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1、Book FourUnit One Women of achievementPart One 单元重点知识点I. 重点单词和词组 P. 1 Words: specialist, connection, human beings, campaign, organizationPhrases: dress as, fight for, drive.out of., be put to death, concern oneself with., devote all ones life to., instead ofP.2 Words: behave, shade, worthwhile, nest

2、, bond, behavior, observe, childhood, outspoken, respect, argue, entertainment, inspire Phrases: move off, in the shade of, work out, lead a busy life, crowd in, gain a doctors degreeP.3 Words: supportP.4 Words: observation, argument Phrases: look down uponP.5 Words: audience Phrases: refer toP.6Wor

3、ds: rate, sickness, intend, emergency, generation, kindness, consideration, deliver Phrases: sit down at the computer, do some research on., by chance, come across, catch ones eye, be intended for, be placed second to sth., cannot wait to do sth., carry onP.7 Words: modest, considerateIII. 重点语法 主谓一致

4、:明确主谓一致的概念,理解和掌握集合名词做主语时的主谓一致、并列主语的主谓一致、数量作主语时的主谓一致、代词作主语时的主谓一致及倒装句中的主谓一致等。Part Two 单元目标检测I. 根据下列句子意思用所给词的正确形式或所给汉语填空(1X20=20)1. He has earned a good reputation and gained the (尊敬) of all the villagers by keeping on doing whats good and right. 2. Roger Kingdom set the world record of 12.92 seconds,

5、which was quite an _ (achieve).3. The little boys bad _ (behave) at the party made his parents upset.4. The experts are doing a research _ (项目), trying to find the cure for AIDS.5. It was not boring at all. On the contrary, the _ (观众) enjoyed every minute of the performance.6. Students often see lit

6、tle _ (connect) between school and the rest of their lives.7. Its well-known that the World Health _ (organize) is a specialized agency of the United Nations that is concerned with internationalpublic health.8. The crisis brought out the best in him. I admire him for his courage and _ (determine).9.

7、 Anne described how she got into an _ (argue) with one of the waiters about the bill.10. I dont think its _ (值得的) arguing about which TV program to watch.11. Its said that a new _ (一代) of Apple cell phones will soon be put onto the market.12. Whats the most important at present is to make sure that

8、the baby will be able to be safely _ (deliver).13. Though having lived abroad for years, many Chinese still _ (observation) the traditional customs.14. With a large family to _ (支持,供养), he took up two part-time jobs in his spare time.15. You should treat your elders with (kind) and respect.16. We wi

9、ll take your experience into _ (considerate) when we decide who will get the job.17. The government have just launched their annual _ (运动) to stop drunken driving.18. I spent the afternoon reading in the _ (荫,阴凉处) of a large oak tree.19. Her early childhood _ (inspire) her to write her first novel.2

10、0. She likes her daughter to have a mobile phone in case of an _ (紧急情况).II. 用所给词的词组适当形式填空(1X10=10)1. Fears of being punished in various possible ways kept _ (crowd) on her, which worried her a great deal. 2. Its suggested that we should do the reading comprehension within the time limit without _ (r

11、efer) a dictionary.3. Whatever difficulty we meet with, we will _ (carry) with the project.4. It was in the restaurant where he worked that he _ (come) the girl he fell in love with at first sight.5. At that time, teachers were not respected. Instead, they were _ (look). 6. The book _ (intend) child

12、ren aged 57.7. When we got to the station, the train had _ (move).8. I met an old friend _ (chance) on the train.9. She has _ (devote) the care of homeless people.10. With our car being repaired in the garage, we need to _ (work) how were going to get there.III语法填空(2X10=20) 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当内容(每空1个单词)

13、或括号内单词的正确形式。Jane Goodall, who had intended to work with animals in their own environment _1_ her childhood, went to Africa and devoted herself to _2_ (study) the behavior of chimps. It was tough _3_ she considered it as _4_ worthwhile career. She spend years _5_ (observe) and recording their daily a

14、ctivities. For forty years Jane Goodall has been outspoken _6_ making the rest of the world understand and respect the life of the animals. She argued that the life of these animals should _7_ (leave) in the wild and not used for entertainment. Besides, she was very _8_ (consider) to these animals. Now, she has done everything _9_ she wanted to do, which _10_ (inspire) those who want to cheer the achievements of women.1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._6._ 7._



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