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1、Module7 模块综合检测听力部分一、听录音排队。根据听到的录音给下面图片排序。 ABCDE_二、听录音辨形。选出听到的单词或短语。( ) 1. A. vegetables B. fruit C. bread( ) 2. A. in the photo B. on the wall C. go to school( ) 3. A. row a boat B. on a bike C. turn right( ) 4. A. there is B. there are C. have( ) 5. A. play chess B. play football C. play basketball

2、三、翻译听到的句子。( ) 1. A. 让我们看一看吧。B. 让我们一起走吧。C. 让我们有一张图片。( ) 2. A. 它正在爬树。B. 它爬上了树。C. 它要去爬树。( ) 3. A. 那个女孩在干什么?B. 那个女孩是谁?C. 那个女孩是谁的?( ) 4. A. 有一只羊。B. 有一头熊。C. 有一匹马。( ) 5. A. 在树下有两个女孩。B. 在树上有十二个女孩。C. 在树下有十二个女孩。四、交际高手。根据问句选择相应的答句。( ) 1. A. Yes, there is. B. Yes, there are。( ) 2. A. Its eating vegetables. B. W

3、ere eating apples.( ) 3. A. They are riding bikes. B. There are eleven boys. ( ) 4. A. Its a panda. B. They are chickens.( ) 5. A. Yes, I can. B. Yes, I do.笔试部分一、找朋友,找出与所给单词同类的选项。( ) 1. climbing A. good B. doing C. interesting( ) 2. riceA. bread B. bike C. bus( ) 3. boyA. he B. girl C. she( ) 4. she

4、epA. horse B. run C. play( ) 5. pigA. face B. arm C. elephant二、写出下面词组的汉语意思。1. ride bikes _2. by bus _3. run fast _4. there is _5. play chess _6. fly a kite _三、单项选择。( ) 1. There are some nice _ here.A. photos B. photo C. photoes( ) 2. There are twelve boys _ the bike.A. for B. at C. on( ) 3. There _

5、eight birds in the tree.A. are B. is C. have( ) 4. What are you doing, _? Were eating apples.A. chicken B. children C. child( ) 5. There _ a pen in the bag.A. has B. areC. is四、改正下面句子中存在的错误。( ) 1. There are three panda in the photo. _ABC( ) 2. They are ride a horse now. _ABC( ) 3. The bear is climb a

6、 tree. _ABC( ) 4. Do you want a soup? Yes, please. _ABC( ) 5. What are these girl doing? Theyre singing._ABC五、情景再现,根据问句选择答句。(1) Do you like playing chess? A. Its in the tree.(2) Where is the cat?B. No, but I like playing basketball. (3) Can you see a horse in the photo?C. No, they are eating fruit.(

7、4) Are they eating vegetables?D. Yes, its very nice.六、我是阅读能手。读短文选择。Jim is an American boy. Hes eleven. He likes reading a book. And he often goes swimming after class. He has many friends. His father is a farmer. He has a little sister. Her name is, Mary. She is five years old. She likes singing.(1)

8、 Jim is an _ boy. A. English B. American(2) Hes _ years old.A. two B. eleven(3) He likes _.A. reading a book B. riding bikes(4) His father is _.A. a farmerB. a worker(5) He has a little _.A. sister B. brother参考答案听力部分听力材料一、1. There are lots of vegetables.2. I cant see her face.3. There is a boy on th

9、e bike.4. Its climbing the tree.5. Hes riding a horse.二、1. vegetables 2. in the photo 3. on a bike 4. there is 5. play football三、1. Lets have a look.2. Its climbing the tree.3. Whos that girl?4. There is a horse.5. There are twelve girls under the tree.四、1. Is there a panda in the photo?2. What are

10、you doing?3. How many boys are there?4. Whats this?5. Can you play chess?听力答案一、DEABC二、1-5 AABAB三、1-5 AABCC四、1-5 ABBAA笔试部分一、1-5 BABAC二、l. 骑自行车 2. 乘公共汽车 3. 跑得快 4. 有 5. 下国际象棋 6. 放风筝三、1-5 ACABC四、1. B: pandapandas 2. C: ride a horse nowriding a horse now 3. B: climbclimbing 4. B: asome 5. B: girlgirls 五、(1)-(4) BADC六、(1)-(5) BBAAA


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