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1、142012年12月高等学校英语应用能力考试B级真题2012年12月高等学校英语应用能力考试B级试题解析听力原文Part I Listening ComprehensionSection A1. Can I have a look at your price list?2. Shall we meet sometime next week?3. David, have you finished the work report?4. May I have your business card, Mr. Jackson?5. Did you enjoy your trip to Beijing?S

2、ection B6. W: John, hurry up. The bus is coming.M: But I want to buy a newspaper.Q: What does the man want to do?7. M: How do you like your new apartment?W: Its small but comfortable.Q: What does the woman think of her new apartment?8. M: Will you help me with the sales plan?W: Sure. But Ill finish

3、the report first.Q: What will the woman do first?9. W: May I use your bicycle this afternoon?M: Sure. Here is the key.Q: What does the man mean?10. M: Would you like to stay for dinner?W: Im sorry I cant. Ill go to a party.Q: What will the woman do?Section CHi, Im Brian Smith. Now Ill share some ide

4、as with you for using a kind of new software. The software is designed and made by our company. It can help you to find out the average salary for your job type. The software can be found online. Whether you are looking for a new job, or moving to another area, it can be a useful tool to get the nec

5、essary information. I hope you will find the software helpful when you check out your salary. For more information, be sure to check us out online or email us.试题解析Part Listening ComprehensionSection A1. Can I have a look at your price list? 【解析】A)。本题考查对他人请求时的礼貌回答。 “Can I have a look at your price li

6、st?” 意思是“我能看一下你们的价格表吗?”,对这一请求的肯定回答,只有A) Here it is.(给您,请看。)符合英语逻辑。B) Im sorry to say so.(很抱歉这样说。)通常用于叙述令人不愉快的事情,C)Coffee, please.(请给我来咖啡),用于回答别人询问喝什么饮料,如:What would you want to have, tea or coffee? D) See you next time.(下次见。)用于告别,和Goodbye,see you说法意思一致。2. Shall we meet sometime next week?【解析】D)。本题考查

7、对请求的回答。问句意思为 “我们下周找个时间见面,好吗?” “Shall we. ”结构通常表示请求、要求,选项D) Thats fine.(好的)表示同意,因此D)为正确答案。A) Take it easy.(别紧张。)用于安慰他人,让其保持放松。B) Its over there.(在那边。)用于回答别人询问方位的问题。 C) This way, please.(请往这边走。)用于为他人引路的场合。 3. David, have you finished the work report? 【解析】B)。本题考查如何回答询问状态的问句。句中问:“戴维,完成工作报告了吗?” B) Not ye

8、t.(还没呢。)符合题意。A) Very good.(非常好)和C) Thats nice.(很漂亮。)都用于赞扬某人或某事,D) Its far away.(很远。)表示距离很遥远,均与问题无相关。4. May I have your business card, Mr. Jackson?【解析】B)。 “May I ?”表示请求,问句意为“我可以有一张您的名片吗?”选项B)Yes, here you are.(这是我的名片。)符合题意。A) Take your time.(不着急,慢慢来。)通常用于安慰别人,告诉他时间还充裕。C) Never mind. (没关系。)表示不介意别人做某事。

9、D) Thats too large.(太宽敞了。)表达对某物体大小的态度。5. Did you enjoy your trip to Beijing?【解析】C)。句中问“你去北京旅游愉快吗?”选项C) Yes, very much.(非常愉快。)符合题意。A) Thats important.(很重要。)表达自己对某事的看法。B) No problem.(没问题。)表示同意某事。D) No, thanks.(不用了,多谢)常用于委婉拒绝别人的好意。6. W: John, hurry up. The bus is coming.M: But I want to buy a newspaper

10、.Q: What does the man want to do?【解析】D)。题目问男士想做什么。对话中男士回答:“但我想要去买份报纸。”因此,正确选项为D) Buy a newspaper.(买报纸)。其余选项A) Get off the bus.(下车。) B) Book a ticket.(订一张票。)C) Take a taxi.(打车。)都不符合原文。7. M: How do you like your new apartment?W: Its small but comfortable.Q: What does the woman think of her new apartme

11、nt?【解析】A)。题目询问女士对他的公寓有何看法。女士说:“公寓虽小但很舒适。”故选项A) It is comfortable.(舒适。)正确。其余选项B) It is far away.(太远了。) C) It is large. (它很大。)D) It is expensive. (很贵。)与对话原文不符或未涉及。8. M: Will you help me with the sales plan?W: Sure. But Ill finish the report first.Q: What will the woman do first?【解析】D)。本题问女士首先要做什么。女士回答

12、:“我要先完成这份报告”故D) Write a report.(写报告。)为正确选项。选项A) Help the man.(帮助这个男人。)B) Sell a product.(卖一个产品。)C) Make a plan.(做一个计划。)都不符合原文。9. W: May I use your bicycle this afternoon?M: Sure. Here is the key.Q: What does the man mean?【解析】C)。题目询问男士是什么意思。对话中女士问:“我今天下午能借用你的自行车吗?”男士回答:“当然可以,这是钥匙。”故C) The woman can u

13、se the bicycle.(女士可以使用自行车。)为正确选项。A) He has lost his key.(他丢了钥匙。)B) Hell repair the bicycle.(他要修自行车。)D) The woman should return the key.(这个女人要还钥匙)这三个选项中对话中都没有提及。10. M: Would you like to stay for dinner?W: Im sorry I cant. Ill go to a party.Q: What will the woman do?【解析】A)。本题询问女士打算做什么。题中女士回答:“不了,我要去参加

14、晚会。”故A) Go to a party.(参加晚会。)为正确选项。B) Stay at home.(待在家。)C) Stay for dinner.(留下吃晚餐。)D) Go shopping.(去逛街。)都与对话内容不符。 Section C Hi, Im Brian Smith. Now Ill (11) share some ideas with you for using a kind of new software. The software is designed and made by our company. It can help you to (12) find out

15、 the average salary for your job type. The software can be found online. Whether you (13) are looking for a new job, or moving to another area, it can be a (14) useful tool to get the necessary information. I hope you will find the software helpful when you check out your salary. For more informatio

16、n, (15) be sure to check us out online or email us.【译文】你们好!我是布莱恩斯密斯。现在我要和你们(11)分享使用一款新软件的一些想法。该软件由我公司设计开发,能帮助你们(12)找到你所从事的工种的平均工资。这一软件可在网上找到,无论是在(13)找工作时,还是移居到其他地区时,它都非常(14)有用,能帮助你获得必要的信息。希望你在使用这一软件查对工资状况时发现其有助益。如要获取更多信息,(15)一定要查看我们的网址或给我们写邮件。【解析】11. share 分享【详解】短文开头即点名本次讲话的目的是为了分享使用新软件的一些想法。空格后出现的单词为ideas,该


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