最新牛津译林版七年级英语unit1-4复习题doc [汇编整理]

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1、2014年秋季一加一教育七年级英语讲义 二十 期末复习篇 unit1 unit4 编写人 蔡丹丹审核人 张万丽 2015 1 14 一 单项选择 1 Do you know girl over there Yes She is exchange student from America A the a B a the C the an D an the was born the evening of December 3rd 1996 A in B at C on D of is A on October B in October C on October 31st D B and C is

2、so excited his old friend A to see B see C to watch D watching with Kitty good at English We often help them their English A is with B aren t for C aren t with D isn t with are profiles A Millie and Danil s B Millie s and Danil s C Millie s and Danil D Mille and Danil you know the answer question A

3、to B of C for D about 8 did you see four yesterday Kitty A Who at B What in C who in D What at Zhang spends two hours film A seeing B looking C on and C I have Coke Sure A some B any C a lot D many doesn t Chinese He English A speak says B say speak C say says D speak speaks you like fishing with me

4、 A go B going C to go D to going a lot of money in my packet A is B are C be D am you finish your homework you may watch TV A do B to do C doing D does does Helen to school By bike A What go B How to go C How go D How going 16 Miss Zhao teaches English Her lessons make me happy A our feel B us feel

5、C our to feel D us to feel 17 Iusually abike fromMondaytoFriday A take tohomeB take homeC ride tohomeD ride home 18 Iwillhavethefinalexam 考试 nextweek I you goodluck 19 Excuseme I dlikeapairofshoes Whataboutthis Youcantry on A one itB pair itC one themD pair them coat myblacktrousersverywell andit me

6、well A match fitsB fits matchesC matches fitsD matchs fits wanttobuysomepresentsdifferentfrom A youC your sD your 22 likegoingto A Womenteachers clothesshops B Womanteachers clothesshops C Womanteachers sportshops D Womenteachers vegetablesshops 23 boys are playing with dog in the street A A little

7、a little B A little a few C A few a few D A few a little 二 词汇检测 A 根据句意和首字母填上适当的单词 uncle and aunt are 都 workers brush 刷 our t every day s the d today It s October 15 s not p to talk in class can get books from the school l fourth day of a week is 7 Family members always get t ee at the Chinese New Ye

8、ar 8 The food in these restaurants t delicious 9 We should eat l sugar and salt from now on B 用所给词的适当形式填空 was a kind young man He was very help and people all liked him have sports two a week and Jack are both cook and they work in the same restaurant hobby are playing basketball loves swimming He i

9、s a good swim must be very please to meet us at the airport news is very interest C 用所给动词的适当形式填空 too much every day It s bad for her eyes watch the doctor with his mother this evening see is a lot of homework every day do of the students a school bag have is Tony He is books in the reading room read

10、 should the classroom before you go home clean you know the boy Tom call 8 Liu Tao not be shy You can do it well it your first time see the Great Wall in China 三 补全对话 A Which is your favorite festival in a year B is my favorite festival A is it B It s 15th August A do you like it so much B My family

11、 always has a party And I can eat A What do you think of the food B It s delicious 四 句型转换 s time for Helen s English lesson 同义句转换 It s time Helen have English lesson wants to have a cup of tea 同义句转换 He to have a cup of tea 同义句转换 is a very good basketball player 同义句转换 He does well basketball walks to

12、 school every day 对划线部分提问 does he to school every day girl in red is my sister 对划线部分提问 girl is sister 6 1 Mother spends about 30 minutes cooking dinner for us 同义句转换 It Mother 30 minutes cook dinner for us 7 You can t have any food in the reading room 祈使句 any food in the reading room 8 There is one b

13、ottle of water in the fridge 对划线部分提问 of water in the fridge 五 改错 用横线划出原文中的错误 并在后面的横线上写出正确的形式 1 What do the American do at Hallowen 2 The girl wears glasses is my sister 3 Who have a watch 4 He looks likes his father 5 The shop is close we can not buy some things in it 6 My brother doesn t like runni

14、ng and swimming 六 首字母填空 DearBenny I mverysorryIdon thavemuchtimetowritetoyouoften Iamalwaysb atschool Iusuallys twohoursadaypla yingfootball Footballismyfavorite It simportanttok healthy Nextweek I mcomingtoNanjingwithmyp Iwillstaytherewiththemfor2weeks I m veryexcited becauseitwillbemyfirstt tobein

15、China IreallywanttolearnsomeC though 虽 然 Ihearitisd foraforeignertolearnitwell Ia wanttoseeoldbuildingsande traditionalfoodi nChina Willyoutellmesomeinterestingp tovisitIamlookingforwardtoyourletter 智力测试 1 Iftwocatsarebeforeacat andtwocatsarebehindacat andacatisinthemiddle howmanycatsarethereinall i

16、nEnglish 2 Twolittlebrothers Onelives 居住 ononeside 边 Theotherontheotherside Theyhear 听见 whatyousay 说 Buttheydonotsee 看 eachother 互相 Whatarethey inEnglish 3 Myunclehasabrother Heisnotmyuncle WhoisheHeismy inEnglish 4 谚语 Loveme lovemydog What stheChinesemeaning 意思 It s inChinese 5 I mgreenoryellowjustlikealittleboat Everyonelikestoeatme butnevereatmycoat 谜语 inEnglish 6 Mygoodfriend snameisJimGreen Greenishis A firstname B lastname C familyname D BandC last name family name 姓氏 middle name 是中间名字 通常会



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