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1、Unit 12 What did you do last weekend一、基础归纳重点短语1.上周末last weekend 2.做作业do ones homework3.看电影 go to the cinema4.去划船go boating5. 在湖边露营 camp by the lake6.去海滩go to the beach7.打羽毛球play badminton 8.在周六的早上on Saturday morning9.为了考试学习 study for a test 10. 做一个导游工作work as a guide11.告诉某人关于tell sb about 12.超过,多于ov

2、er=more than13.生活习惯living habits14.有点儿累 be kind of tired15. 熬夜 stay up16.和某人玩play with sb.17.丢东西lose things18.跑开run away19.放风筝fly a kite20.作为一个特殊的礼物 as a special gift21.把某人带到某地take sb. to sp.22.去露营go camping23.搭建帐篷put up the tents 24.生火 make a fire25. 使某人保持温暖keep sb. warm26. 在第一天晚上 on the first nigh

3、t27.如此以至于so.that.28.去睡觉 go to sleep29.看见某人正在做某事see sb. doing sth.30. 上蹦下跳jump up and down31 爬到某人背上. climb onto ones back32. 大声喊叫shout at/shout to33.把.弄醒wake up34.移入,爬进中move into35.有用的一课a useful lesson重点句型1. What did you do last weekend? Lucy? Lucy,你上周末做了什么?2. Well, on Saturday, I played badminton. 噢

4、.周六我打羽毛球了。3. Hi,Lisa, How was your weekend?你好,Lisa,周末过得怎么样? 4. Great, thanks.好极了,谢谢。5. I worked as a guide at the Natural History Museum. 我在自然历史博物馆当了一名导游。6. They have a beautiful house with over 200 kinds of butterflies!它们(指博物馆)有一个漂亮的房子里有200多种蝴蝶。7. Did you have a good weekend? 你周末过得愉快吗8. Yeah, it wa

5、s good, but Im kind of tired now, I stayed up late to watch the soccer game. 愉快,但我现在有点累,我熬夜看足球赛了。9. Where did she go last weekend? 她上周六去了什么地方?10. She went to a farm. 她去了 一家农场。11. When did he lose them? 他是什么吋候丢的钥匙?12. I heard it was yesterday. 我听说是咋天。13. As a special gift, our parents took us toIndia

6、.作为一份特殊的礼物 我爸妈带肴我们去了印。14. Well, son,thats why its important to learn a second language.所以嘛,儿子 这就是为什么学习外语的重要性啦。15. There we put up tents and made a fire to keep us warm and cook food on。在那里我们架起帐蓬,生火取暖并做饭。【教材内容解析】Section A1. camped by the lake (P. 67)camp此处用作动词,表示“扎营、搭帐篷”,常用的短语为:go camping“去野营”;camp o

7、ut“野营、露营”。Where did you camp last night?They often go camping during summer holidays.The students love camping out during summer holidays.2. I worked as a guide at the Natural History Museum. (P. 68)as此处用作介词,表示“作为、当作”,后接表示职业的名词。He works as an actor. As a student, you should study hard.3. How interes

8、ting! (P. 68)how引导的感叹句的结构为“How+形容词/副词+主语+谓语”。How beautiful the bird is! How fast Mary runs!【拓展】what引导的感叹句常用的结构有:“What+a/an+形容词+单数可数名词+主语+谓语”或者“What+形容词+可数名词复数/不可数名词+主语+谓语”。What a beautiful flower! What interesting books these are! What heavy snow it is!4. I told the visitors about them and their liv

9、ing habits. (P. 68)tell sb. about sth.意为“告诉某人关于某事”。 Mary told me about her pet dog.5. .but Im kind of tired now. (P. 68)kind of表示“有点儿”,相当于a little。 She is kind of fat.6. I stayed up late to watch the soccer game. (P. 68)stay up意为“熬夜”,要表达“为而熬夜”用stay up for sth.。I stayed up late for my homework.7. A f

10、amily of mice were in the kitchen on Saturday morning when they saw a big cat. (P. 69)family为集合名词,表示整体,指代家庭整体概念时,谓语动词用单数形式;表示个体,指代家庭成员时,谓语动词用复数形式。The Green family are watching TV now. The Green family is a big one.8. .thats why its important to learn a second language. (P. 69)Thats why.意为“那就是为什么”,表示

11、结果。Thats why I didnt come. I got up late. Thats why I missed the bus.Section B1. flew a kite (P. 70)fly此处用作及物动词,意为“放飞”。My father helped me to fly the model plane.2. Did you do anything interesting last weekend? (P. 70)形容词修饰不定代词时,放在不定代词后边。This isnt anything important.3. There we put up our tents and

12、made a fire to keep us warm and cook food on. (P. 71)(1) put up此处表示“搭建起”,还可以表示“张贴、举起、建造”。Please put up your hand if you have any question.Youd better put up a notice here.They put up many buildings last year.(2) make a fire意为“生火”。He went back home and made a fire.4. On the first night, we just sat u

13、nder the moon and told each other stories. each other意为“互相、彼此”,相当于one another,常用作宾语。They helped each other. We talked to each other.5. But I was so tired that I went to sleep early. (P. 71)so.that.意为“如此以至于”,so是副词,后接形容词和副词,that引导结果状语从句。He is so young that he cant look after himself.The boy ran so fas

14、t that I couldnt catch up with him.6. The next morning, my sister and I got a terrible surprise. (P. 71)the next morning表示“第二天早上”,以过去或者将来某个时间为起点的第二天早上;next morning表示“明天早上”,以现在为起点的第二天早上。We started the next morning. We will visit him next morning.7. When we looked out of our tent, we saw a big snake s

15、leeping near the fire. look out“向外看”,若表示“向外看某物”用look out at sth. 若表示“向外看”用look out of。Dont look out of the window in class. look out还可以表示“小心”,“对小心”用look out forLook out for the coming bus.8. I was so scared that I couldnt move. (P. 71)scared用作形容词,表示“惊慌的、吓怕的”,常用的搭配为:be scared of害怕;be scared to do sth.害怕做某事。He was scared of snakes.The little girl


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