a taste of English humour课件幻灯片

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1、AtasteofEnglishhumour ByCCMS 1 特困生 2 Whenthereisonlyonemanintheworld 3 SheisgoodatChineseKongfu 4 Youdoknowmylove 5 Humourisasense Itisqualityofbeingamusing itisanabilitytoappreciatethecomicoramusing Humour 幽默 6 Whoarethey Whataretheygoodat CharlieChaplin MarkTwain Mrbean EdwardLear 7 8 CharlieChapl

2、in Nonverbal Hewasagreatsilentmoviestars ModernTimes TheLittleTramp ThegoldRush CityLightarehismasterpieces Hewasverypopularinhistime 9 MrBean mimeandfarce MrBeanisfunnybecausehemakesfunnyfaces heactssilly heseemsquitestupid andthethingshedoesarefunny 10 Verbaljokestonguetwisters Iwishtowishthewishy

3、ouwishtowish butifyouwishtowishthewitchwishes Iwon twishthewishyouwishtowish 11 Bettyboughtsomebutter butthebutterwasbitter sosheboughtsomebetterbuttertomakethebitterbutterbetter 12 MarkTwain funnystories MarkTwainwasthepopularandhumorousAmericanauthor HewasthemostfamoushumorousnovelistinAmerica 13

4、EdwardLear funnypoems EdwardLear 1812 1888 wasanartist 14 Chinesehumorists 15 Chinesehumour Pantomime 哑剧 刘全和 刘全利 Funnyplays 小品 陈佩斯 赵本山 Crosstalk 相声 马季 姜昆 Doggeral 打油诗 16 Kindsofhumour pantomime 哑剧 刘全和 刘全利 funnyplays陈佩斯 赵本山 crosstalk 马季 姜昆 jokes doggerel 打油诗 17 Enjoymorejokes Turntopage22 Let sreadan

5、denjoysomeEnglishjokes Afterreading matchthejokewithexplanation UsingLanguage 18 Playonwords C What sthatflydoinginmysoup W Swimming Ithink C What sthat W It sbeansoup C Idon twanttoknowwhatit sbeen Iwanttoknowwhatitisnow C Waiter Willthepancakesbelong W No sir Round 19 123 ABC Answers Areyouright 2

6、0 SherlockHolmesandDoctorWatsonwentcampinginmountainousarea Theywerelyingintheopenairunderthestars SherlockHolmeslookedupatthestarsandwhispered Watson whenyoulookatthebeautifulsky whatdoyouthinkof Watsonreplied Ithinkofhowshortlifeisandhowlongtheuniversehaslasted No no Watson Holmessaid Whatdoyourea

7、llythinkof SoWatsontriedagain IthinkofhowsmallIamandhowvasttheskyis Tryagain Watson saidHolmes Watsontriedathirdtime Ithinkofhowcoldtheuniverseisandhowwarmpeoplecanbeintheirbeds Holmessaid Watson youfool Youshouldbethinkingthatsomeonehasstolenourtent ReadtheFunnystoryonP22 21 1 Policeman Youcan tparkhere Driver Whynot Policeman Readthesign Driver Idid Itsays Fineforparking SoIparked MoreEnglishjokes 2 Patient Thankyoudoctor Myfeverisgone Doctor Don tthankme Thankgod Patient ThenI llpaythefeestogod 22 HomeworkCollectasmanyEnglishjokesasyoucanPreviewReading NonverbalHumour 23 ThankYou 24


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