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1、精品资源备战高考2020高考英语高频答案词 高频考点 必考点目录:一、高频答案词二、高频句型核心词三、高频核心短语(以介词和副词为中心)四、语法考点高频答案词五、阅读词汇题及完形熟词僻义高频考点一、2020高考英语高频答案词(四)DdayThe big 44 arrived. I gave each kid a twenty-dollar bill and 45 them to look for gifts of about four dollars each.44. A. dayB. chanceC. chequeD. tree Adate 日期It bad a tag(标签)with de

2、alers name, the 52 dealer who had the sports car he bad 53 On the tag was the 54 of his graduation, and the 55 PAID IN FULL54. A. Picture B. place C. date D. sign Cdifferent /difference“Im sorry, but we have enough 27 for the newspaper already. Come back next year and well talk then.” Jenna smiled 2

3、8 and left. “Why is high school so 29 ?” she sighed.29. A. similar B. ordinary C. different D. familiar Cdifficult = hard难 / hardly几乎不hard, hardly hard努力,hardly几乎不 work hard I can hardly believe it.almost, nearly 二者均为几乎,差不多 和否定词连用用almost almost nobody differ / different / differently / difference n.

4、 不同之处, 差别; 差额, 相差; 分歧固定搭配: make a difference区别对待; 有影响; 起(重要)作用be different from .与. . 不同38 , to be honest, I found it extremely 39 to use at first. I would look up words in the dictionary and 40 not fully understand the meanings.39. A. difficultB. interestingC. interestingD. practical AThen she reac

5、hed inside her blouse,took out her 50 money,and handed it to the conductor.“Heres his fare and mine.Just stop giving him a 51 time.”51.A.busy B.cold C.hard D.fearful CNow he can no longer walk, and he must sit quietly in a chair all day. Even talking is 40 .40. A. impossibleB. difficultC. stressfulD

6、. HopelessI love going to museums and parks” Did Sarah feel poor 33 cheap living? Not reallyShe even managed to take two trips,one to the Netherlands, 34 to Portland “Dont think of saving money as something 35 Its a kind of game,”said Sarah 同义词排除!35Ahard Binteresting Cnice Dgreat根据短文最后一句Its a kind o

7、f game,“这是一种游戏”,可知Sarah认为节约花钱不是一件困难的事情。I had to drive back and forth to get my car into the 22 space. That left 23 enough room to open the door. 23AquiteBnearlyCseldomDhardly Ddrop = fall Suddenly, a car key 51 from an envelope taped behind the book.51. A lost B came C appeared D droppeddecide / det

8、ermine / decision/ determination 决定decide / decided / deciding / decision / decisions / undecide vt. (使)决定; (使)下决心固定搭配: decide to do sth.决定心做某事 decide onupon 对. 作出决定determine / determined / determining / determination vt.(使)决定; (使)决心固定搭配: determinebe determined to do sth.决心做某事 determine sb. to do st

9、h.使某人决心做某事I really wondered why my aunt 43 to make things so difficult for me. Now, after studying English at university for three years, I 44 that monolingual dictionaries are 45 in learning a foreign language.43. A. offeredB. agreedC. decidedD. happened Cdevelop发展I had been cleaning Fredas house f

10、or five years and had_42_ an unexpected relationship with the family. 42. A. startedB. developed C. improved D. broken B distinguish /tell from 区分He is too young to _ right from wrong. A. speak B. talk C. say D. tell Ddie die down 已考:渐弱,渐渐平息 待考:枯萎 Although the wind has_ , the rain remains steady, so

11、 you still need a raincoat.A. turned up B. gone back C. died down D. blown out Now, the strong wind has_ , so lets go out to do our work. A. died out B. died down C. gone away D. gone out CB die of 死于内因;die from 死于外因His grandfather died_cancer on the afternoon of last Wednesday, which made his famil

12、y very sad. A. out B. by C. of D. down Cdie out 灭绝These wild animals are gradually_ ;so we should try to protect them. A. dying out B. dying away C. dying down D. going out Adisappoint / disappointed / disappointedly / disappointing / disappointment vt. 使失望固定搭配: be disappointeddisappointing感到失望的/令人失

13、望的 to ones disappointment令人失望的是doubt / doubted / doubting / doubts / doubtful / doubtfully / undoubtedly n.& v. 怀疑固定搭配: There is no doubt that. 毫无疑问. beyond (all) doubt亳无疑问 no doubt肯定地, 想必 without (a) doubt毫无疑问, 一定地 in doubt怀疑, 不肯定demand / demanded / demanding / demands vt.要求 n. 要求, 需要固定搭配: demand to do sth.要求做某事 demand that. 要求. in demand有需要求特别提醒: that从句的谓语动词通常用“should+动词原形”, should可以省略。delight / delighted / delighting n. 高兴, 喜悦, 乐事; 乐趣 vt. 使高兴固定搭配: be delighted to do sth.高兴做某事 be del


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