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1、2013年12月英语六级考试翻译新题型习题及答案详解练习题一如果说我确实有所成就的话,那也只是因为我坚信不断尝试就会成功。遇到挫折时,你可以暂时把问题放一放,一味纠结不仅无济于事,有时反倒使情况更糟。先去读一本好书、见见久未谋面的好友或去户外骑游一番;再回头看待问题,你或许会感到柳暗花明。这样做后,别忘了多加反省:“为什么这个方法会奏效?下次能不能做得更好呢?”看你定的是什么目标,这种方法可以被反复有效应用。如果你坚定不移地持续提升自己,最后成功肯定非你莫属。孜孜不倦向来无敌。参考翻译及详解如果说我确实有所成就的话,那也只是因为我坚信不断尝试就会成功。The only reason Ive m

2、anaged to accomplish anything is because I am a firm believer in continuous improvement.翻译这个句子的时候,用了句式the only reason is.because,大家看到汉语“如果说.”可能会一下头脑晕掉,不知道怎么来翻译,但换一个方式,不用if等其它表示如果的单词或词组,也不失为一种迂回翻译的好方法哦。注意:我坚信: I am a firm believer (汉语的动词翻译成英文成了“形容词+名词”的形式,亲,你翻译的时候会不会这么做呢?)遇到挫折时,你可以暂时把问题放一放,一味纠结不仅无济于事

3、,有时反倒使情况更糟。If you fail in something, distance from the event for a day or two, because agonizing over the problem will not make it go away (and will make it a lot worse). 遇到挫折:fail in something暂时:for a day or two(for a day or two有时并不仅仅指一两天,还可以表示暂时哦)纠结:agonizing over the problem 先去读一本好书、见见久未谋面的好友或去户外

4、骑游一番;再回头看待问题,你或许会感到柳暗花明。Read a good book, catch up with some friends you havent seen in a long time, or go on a nature hike. You will be able to look at the issue with a fresh perspective.柳暗花明:a fresh perspective(将汉语里的成语翻译成英文,很多时候都找不到固定的英语翻译,我们就可以根据意思,用自己熟悉的单词或词组来表示它的意思,只要保证意思不变就可以哦)户外骑游:go on a nat

5、ure hike这样做后,别忘了多加反省:“为什么这个方法会奏效?下次能不能做得更好呢?”After you have done that, ask yourself: “Why did this work out and how can I do better next time?” 奏效:work out看你定的是什么目标,这种方法可以被反复有效应用。如果你坚定不移地持续提升自己,最后成功肯定非你莫属。孜孜不倦向来无敌。This process very well could repeat itself several times depending on the nature of yo

6、ur goal, but if you keep making a firm commitment to continuously improve yourself, you will develop so much that the only option left is success. Consistent hustle always wins.最后这句翻译,用but把汉语的两个句子衔接起来,不失为一种极好的衔接方式。而且大家注意下我已经标红的very well could repeat,本来可以是could repeat very well,但very well放到前面更地道,大家平时

7、可以多看一些翻译资料,多多积累,自然就会翻译出地道的英文咯练习题二和平稳定是发展的前提和基础。上个世纪,人类经历了两次世界大战,生灵涂炭, 经济社会发展遭受严重挫折。第二次世界大战结束以来,世界经济能够快速增长,主要 得益于相对和平稳定的国际环境。我们应该恪守联合国宪章宗旨和原则,充分发挥联合国及其安理会在维护和平、缔 造和平、建设和平方面的核心作用。坚持通过对话和协商,以和平方式解决国际争端。我们应该坚持国家不论大小、强弱、贫富都是国际社会平等一员,以民主、包容、 合作、共赢的精神实现共同安全,做到一国内部的事情一国自主办、大家共同的事情大 家商量办,坚定不移奉行多边主义和国际合作,推进国际

8、关系民主化。参考翻译及详解和平稳定是发展的前提和基础。上个世纪,人类经历了两次世界大战,生灵涂炭, 经济社会发展遭受严重挫折。第二次世界大战结束以来,世界经济能够快速增长,主要得益于相对和平稳定的国际环境。Peace and stability form the prerequisite and foundation for development. The two world wars in the last century caused mankind untold sufferings and world economic and social development severe se

9、tbacks. It is mainly due to the relatively peaceful and stable international environment that the world economy has been able to grow at a fast pace in the post-war era. “和平稳定”固定说法:peace and stability得益于用了句型 it is due to.我们应该恪守联合国宪章宗旨和原则,充分发挥联合国及其安理会在维护和平、缔 造和平、建设和平方面的核心作用。坚持通过对话和协商,以和平方式解决国际争端。We s

10、hould abide by the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and bring into full play the central role of the United Nations and its Security Council in peace keeping, peace making and peace building. We should seek peaceful settlement of international disputes through dialogue and consultation.“宗旨和

11、原则”固定说法:the purposes and principles 我们应该坚持国家不论大小、强弱、贫富都是国际社会平等一员,以民主、包容、 合作、共赢的精神实现共同安全,做到一国内部的事情一国自主办、大家共同的事情大 家商量办,坚定不移奉行多边主义和国际合作,推进国际关系民主化。All countries, big or small, strong or weak, rich or poor, are equal members of the international community. We should work for common security in a spirit o

12、f democracy, inclusiveness, cooperation and win-win progress. Internal affairs of a country should be handled independently by the country itself and international affairs should be managed collectively through consultation by all. We should be committed to multilateralism and international cooperat

13、ion, and promote democracy in international relations.“国际社会”固定说法:international community(1)原文:中国是世界上最大的发展中国家,人口约占世界总人口的22%。在过去相当长的时期里,由于诸多原因, 贫困一直困扰着中国。20世纪80年代中期,中国农村绝大多数地区凭借自身的发展优势,经济得到快速增长, 但少数地区由于经济、社会、历史、自然等方面的制约,发展相对滞后。中国政府在致力于经济和社会全面发 展的进程中,在全国范围内实施了以解决贫困人口温饱问题为主要目标的有计划、有组织的大规模扶贫开 发,极大地缓解了贫困现

14、象。参考答案China is the largest developing country in the world and its population accounts for about 22 percent of the worlds total. For a long period of its history, China has been plagued by poverty for various reasons. In the mid-1980s, the economy of an overwhelming majority of the rural areas in Ch

15、ina grew dramatically by virtue of their own advantages, but a small number of areas still lagged behind because of the constraints of their economic, social, historical, and natural conditions. The Chinese government, while working on all-round economic and social development, has nationwide implem

16、ented a large-scale program for development-oriented poverty relief in a planned and organized way. With the main objective of helping poverty-stricken people solve the food and clothing problems, this program has gone a long way toward alleviating poverty.难点精析1.发展中国家:英语中对应的表达为developing country,该句结构简单,直译即可。 : :2.人口约占世界总人口的:此句紧接上文,和前面一个分句共享一个主语China,为了指代清楚并且避


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