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1、Module10 Unit2同步检测一、根据汉语意思,补全单词。1. f_m_ _y (家,家庭)2. p_ _n_ _ (花生)3. y_ _ _ (年份)4. C_r_ _t_ _ _ (圣诞节)5. m_ _ _y (愉快的)6. p_e_ _ _t (礼物)二、单项选择。( ) 1. Heres _ toy.A. anB. you C. your( ) 2. Christmas is _.A. coming B. come C. comes( ) 3. What do you do _ Christmas?A. inB. at C. on( ) 4. We sing _.A. song

2、 B. songs C. a songs( ) 5. _ Amy have apples?A. DoB. AreC. Does三、判断下列图片与句子描述是“”否“”相符。( ) 1. We eat lots of food.( ) 2. Heres a present. ( ) 3. Happy New Year!( ) 4. We have a Christmas tree. ( ) 5. We sing songs at Christmas.四、为下列句子选择正确的答语。(1) Heres a present for you. A. Merry Christmas!(2) Merry Ch

3、ristmas! B. Happy New Year!(3) What do you do at Christmas? C. Thank you.(4) Happy New Year! D. We give presents.五、根据汉语意思,补全句子。1. 在春节你们都做些什么?_ do you do at the _ _?2. 我们祝愿你圣诞节快乐。We _ you a _ _.3.这是给你的书。Heres _ _ for you.4. 新年就要来了。New Year _ _.5. 大明吃花生吗?_ Daming _ peanuts?参考答案一、1. family 2. peanut 3. year 4. Christmas 5. merry 6. present二、1-5 CABBC三、1-5 四、(1)-(4) CADB五、l. What; Spring Festival 2. wish; merry Christmas 3. a book 4. is coming 5. Does; eat


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