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1、东财大学英语2在线作业二-0060试卷总分:100 得分:100一、单选题 (共 25 道试题,共 100 分)1.A: East Bouren 54655. B: Hello. Terresa here. Can I speak to Jack, please? A: _ B: OK.A.Whos that speaking?B.Could you take a message?C.I think shes gone shopping.D.Hold the line, please.答案:D2.People say fish and chips is typical_ Britain.A.o

2、fB.fromC.toD.with答案:A3.Maria: Morley, where are the cookies. Dont tell me you ate them all!Morley: Yes, I did. _ .A.I couldnt bear it.B.They were too good to eatC.I couldnt help it.D.They were good to eat答案:C4.Youll have to pay for the holiday in _, Sir.A.frontB.advanceC.aheadD.forward答案:B5.Pupil: I

3、 apologize for being late this morning. My alarm clock didnt ring. Teacher: _A.Would you please forgive me? I never accept any apologies at all.B.Thats all right. These things often happen.C.Thank you. Youre really too kind apologizing to me.D.Never minE.You dont have to be so polite.答案:B6._ it is f

4、rom Bristol to Glasgow!A.What long a wayB.What distanceC.How long wayD.How far答案:D7.Oh, Im sorry, he _ her.A.criedB.toldC.apologizedD.said答案:B8.Even though we had lost the _ of our family, everyone came on Christmas Day-making an effort to be cheerful.A.bachelorB.masterC.doctorD.post doctor答案:B9.We

5、havent got _ furniture like theirs in our home.A.aB.theC.someD.any答案:D10.Philip: Danny, I got fired this morning. Could you help me? Danny: How come? Last time I saw you, you told me it was a good job and you would like to take it as a career. Philip: _ In a word, I didnt do a good job of it. I mess

6、ed up a buA.I have many words to say.B.There is much to discuss.C.Its a long story.D.Its a long-time talk.答案:C11.Shall I use your dictionary? _A.Certain, you may.B.Of course, you can.C.Surely, you cant.D.No, please get out.答案:B12.When hosts place dishes on the table, they will arrange the main cours

7、e at the center with the other dishes _ placed around them.A.evenlyB.evenC.oddD.oddly答案:A13.Can this camera _ good photos?A.makeB.to makeC.takeD.to take答案:C14._ I tell you yesterday not to touch that dog!A.HaventB.HasntC.DidntD.Arent答案:C15.The outside of our house was _ painted blue.A.beforeB.firstl

8、yC.originallyD.lastly答案:C16.The portraits _ look like them, but I was still unsure of my painting techniques.A.didB.doesC.to doD.doing答案:A17.The health seeking youths can following the _ of natural living.A.principlesB.principalsC.principalityD.prince答案:A18.Can you divide 30 _6, please?A.inB.byC.wit

9、hD.of答案:B19.Even students of average_ can be top students without additional work.A.diligentB.diligenceC.intelligentD.intelligence答案:D20.The music that Americans are used to _ to might sound strange to someone from another culture.A.listenB.be listenedC.listeningD.listened答案:C21.Speaker A: Weve made

10、 an appointment with the students. Well meet at 7 in the morning. Can you come on time?Speaker B: Im afraid, _ . Its too early.A.I cant do itB.I cant get itC.I cant make itD.I cant achieve it答案:C22.When Americans take a break, they often head _ their favorite vacation place.A.intoB.ontoC.overD.for答案

11、:D23.My parents told me that my brother had been _ with a rare disease.A.realizedB.diagnosedC.generalizedD.computerized答案:B24.Antarctica is the most _ continent on the planet.A.isolatedB.generatedC.acceleratedD.congratulated答案:A25.Food alone is not the _ of energy.A.sourceB.resourceC.forceD.grocer答案:A


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