《新学期课堂同步精炼》初一下册7BUnit 4过关检测含解析.docx

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1、初一下册7BUnit 4过关检测G过关检测一、短语翻译1.有害的2.拯救3.讨论4.方便的5.搬;扛;背6.环顾四周7.由.制成8.砍倒9.大量的,数以百万计的10.松树11.对.有用,有好处12.植树节13.由于14.结果;因此15.处于危险之中16.来自17.吸收18.例如19.与.作斗争20.(补充细节)确切地说二、单词拼写1.The doctor worked all day and all night to s_ the boys life.2.Watching TV too much is h_ to your eyes.3.I want to d_ with you about

2、our plan for the summer holiday.4.Lei Feng is a good e_ for us. We should learn from him.5.Trees take in harmful g_ and produce oxygen for us to breathe.6.Online shopping is both cheap and c_.三、完成句子1.确切地说,她撒谎了。_ _, she told a lie.2.我喜欢做运动,因为运动对我们有好处。I like doing sports, because it _ _ _ us.3.每年都有数以百万计的游客来广州旅游。_ _ tourists travel to Guangzhou every year.4.她环顾四周,但是什么也没看见。She _ _ but could not see anything.5.树木在很多方面对我们有帮助。Trees help us _ _ _.6.由于视力不好,他经常迷路。He often loses his way _ _ his _ eyesight.7.如果你在铁路轨道上行走,那么你就会处于危险中。You will _ _ _ if you walk on railway line.


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