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1、Model Test 1Part I. WritingSample Writing:A Reply to A FriendDear John,I received your letter yesterday. In reply to your inquiry about applying for admission to my university, I would like to give you the following suggestions.My school is a comprehensive university with such disciplines as science

2、, engineering, the arts, economy, management, law and education. Among all the majors, I suggest that you should apply for the major of computer science and technology. There are some reasons for this suggestion. First, the computer personnel are in great demand owing to the widespread use of comput

3、ers in every field. Therefore, you can find a job easily if you have a degree in this major. Second, my university has first-rate facilities and excellent teachers in this field. You will definitely benefit from studying in my university. There are some requirements for this major. To begin with, yo

4、u must have a good foundation in math and English. Knowledge in these two subjects is essential for doing well in this major. In addition, you have to pay a higher tuition fee than students of other majors. Of course, you have to make some preparations for the test. On the one hand, you need to lear

5、n something about the computer. On the other hand, you should have basic knowledge about English before coming to the university. Otherwise, you will have difficulty in learning well in this major. I hope the above suggestions helpful to you. Wish you good luck.Yours Sincerely,DavidPart II. Reading

6、Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)1-7 Y Y N Y NG N Y8. face-to-face and respect 9. a favor or debt should never be forgotten10. to make friends and keep themPart III. Listening Comprehension11. C. 该题考查说话人所处的地点. 根据对话中的关键词books, return, overdue可以确定对话地点在图书馆。正确答案为C.12. C. 该题是根据女士的回答推断Jake的情况. 根据“his

7、racket is here on the sofa”可以确定他就在附近。正确答案为C.Band Four 16513. B. 该题考查对话双方之间的关系。在对话中,女士祝贺男士考试取得好成绩,男士说女士肯定也做得不错。由此可见,两个人都是学生。正确答案为B.14. A. 该题考查男士建议女士做什么。从男士的回答“it would clear up by noon”可知,天气将变晴,所以女士不用回去拿雨衣。正确答案为A.15. C. 该题考查说话人谈论的话题。从对话中的关键词window broken, belongings missing,called the police station可

8、推断这是一起入室盗窃案。正确答案为C.16. D. 该题考查男士正在干什么。结合男士讲的话,根据女士说的fill in the rest of it可判断出男士在填表。正确答案为D.17. C. 该题考查男士对新课程的看法。在对话中,女士认为这门新课容易,但是男士说好多学生学得不好,由此推断他认为这门课并不是女士想象的那么容易,正确答案为C.18. A. 该题是推断题。女士说这首歌已被老师在课堂上放了一千遍了,男士说他同意,并说在没听这么多遍前他也很喜欢这首歌,说明他们现在都对这首歌很厌倦。正确答案为A.Section A11-18 CCBACDCA 19-22 BDCA 23-25 DCDS

9、ection B26-28 DCB 29-31 ACA 32-35 CBBDSection C36. primarily 37. establishing 38. similarities39. criticize 40. closest 41. approached42. preserve 43. status44. This is done by exhibiting knowledge and skill, and by holding center stage throughverbal performance such as storytelling, joking, or conv

10、eying information.45. they are more comfortable speaking in larger groups made up of people they know lesswell46. the most private situations can be approached like public speakingPart IV. Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth)Section A47-56: I M F L C J G D N BSection B57-66: D B C A D A C B D B5

11、7. D 本题考查作者的观点,属于综合主旨题。根据第二段except the successful outcome和文章最后一长句,可以得出婴儿之所以会学会一些行为是因为他们通过这些行为可以获得成功的感觉。A项是人们以往的观点,B项和C项只是表面的原因,并不是实际原因,所以正确答案为D。58. B 本题为细节题。根据第三段第一句话,Papousek通过使用用牛奶奖励孩子的办法,166 Model Test 1就是为了教会孩子完成一些简单的动作。所以ACD都不是此举的目的,正确答案为B。59. C 本题为细节题。根据第三段第二句话, Papousek在研究中发现,婴儿吃饱之后会拒绝牛奶,但是还会

12、继续重复已经学会的动作,说明即使不给牛奶,他们也会重复一些简单动作,因此A不正确。 B, D内容基本一致,这两项都不是Papousek要去发现的东西。C项符合原文,故为正确答案。60. A 本题为细节题。根据文章最后一句话,Papousek得出结论:婴儿感到高兴的不是因为灯光,而是因为他们所获得的解决问题和掌握技能后的成功感,再有就是人类本身有一种理解世界、控制世界的渴求。B, C, D项都没有提及,正确答案为A。61. D 本题为细节题,根据见上题。正确答案为D。62. A 本题为主旨题。文章讲述人类从前人那里继承了许多文化成果,并将其传乘下去,所以文章主题为文化继承。答案为A。63. C

13、本题为是非题。文章第二段开始讲述文化的定义,它包括一代人传给另一代人的所有思想、知识、做事的方法、习惯、价值观以及处世态度等,文章后半部分又阐述文化与本能的不同,因此A, B, D都属于文化的范畴,C项不属于文化,故正确答案为C。64. B 本题为语义题,需要根据上下文来推断。根据原文 “it can store new information,infinitely more rapidly than the process of mutation and biological evolution ”, 可以推断出mutation 和biological evolution表达相近的意思,是“

14、变化、进化”的意思,而exchange指“交换、兑换”, communication指“交际、交流”, existence指“生存”,故正确答案为B。65. D 本题为推断题。根据文章第一句话,人类的发明创造是永无止境的,所以A项与原文一致。根据第一段 “this process of cultural transmission yields enormous economy”,B项与此句意思一致。C项与原文第二句话意思一致,同时根据这一句,人类最大的发明创造就是不去发明创造,而是继承前辈的文化传统,所以D项与原文不符。正确答案为D。66. B 本题为推断题。根据文章最后一句话 “The tr

15、ansmission of culture is more flexiblethan instinct, and can growmore rapidly than the process of mutation and biologicalevolution”, 可以推断出文化传播比生物本能发展要快得多,反过来也就是说生物本能也在发展,但是速度要比文化传播慢得多,因此可以推断出B项为正确答案,A项和C项与原文相反,D项原文没有提及。Part V. Cloze67-86: C B A B D C A D B A C D C B A B D D A C67. C 原句意思是:此项研究为人们意想不到的,因此C符合句意。A为“震惊”,B为“激动”,D为“迷惑”,均不符题意。68. B 此句not only之后应为倒装,并且feeling是复数形式,故选B。69. A 此句的意思是:人的情感不仅很难用语言描述清楚,而且很难一一列举出来,所以答案选择A。70. B 此句的意思是:几乎没有人对有多少种情感达成一致意见,C和D不符句意,scarcely表示“几乎不”(程度), rarely表示“几乎不”(频率),所以选择B。Band Four 16771. D 前三项为近义词,意思是“重要的”,而此句指的是人最基本的情感,所以选D。72. C 此句为that引导的定语从句,修饰someth


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