促进体质 to invigorate health effectively大贱卖 sale price; crazy price; terrific value; special buy涤烦疗渴 to clear out annoyance and quench thirst典雅大方 elegant and graceful定产、定购、定销 quota system for production, purchase and marketing定牌包装 packing of nominated brand定型耐久 durable mode

11、ling冬暖夏凉 cool in summer and warm in winter独立自主,自力更生 Maintain our independence, initiative and self-reliance; Maintain independence and keep the initiative in our own hands and rely on our own efforts.独特的民族风味 to have a unique national style独特的民族风味 to have a unique national style多年使用,不出故障 to assure ye

12、ars of trouble-free service.发展经济,保障供给 develop the economy and ensure supply方便顾客 making things convenient for customers方便群众 making things convenient for the people; to suit the peoples convenience方便商品 convenience goods方便生活 bringing more convenience to the people in their daily life; providing ameniti

13、es for the people; making life easier for the population方式灵活,方便客商 diversified practices and efficient services芳香开窍,理气止痛 removing obstruction, smoothing circulation and stopping pains.防病治病,延年益寿 to prevent and cure diseases, and to have a long life.防水、防震、防磁 waterproof, shock-resistant and antimagnetic

14、防缩 shrink-proof防皱 crease-resistance丰富的生产经验和严格的科学管理 rich experience and strict scientific management服务上门 door-to-door service服务周到 courteous service; cordial service; considerate service; full service富有弹性 high resilience富有浓厚诗情两画意 rich in poetic and pictorial splendor改善人民生活 to improve the peoples livel

15、ihood各式俱全 wide selection; large assortment各式俱全 wide selection; large assortment工农贸结合,产销见面 Industry, agriculture and trade must be combined to bring producers and sellers together.工艺精良 sophisticated technologies供不应求 in short supply; demand exceeding supply共同投资,共同经营,共担风险,共负盈亏 sharing investment, manag

16、ement, risks and responsibility for profits or losses顾客第一 Customers first顾客是我们的皇帝 We take customers as our Gods.光洁度高 highly polished规格齐全 a complete range of specifications; complete in specifications瑰丽多彩 pretty and colourful国营经济为主导 leading position in the state economy; leading position in the state sector of the


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