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1、管理英语4模拟试题一一、 交际用语(共计10分,每小题2分)1-5题:选择正确的语句完成下列对话,并将答案序号写在答题纸上。 1.-We could let some of the staff work from home._-Thats a good idea.A. Do you have any good idea?B. What do you think of it?C. Is there anything else? 2. I think things have been a bit difficult for us the last couple of months. -_. Wev

2、e been working hard, but still getting behind.A. Youre right.B. Im afraid.C. I dont think so. 3. I think things have been a bit difficult for us the last couple of months. -_Weve been working hard, but still getting behind.A. Youre right.B. Im afraid.C. I dont think so. 4. Will you help me arrange a

3、 meeting with Mr. Brown, please? -_A. No, no way.B. No, I cant.C. Sorry I cant. I have to finish my project right now. 5. Youd better not push yourself too hard. You can ask the team and listen. -_ A. You are right. B. No, we cant do that. C. I think it will kill our time.二、词汇与结构(共计30分,每小题2分)6-20题:阅

4、读下面的句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的正确选项,并将答案序号写在答题纸上。6. Even the best continually seek ways to_ their skills.A. sharp B. sharpenerC. sharpen7. It is through enthusiasm and quiet intensity _ we transform creativity and vision into the technologies.A. that B. /C. which8. _ managers spend most of their time

5、in face-to-face contact with others, but they spend much of it obtaining and sharing information.A. Not only B. Do not onlyC. Not only do9. _ clearly communicate with and actively listen to employee is essential to improve their performance.A. Be able to B. Being ableC. Being able to10. I believe th

6、at I have a lot to contribute_ a team environment, and am comfortable in both leadership and player roles.A. to B. withC. for11. Compared _English, Chinese is generally believed to be more difficult to learn.A. with B. fromC. against12. _the important of English, we should put more effort into it an

7、d try to learn it well.A. Gave B. GivingC. Given13. He will write to me as soon as he _home.A. will have returned B. returnsC. will return14. Linda walked at the head, _ by her colleagues.A. followed B. followingC. to follow15. After days of investigation, the police were _reality.A. attempting B. a

8、pprovingC. approaching16. I think the primary _ factor is theres been so much absence lately.A. contributing B. causingC. affecting17. An agreement was reached on the _of mutual respect and mutual interest.A. basic B. baseC. basis18. Please ask the solicitor what his _ would be take the case to cour

9、t.A. fare B. feeC. salary19. All the _ guests are seated in the front row.A. distinguishing B. extinguishingC. distinguished20. Learning new things has always been a great _for me.A. motivator B. motivateC. motivation三、阅读理解(共40分,每小题4分)21-25题:阅读短文,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个正确答案,并将序号写在答题纸上。 The meaning of “commu

10、nication” goes a lot deeper than people often think. Communication is about conceiving, sending, receiving, and interpreting messages as well as confirming reception of these messages. A failure at any point in this chain can result in ineffective communication.In effective communication can be disa

11、strous. There is a famous story of a British Army Commander who sent the message Send reinforcements, were going to advance.” back to his Command Center, through a long chain of subordinates. When the message finally reached the Command Center, it had “mutated” to become“Send three and four-pence, w

12、ere going to a dance. “The reinforcements never arrived.You can demonstrate this same principle, albeit on a less dramatic scale, by trying to play Chinese Whispers with more than 20 people. It is highly unlikely the same message you started with will be the one you end with.In a business, there are

13、 three main types of communication failure. Each has its own indicative signs.l The first type is known as allocative failure. This occurs when a firm is not gathering enough intelligence about its market or (most often), the information is not reaching the right points. The firm will not be allocating resources in step with the shifts in demand. If demand is rising but the firm is suffering from allocative communication failure, then stocks will fail and there will be understanding. If the inverse happens, there will be a surplus of sto


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