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1、人教版七年级下册英语期末复习资料,重点短语难点突破七年级(下)Units 1-4【重点短语】1.擅长做某事be good at(doing)sth.2.讲故事tell stories3.加入讲故事俱乐部join the story telling club4.下棋play chess5.擅长与某人打交道be good with sb.6.与某人交朋友make friends with sb.7.穿好衣服get dressed8.散步take/have a walk/go for a walk9.有时间做某事have time for sth./to do sth.10.半小时half an h

2、our11.要么要么eitheror12.刷牙brush ones teeth13.吃一顿丰盛的早餐eat a good breakfast14.有健康的生活have a healthy life15.滑索道过河 go on a ropeway to cross the river16.一个11岁的男孩an 11-year-old boy17.使某人的梦想实现 make ones dream come true18.按时on time 及时in time19.在走廊上跑run in the hallways20.穿校服wear a school uniform21.练习弹吉他practice

3、playing the guitar22.帮妈妈做早餐help mom (to) make breakfast23.太多规则too many rules24.整理床铺make the bed25.考虑think about26.对某人在某方面要求严格 be strict with sb. in sth27.制定规则make rules28.遵守规则follow the rules【重点难点突破】1. speak, say, tell, talk的用法。speak “讲话、演讲;说某种语言”say 后接说话的内容 say sth. in English 用英语说某物 tell sb. sth.=

4、tell sth. to sb. 告诉某人某事 tell sb to do sth. 告诉某人做某事 tell a story 讲故事 tell a joke 讲笑话 tell a lie 说谎 talk with/to sb. 与某人交谈 talk about sth. 谈论某事2. take part in, join, join in的区别:take part in “参加,参与(某活动)”。join “参加(某组织),加入(某处任职),加到某个人群中去,从而成为其中一员”。相当于become a member of. 其延续性动词的是be a member of / be in joi

5、n in sth. / doing sth.“参加”,后面接的宾语一般是表示竞赛、娱乐、游戏等活动的名词。3.be good for, be good at, be good to, be good with be good for“对有益”(反义) be bad for be good at doing sth.“擅长于.”=do well in be good to“对友好”=be friendly/nice to be good with“擅长与某人打交道”4. also,too,as well,either “也”also用于肯定句中,置于实义动词之前,be动词、助动词或情态动词之后。

6、too放在肯定句句末,前面常有逗号。as well 放在句尾。either放在否定句句末,前面常有逗号。5. either与neither的用法。either “两者中的任一个”。 either of作主语时,谓语动词用单数。 eitheror 要么要么(就近原则)neither “两者都不”。 neither of 作主语时,谓语动词用单数。 neithernor 既不也不(就近原则) both and 两者都(谓语动词用复数)6表达乘坐交通工具的方式 take+a(the)+交通工具 take the bus by+交通工具 by bike on foot=walk to 走路去 on a

7、/the/ones bike/bus/train/subway in a/the/ones car/taxi/plane ride/ drive/ fly to 骑车/开车/坐飞机去7. bring, take, carry, fetch的区别:bring“带来,拿来”, 从别处带到说话的地点。take “带去,拿去”,从说话的地方拿走。carry指“携带”,有“扛,提,运”的意思。fetch “去拿来, 去取”。相当于go and bring sth.8. too many, too much, much too too many“太多”,修饰可数名词。 too much“太多”,修饰不可数

8、名词或动词。 much too“太”,修饰形容词或副词。9. remember 与forget的用法。 remember to do sth. 记得要去做某事。 remember doing sth. 记得做过某事。 forget to do sth.忘记要去做某事。 forget doing sth. 忘记做过某事。【写作句型运用】1、How long does it take you to get to school?(P14)你花多长时间到学校?说明:这是It takes sb some time to do sth. “花某人多少时间做某事”这一句型的特殊疑问句,类似表达还有: sb.

9、 spend some time/money on sth./(in)doing sth. “某人花在某事上多少时间/钱 sb pay (some money) for sth.“某人为某物支付多少钱” sth cost sb some money “物花人多少钱”2、What do you think of sth.“你认为某事怎么样?”,这个句型是问某人对某事的看法,类似表达还有:How do you like sth.? How do you feel about sth.?七年级(下)Units 5-8【重点短语】1.来自come from/ be from2.好运的象征a symbo

10、l of good luck3.迷路get lost/ lose ones way / lose oneself4.处于极大的危险之中be in great danger5.砍树cut down the trees6.失去家园lose ones home7.用象牙制造的be made of ivory8.读报纸read a newspaper9.在电话里聊天talk on the phone10.在家stay/ be at home11.与某人住在一起live with sb.12.在电视上看龙舟赛watch the boat races on TV13.给某人读故事read a story

11、to sb. .14.希望做某事wish to do sth15.捎口信给某人take a message for sb16.叫他回我电话ask/tell him to call me back17.玩得开心have fun=have a good time= enjoy oneself18.坐在泳池旁sit by the pool19.快乐地做某事be happy to do sth.20.在的对面across from21.在附近near here=around here= in the neighborhood22.与某人一起度过时spend time with sb.光23.爬来爬去c

12、limb around24.在第一个拐角处往左拐Turn left at the first crossing.25.现在at the moment【重点难点突破】1. kind 的用法 what kind of “什么种类,哪种” a kind of “一种” different kinds of “不同种类的” all kinds of “各种各样的” kind of + adj.= a little/bit + adj. “有点” be kind to “对友好”2. 巧记国家和人(中日不变英法变)国名 语言 人中国 China Chinese Chinese日本 Japan Japan

13、ese Japanese法国 France French Frenchman英国 England English Englishman美国 America American American澳大利亚 Australia Australian Australian加拿大 Canada Canadian Canadian德国 Germany German German3. hope与wish的区别: hope to do sth“希望做某事”(易达成的愿望) hope +that从句 I hope so.“希望如此” I hope not. “希望不要如此” wish to do sth“希望做某

14、事”(难达成的愿望) wish sb. to do sth.“希望某人做某事” wish +that从句(用虚拟语气)4. have fun doing sth. 其中fun为不可数名词 have fun doing sth=enjoy oneself doing sth=have a great/good time doing sth have a hard time doing sth 做某事有困难5. 一感觉两听四看 watch sb. do sth.看到某人做某事全过程;经常做某事 watch sb. doing sth.看到某人正在做某事类似用法的词还有:一感觉(feel), 两听(

15、listen to, hear), 四看(see, look at, watch, notice)6. cross, across, through “穿过”cross v. 横过,越过cross=go acrossacross prep. “穿过”,指横穿或平面上穿过。through prep. “贯穿,从一头到另一头”,也指在空间里穿过。7.must是情态动词,虽然must是表示“必须”的意思,但是用于否定式时,mustnt却表示“不要、不能、禁止”的意思,而不是表示“不必”.在回答引出的问句时,如果是否定的,不能用mustnt(禁止,不准),而用neednt, dont have to(不必)七年级(下)Units 9-12【重点短语】1.黑色的长卷发long curly black hair2.画一张画draw



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