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1、2011年考研英语(一)真题参考答案客观题Section I Use of EnglishCDBBA BADCA BCDCB DADACSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADBDBA BDCAC DCBAA CCDDBPart B41.B 42.D 43.A 44.C 45.F翻译题:46、艾伦的贡献在于提供了我们能分担和揭示错误性质的假设-因为我们不是机器人,因此我们能够控制我们的理想。47、我们可以单独通过意识维持控制的感觉,但实际上我们一直面临着一个问题,为什么我不能完成这件事情或那件事情。48、这似乎可能为必要时的忽视正名,也能合理说明剥削,以及

2、在顶层的人的优越感及处于后层人们的劣势感。49、环境似乎是为了发挥我们的优势,而且如果我们感觉受了委屈,那么我们就不可能有意识的做出努力逃离我们原来的处境。50、正面在于我们处于这样的位置,知道所有事情都取决与我们自己,之前我们是受到一系列限制的专家,现在我们成了权威小作文范文:Dear friends,I am writing, without hesitation, to share one of my favorite movies, If You Are The One, with you, which is not only conducive to your study, but

3、also beneficial to your life。For one thing, its storyline is very tight and characters language is classic and thought-provoking. For another thing, the profound cultural elements implicit in the scene will equip you with profound cultural background and, above all, enrich your daily life。Would you

4、like to see this movie after my recommendation? Remember to tell me your opinion about the movie. I am looking forward to your early reply。 Yours,Li Ming大作文范例:Our surroundings are being polluted fast and mans present efforts cannot prevent it. Time is bringing us more people, and more people will br

5、ing us more industry, more cars, larger cities and the growing use of man-made materials. The drawing sets us thinking too much due to its far-reaching influence。Nowadays, though the awareness of protecting environment is being accepted by more and more people, we can still see many unpleasant scene

6、s especially in scenic spots. Why does this phenomenon arise? Many factors are accounting for it. First and foremost, to some people, the consciousness of protecting environment is still not so strong. They may not think it is a big deal to throw rubbish everywhere. In addition, the environmental ma

7、nagement system isnt so satisfying. For example, in some places therere few regulations or the implementation is seldom performed actually。From what has been discussed above, it is urgent to take some effective and relative measures. In the first place, we should continue to conduct more propaganda

8、in communities and schools so as to let people realize the importance of protecting environment. In the second, more rules should be made and carried out by the government to restrain the conduction of destroying environment. People should work together to create clean and beautiful surroundings。51.

9、小作文参考范文小作文范文一:Dear friend,I am writing, without hesitation, to share one of my favorite movies, Forest Gump, with you, which is not only conducive to your study, but also beneficial to your life.For one thing, the beautiful language in this original English movie may contribute to your study of Engl

10、ish in listening, speaking, reading and writing. For another thing, the profound cultural elements implicit in the scene will equip you with foreign cultural background and, above all, enrich your daily life.Would you like to see this movie after my recommendation? Remember to tell me your opinion a

11、bout the movie. I am looking forward to your early reply.Yours,Li Ming小作文范文二:Dear friend,Recently, a lot of new movies are on show, among which I love If You Are The One most. Now I am recommending this movie to you for the reasons listed below.First of all, it has powerful cast which appeals to my

12、attention. In addition, the classic and thought-provoking language makes it irresistible to all fans. Above all, the deep revelation of love touches my soul opens my mind.I am convinced that you are willing to see this movie after my enthusiastic recommendation. Remember to write and tell me how you

13、 feel. I am looking forward to your early reply.Yours sincerely,Li Ming52.大作文参考范文The terrible scene depicted in the cartoon shows that some people in our life still lack the awareness of environmental protection. The picture illustrates that two tourists are chatting and eating happily on a boat and

14、 casually throwing their rubbish into the lake which is full of litter and waste. The drawing sets us thinking too much due to its far-reaching influence.Nowadays, though the awareness of protecting environment is being accepted by more and more people, we can still see many unpleasant scenes especi

15、ally in scenic spots. Why does this phenomenon arise? Many factors are accounting for it. First and foremost, to some people, the consciousness of protecting environment is still not so strong. They may not think it is a big deal to throw rubbish everywhere. In addition, the environmental management system isnt so satisfying. For example, in some places therere few regulations or the implementation is seldom performed actually.From what has been discussed above, it is urgent


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