Module 8 Unit 2 -- Daming flies a kite in the park.

上传人:资****亨 文档编号:135092638 上传时间:2020-06-12 格式:PPT 页数:16 大小:1.06MB
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《Module 8 Unit 2 -- Daming flies a kite in the park.》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Module 8 Unit 2 -- Daming flies a kite in the park.(16页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 swimming go go go go skating shopping fishing Review Trytoreadthem artarmparkalltalltalkwalktabletakemakelake lake park walk 复习 inonunderbehind Review 在 里面在 上面在 下面在 后面 Whereisthepen It sonthedesk It sunderthedesk Whereisthebook Whereisthebag It sonthechair Talkaboutthispicture Comparethepictures In

2、bedroomA thepenisonthedesk InbedroomB thepenisunderthedesk 复习 Review goes does walks swims plays flies has Review springsummerautumnwinter inininin Whatdoyoudo Module8 Unit2Damingfliesakiteinthepark Module8 Unit2 活动一 swf Module8 Unit2 活动二 swf 在公园 inthepark 在湖里面 inthelake Let sanswer WheredoesDamingflyakiteinspring Hefliesakiteinthepark Wheredoesheswiminsummer Heswimsinthelake Wheredoeshegofishinginautumn Hegoesfishingunderthetree Wheredoeshewalkinwinter Hewalksinthesnow Thankyou


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