定语从句专辑 02 补述型定语从句.doc

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1、第2章 补述型定语从句 2016 定语从句专辑 、补述型定语从句定语从句分为“限定”与“补述”两种。前述各章节所讨论的是限定型,本章讨论补述型。顾名思义,补述就是“补充叙述”之意,多见于文章而少见于口语,构成方法与步骤全同于限定型,但仍有相异之处。补述从句又称“非限定”从句。2-1、外观在外观上,把限定从句前后加上逗点,即成为补述从句。如下:限定前后没有逗点。His brother who is in Beijing will come back tomorrow.补述 前后有逗点。His father,who is in Beijing,will come back tomorrow.2-2

2、、关系代名词限定型关代可用who, whom, which, that。补述型关代只有who, whom, which,绝不可用that。限定关代:who, whom, which, that。v不论限定、补述,与先行词的互动是一样的。补述 关代:who, whom, which, that 。v总之,逗点不可后接that引领的定语从句。1).()Jane, who is dancing there, is his sister. ()Jane, that is dancing there, is his sister. v补述从句不可用that。 2).()Mr. Smith, whom y

3、ou just met, is a teacher. ()Mr. Smith, that you just met, is a teacher. v补述从句不可用that。3).()Vitamins, which are contained in natural foods, are essential. ()Vitamins, that are contained in natural foods, are essential. v补述从句不可用that。2-3、补述从句的翻译限定与补述在翻译上略有不同,二者弄混了一般不至引起误解,但偶尔会不妥,还是确定为宜。限定后置前译:His broth

4、er who is in New York will come back tommorw.他在纽约的哥哥明天会回来。补述 两种译法:顺着字序翻译;先译主句,再译补述句。His father, who is in New York, will come back tomorrow.他父亲现在在纽约,明天回来。他父亲明天回来,现在人在纽约。2-4、补述从句里,关代which究竟指谁限定从句里which当然指向前面的先行词。补述从句里的which基本也如此,但也可以指向前面的任何名词、短语、甚至整句话,语义可从上下文判断出。见以下左右对照:定向修饰I received a letter from J

5、anet last week, which I burnt without reading it.上周接到珍妮的信,我看都没看就把信烧了。v很显然,which指的是letter。不定向修饰The clock struck thirteen, which made everybody laugh.时钟敲了十三下,使得每个人捧腹大笑。v很显然,which指的是前面整句话。He is absent, which is often the case. 他缺席了,这是常有的事。=He is absent, as is often the case.=As is often the case, he is

6、 absent.v这时,as称为“准关系代名词”。v整个as引出的补述从句还可调到句首(尤其是具有周期性质的)。出题老师很喜爱这个模式。指前面整句话时,which可用as替代1).We stand when the national anthem is played, which is the custom. 演奏国歌时我们都起立,这是惯例。 = We stand when the national anthem is played, as is the custom.= As is the custom, we stand when the national anthem is played

7、.2).He is absent, which is often the case. 他缺席了,这是常事。 = He is absent, as is often the case.= As is often the case, he is absent.3).He was a foreigner, which I knew from his accent. 他是外国人,我从他口音听出的。 = He was a foreigner, as I knew from his accent. 2-5、定语从句总表定语从句种类关副引出关副:when, where, how, whyThe reason

8、 why she left remains unknown. 她离去的原因仍是个谜。关代引出关代:who, whom, which, thatThe book that I want is inexpensive. 我想要的那本书不贵。关形引出关形:whoseThe boy whose bike was stolen is one of my students. 自行车被偷的那小男孩是我的一个学生。定语从句黄金口诀关系词先行词决定关系词,人选who,物选which。The pen which I want is good. v 先行词pen是物,关系词选which。位置定语从句要修饰哪个名词,

9、就接在那个名词后面。The pen which I want is good. v which I want修饰pen,放pen后面。名词增减名词不可任意增减。用了关系代名词,等于添加一个名词,因此后面对应的名词就要删除。(v千万记住这一条,定语从句学垮的,几乎都是堕入这个陷阱!)定语从句高级笔法定语从句以介词结尾时,介词可移至关系词之前,这时关系词只能用whom/which。1).()The man who I sold my car to is Mr. Smith.(口语用who)2).()The man whom I sold my car to is Mr. Smith.(书写用who

10、m)3).()The man that I sold my car to is Mr. Smith.4).()The man to whom I sold my car is Mr. Smith.(高级笔法,介词移位)5).()The man to who I sold my car is Mr. Smith.(介词移位,不可用who)6).()The man to that I sold my car is Mr. Smith.(介词移位,不可用that)what从句源于定语从句。先行词关系词what。不论什么先行词,也不论哪个关代,只要二者合一就是what,称为复合关系代名词。What you do advertises what you are. 你的行事说明了你的为人。= The deed that you do advertises the type of person who you are.what从句定语从句定语从句-



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