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1、机 密CONFIDENTIAL船舶保安计划SHIP SECURITY PLAN船名:Name of Ship: 编 号Number(SSP01)编制日期Compile Date审核/日期Auditing/Date/批准/日期Approval/Date/船舶管理有限公司Ship Management2 of 71船舶保安计划 SHIP SECURITY PLAN修 改 记 录AMENDMENT RECORD修改号Amendment No修改日期Date修改人姓名/职务Name/Position修改后的计划实施日期Implement Date公司保安员签字Signature目 录CONTENT第一

2、章 概述Chapter Summary1、 公司保安管理方针Company security management policy2、 船舶保安组织结构Organizational structure for ship security3、 公司和船舶资料Particulars of company and ship4、 定义Definitions5、 本计划控制要求Requirement of the plan controlling6、 本船与公司、港口设施、其他船舶以及保安当局的责任Responsibility of the ship and company, port facilitie

3、s, other ship and Security administration7、危险货物或财产的控制Dangerous cargo or belongings of control第二章 职责、权限和船长权力声明Chapter Responsibility, Power and Statement of masters right1、 公司保安员Company Security Officer (CSO)2、 船舶保安员Ship Security Officer (SSO)3、 船员Crew4、 公司对船长在船舶安全和保安方面的决定权的声明The companys statement o

4、n the masters authority upon matters of the ship security第三章 保安等级和保安措施Chapter Security measures for each security level1、 保安等级指令的接收和执行操作要点Receipt of security level order and outline of implement2、 各个保安等级下的保安措施Measures to be taken for each security level第四章 保安事件/非法行动的应急反应Chapter Emergency Measurement

5、 Against Security Incident/Unlawful Act1、 保安通信和报告Security Communication & Incident Declaration2、 外部通信系统External communication system3、 内部通信系统Internal communication system4、 保安事件/非法行动应急部署和相关操作要点Outline of key measurement in emergency against Security Incident/Unlawful Act1) 全船搜查(检查)行动部署/The outline o

6、f overall search onboard2) 保安事件/非法行动应急部署/Emergency plan in Security Incident/Unlawful Act 海上航行炸弹搜查应变部署/The explosive searching instruction at sea 防海盗/武装盗匪袭击应变部署/Emergency Plan Against Piracy/Armed Attack 在港内停泊期间人员撤离应急部署/Emergency evacuate plan in the port 碰撞应变部署/Emergency plan in collision 搁浅应变部署/Em

7、ergency plan in grounding 机器故障/电力中断应变部署/Emergency plan for machinery abnormal/power failure 人员伤害应变部署/Emergency plan for injuries 货物事故应变部署/Emergency plan for cargo accident 消防应变部署/Emergency plan in fire fighting 海上航行船上人员撤离应急部署/Emergency plan for evacuate at sea 救生应变部署/Emergency plan for live-saving 船

8、上油污应变部署/Emergency plan for oil pollution3) 保安事件/非法行动应急反应操作要点/Key measurement in the explosive searching 海上航行炸弹搜寻操作要点/Key measurement in explosive searching 防海盗/武装盗匪袭击操作要点/Key measurement against privacy or armed attack 防偷渡操作要点/Key measurement against unauthorized access of person 船舶遭受劫持操作要点/Key meas

9、urement in hijack 接到炸弹威胁电话操作要点/Key measurement after receiving call informing explosive 港口炸弹搜查操作要点/Key measurement in searching explosive in the port第五章 保安培训、演习和训练Chapter Security training, exercises and drill1、 保安培训、演习和训练要求The requirement of the security training, exercise and drill2、 在船船员保安培训计划Sec

10、urity training plan onboard3、保安演习和训练计划Security exercise and drill plan4、 保安演习和训练实施方案Security exercise and drill program第六章 船舶保安设备Chapter Ship Security equipment1、 保安报警系统Ship security alert system (not available onboard)2、 保安探测设备Ship security detection device or system (not available onboard)第七章 船舶保安

11、监控检查Chapter Survey on ship security monitoring1、 监控要求Requirement of ship security monitoring2、 保安监控实施方案Implement plan of ship security monitoring第八章 船/港和船/船界面活动及保安声明Chapter Activities of ship/port and ship/ship interface and security declaration1、 本船与ISPS规则缔约国所属港口的界面活动操作要点Key operations of interface

12、 between the ship and a port in the territory of a Contracting Government2、 本船与ISPS规则缔约国所属船舶的界面活动操作要点Key operations of interface between the ship and another one flying the flag of a State whose government is a Contracting Government to ISPS3、本船与非ISPS规则缔约国港口的界面活动操作要点Key operations of interface betwe

13、en ship and a port within the territory of an non-Contracting Government3、 本船与非ISPS规则缔约国所属船舶的界面活动操作要点Key operation of interface between ship to a ship flying the flag of a State which is not a Contracting Government to ISPS4、 保安声明Declaration of Security1) 关于保安声明的说明/Explanation for Declaration of Sec

14、urity2) 保安声明格式/Form of a Declaration of Security 船/港界面保安声明格式/Form of a Declaration of Security between a ship and a port facility 船/船界面保安声明格式/Form of a Declaration of Security between two ships第九章 内部审核和评审Chapter Internal Security Survey and Review1、 保安活动的内部审核和评审操作要点Key operations for internal survey and review on security activities2、 船舶保安评估的定期评审操作要点Key operations for periodic review of the ship security assessm



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