商务英语 词汇 期末复习.doc

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1、U1Venture capital 风险投资Start-up 新成立的公司Entrepreneurship创新型企业家精神/职能Negative sentiment 负面舆论Potential investor 潜在投资商Target audience 目标受众Curriculum vitae 简历Strategic partner 战略伙伴Elimination 淘汰Elevator pitch 电梯行销Executive summary 执行摘要Value proposition 价值诉求Target customer 目标客户Solution-driven 驱动性搜寻Exponentia

2、lly 指数地Define the target market 界定目标市场Steer 控制,操纵Market acceptance 市场接受度/市场认可Consumer behavior消费者行为Implementation approach 实现方式Benchmark 基准Reference points 参考点Estimate market size 预测市场规模Market share 市场份额Profit margins 利润率Reach critical mass 到达临界(一家公司发展非常重要或关键的阶段)Customer acquisition 客户获取A percentage

3、 of revenue 收入的比例Jump- start strategy 启动策略U2A short attention span 注意力短暂Appendices 附件(appendix) Market opportunity 市场机遇Implement the idea 实施想法Illustrate the product or service Customer scenario/ storyboard 顾客情境Show commitment 展示责任感Advisory board 顾问委员会Name dropping The tip of the iceberg 冰山一角bricks-a

4、nd-mortar company 实体公司Geographic barriers 地理壁垒Marketing strategy 市场营销策略Critical mass of customers 关键客户群 Initial investment 初步投资Client acquisition 客户采集Fixed budget 固定预算Average cost 平均成本Business category 业务类别Differentiator 区分因素First-mover advantage 首发优势Dominate the market 主导市场Scalability 可扩展性Keep the

5、competitive edge 保持竞争优势Industry value chain 产业价值链Strategic alliance 战略联盟Collaborator 合作者Novel applications 新型应用Profit making 营利Bottom line 最低限度Venture capitalists 风险资本/创投公司Valuation 评估方式Goodwill 商誉Brand name 牌名Human capital 人力资本 Intellectual property 知识产权Customer/supplier base 客户基础Supplier base 供应商库

6、Maximize the assets value 资产价值最大化General guideline 通用准则Value-added 增值Assessment of risks 风险评估Funding request 资金需求Memory decay curve 记忆衰减曲线U3Short-term/operating expenditures 短期/营运支出Long-term/capital expenditures 长期/资本支出Incurred costs 发生费用Outlays 支出Accounts payable 应付账款Accounts receivable 应收账款Invento

7、ry 存货Payment schedule 付款计划Credit policies 信贷政策Honor ones obligations 承兑债务Poor payment histories 不良付款记录Credit interchange 信用情报交换National Association of Credit Management 国家信用管理协会Invoice 发票,发货单Receipt 收据Raw materials 原材料Finished product 制成品Raw materials inventory 原材料库存Work-in-process (WIP) inventory 半

8、成品Finished goods inventory : items ready for sale/ shipment 备妥待售/运Excess inventory 过剩库存Raise cash 募集资金Working capital 流动/营运资本Current assets 流动资产Fortune 500 companies 500强企业Cash flow 资金流Fixed assets 固定资产( with long-term use/value )Be converted into cash 转换成现金A binding commitment 约束性承诺U4Asias dynamism

9、 亚洲活力/发展Reshape the global economic landscape 经济格局International Monetary Fund(IMF)国际货币基金组织Annual meeting 年度会议Perceived missteps 认知错误Emerging economic powers 新兴经济实力强国Financial turmoil 金融混乱Economic shock 经济冲击Currency devaluation 货币贬值Years of excessive borrowing 多年过度放款Frenzied investment 疯狂投资Financiall

10、y overstretched 负债累累/高杠杆Private sector 私营部门Sharp economic reversal 严重的经济倒退Put on the road to recovery 复兴之路Cut spending 削减开支Reverse itself 改变原有做法Slow damaged economy (经济体/国家)Prevailing Asian view 普遍的Further the interests of industrialized nations 增加发达国家的利益Largest shareholder 最大股东At the mercy of 受的掌控B

11、uild up huge foreign-exchange reserves 建立庞大的外汇储备A buffer against financial shocks 减缓金融震荡Have an incentive to do sth.有做某事的动机Trade deficit 贸易逆差Trade surplus 贸易顺差(soaring)Mitigate the imbalance 减缓矛盾Group of Seven (G-7)七国集团Purchasing-power parity (PPP)购买力平价GDP国内生产总值GNP国民生产总值FDI对外直接投资Economic heft (stren

12、gth)Multilateral consultations 多边协商Euro area 欧元区国家financial turbulence金融动荡Hold down the foreign exchange rate 降低外汇汇率Lending facility 借贷便利Bolster confidence 增强信心U5A sharp AIM 富有竞争力的替代性投资市场(Alternatives Investment Market) A growth spurt 快速增长Energy-storage 蓄能Beef up production 加强,补充Quench demand : meet

13、 demandSell shares to the public 上市Put the company in a good light Be listed on AIM 挂牌上市Fulfill ones best hopes 超出预期Renaissance 复兴、崛起Resurgence 重新崛起London Stock Exchange (LSE)Turnover 营业额Barter 交易Initial public offerings (IPO)首次公开募股NYSE 纽约股票交易所US SEC(US Securities and Exchange Commission) 美国证券交易委员会S

14、tock-market regulator 股市监管机构Sour grapes 酸葡萄心理Vet审查Minimum market cap 最低市值Quality control 质量管理Outsource 外包Nominate Advisers / Nomads 保荐人Accounting firms 会计公司A giant conflict of interest 巨大的利益冲突Warrant认股证书;授权证书Bullish 行情看涨,牛市U6High flyer 成功的公司/人Have a firm hold on the top spot 占据第一位For four consecutiv

15、e years 连续四年Under the proverbial carpet 羞于启齿Fall from glory 从荣耀到衰落Sales channel 销售渠道Crisis of consumer trust 消费者信任危机Lackluster performance 业绩平平Discrimination 歧视Grab the No.1 market position Compensate consumers 补偿消费者Superior quality 质量上乘Premium service 优质服务Generically modified ingredients 转基因成分Violate the rights of sb. to clear access to information on 侵犯知情权Consumer awareness 消费者意识Come to terms



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