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1、1.meomory n. 记忆,记忆力,回忆Eg. I have a bad memory for names. I have happy memories of our school.Memorize v. 记忆,记住2. corner n. 角落Write “By Airmail” in the top left-hand corner.3.lose v. ( lost, lost) 丧失,失去I lost my job when the company moved to another city.动词lose还有如下常见含义:a. 表示“输掉(比赛、战斗、争论等)”His favouri

2、te football team lost the final.b. 表示“遗失,丢失”I lost my keys.c. 表示“减少,降低”The girl has lost interest in dolls.4. improve v.改进,改善He suggested a plan to improve the rate of production in this factory.Their working conditions are improving.5. mention v. 提到,说到Did she mention the time of the meeting?拓展:ment

3、ion 有如下的常见用法a. dont mention it(用于礼貌地回复别人的道谢)不客气 -Thank you for all your help.-Dont mention it.b. not to mention(用于强调)更不用说This is a great habitat for birds, not to mention other wildlife.6. method n. 方法,办法Our teacher is showing us a new method of last reading.近义词way n.方法,办法7. spelling n. 拼写,拼法Do you

4、know the spelling of the word “refrigerator”?Spell v. (spelt, spelt或spelled, spelled)拼写How do you spell “potato”?8. mind n. 头脑,大脑All kinds of thoughts are running through my mind.拓展:mind用作名词时,还可以表示“思想,想法,智力,记忆力”等。常见的含有mind的短语有:change ones mind改变主意,make up ones mind下定决心,keep something in mind记住某事,com

5、e to mind突然想起Mind v. 介意 Would you mind closing the door?9. silly adj. 可笑的反义词sensible adj. 有理智的,明智的I will not wear that hat-Id look silly in it.拓展:silly 还可以表示“愚蠢的,傻的”Dont be so silly! Ive made a very silly mistake.10. mile n.英里11. letter n.字母,信件,信函A is the first letter in the alphabet.Now people seld

6、om write letters to each other.12. worth adj. 值得,有价值Worth在句中一般作表语。有时也可用作后置定语,如:a place worth seeing(值得一看的地方)等。当worth用作表语时,不能单独使用,其后通常接名词、动词-ing形式等,但不能接动词不定式,常用的句式有:a. “主语+be+ worth+名词This country is worth a visit.His words are worth notice.b.“主语+be + worth + 动词-ing形式”。此时,句子的主语就是worth之后动词-ing形式的逻辑宾语。

7、This book is worth reading.His isnt worth getting angry with.注意:动词-ing形式之后的介词不可省去。c. “It(形式主语)+ be + worth + 动词-ing形式。It isnt worth repairing the bike.Is it worth visiting the city?一般来说,worth前面可用well, really, very much等词修饰,但一般不用very修饰。如:This is really worth trying.This film is well worth watching.请比

8、较:(对)This book is worth reading.(对)It is worth reading this book.(对)This book is well worth reading.(错)Reading this book is worth.(错)This book is worth being read.(错)This book is very worth reading.此外,worth 还有如下常见用法: 表示“值(多少钱)“的意思。其后主要接数字或类似的词语。如:This wallet is worth 100 yuan.This painting is worth

9、a fortune.A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.双鸟在林不如一鸟在手。表示“拥有价值的财产“的意思。He is worth a million dollars.13. unless conj. 除非We dont be able to reach the top of the mountain unless the weather gets better.注意:unless多用于引导否定意义的条件句14. trouble n. 困难Mary had trouble solving this difficult maths proble

10、m.拓展:trouble 常用于以下结构或句型中:a. have trouble doing sth.表示“做某事有困难”We had no trouble finding his office.b. have trouble with 表示“有问题”He is having trouble with his teeth.The man often has trouble with his wife.c. The trouble is (that)表示“麻烦是;困难在于”The trouble is that we dont know his address.拓展:trouble v. 使麻烦

11、;烦恼What is troubling you? May I trouble you to pass me the salt, please?15. list n. 清单We are making a list of the food for the picnic next week.There were six names on the list.16. step n.步骤She is not satisfied with her life now and wishes to take steps to improve it.拓展:step还有如下常见含义:a. 表示“步,一步”如:She walked a few steps further.b. 表示“阶梯,台阶”These stone steps lead to the beach.17.



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