六年级英语上册 Unit 11 A Healthy Life Lesson One重难点讲解 教科版.doc

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1、Unit 11A Healthy Life【本讲教育信息】一. 教学内容: Unit 11A Healthy Life二. 重点、难点:Words, Phrases and Sentences三. 具体内容:Lesson One(一)大声读单词:1. healthy adj. 健康的2. life n. 生活,生命3. turn v. 转动4. on adv. 接通,使用中5. turn on 接通(开)6. off adv. 分离,离开7. turn off 断开(闭)8. drawer n. 抽屉9. lamp n. 灯10. open v. 开,打开11. close v. 关,闭12.

2、 out adv. 离开 (二)重点词汇:1. healthy adj. 健康的要点: health n. 健康Smoking does harm to health. 吸烟有损健康。n. 健康状况She is in poor health. 她身体不好。要点: adj. 健康的;健全的His grandpa is healthy. 他的祖父身体健康。The children look very healthy. 孩子们看来很健康。adj. 有益于健康的That book is not healthy reading for a child. 对孩子来说那书不是本健康读物。2. life 要点

3、: n. 生命;生存 How did life begin? 生命是如何起源的?n. 生物,活的东西There is no life on the moon. 月球上没有生物。n. 人生;世上Life isnt all fun. 人生不都是充满欢笑。n. 生活(状态)I know that he has a very hard life. 我知道他日子过得很艰难。He did not know her way of life. 他不知道她的生活方式。3. turn v. 转动要点: vt. 使转动,使旋转1)He turned his head .他转过头。2)旋动,拧动He turned t

4、he key in the lock. 他旋动插进锁里的钥匙。3)翻,翻转She turned a page. 她翻过一页。4)使变得;使成为Cold turned their ears pink. 他们的耳朵冻得发红了。4. drawer n. 抽屉要点: I put it in the left-hand drawer. 我将它放在左手的抽屉内。He locked his diary in the upper drawer. 他把日记锁在上层抽屉里。This drawer is too tight for me to open it. 这抽屉太紧了,我打不开。There is a pair

5、 of scissors in the bottom drawer. 最底下的抽屉里有把剪刀。5. lamp n. 灯要点: n. 灯,灯火The lamp hung over the table. 那盏灯悬挂在桌子上方。vt. 照;照亮Lights lamped the square. 灯光照亮着广场。6. open v. 开,打开要点: 1)adj. 打开的My door is always open to visitors. 我的门永远向来访者敞开。2)营业的,办公的;出入自由的Is the store open from 9 to 7? 那家商店是从上午九点营业到晚上七点吗?3)vt.

6、 开;打开I opened the window after I got up. 我起床后便把窗子打开。4)vi. 开;张开;展开The flowers are opening. 花正在开放。7. close v. 关,闭要点: 1)vt. 关闭;盖上;合上She closed the door softly. 她轻轻地关上门。2)关闭The street has been closed for two days. 这条街已被封闭两天了。3)adj. 近的,接近的His house is close to the factory. 他家靠近该厂。4)(关系)密切的,亲密的She is a cl

7、ose friend of theirs. 她是他们的挚友。(三)重点语法:祈使句一、定义祈使句是英语的基本句型之一,表达说话人对对方的叮嘱、劝告、请求或命令等,往往有表示请求、命令、希望、禁止、劝告等意思。祈使句一般没有主语,实际上是省略了主语“You”。句末用感叹号或句号,用降调朗读。肯定结构都以动词原形开头。Catch the ball!接球!(句子的意思是让“你”接球)Go and ask the teacher 去问问老师。句子的意思是让“你”去问老师。 Put the books in your bag 把书放到书包里。Come and meet my family 来看看我家人。

8、二、句型1. 祈使句的肯定句式有三种形式,即1)Do型(以行为动词原形开头),例如:Sit down 坐下! Stand up 起立!2)Be型(以be开头),例如:Be quiet 安静!3)Let型 (以let开头), 例如:Let me help you. 让我来帮助你。注意:三种句型中Do型是最常见、最简单的一种结构。表示请求、劝告的祈使句还常常在句前或句末加上Please,构成句式:Please或Please. 以使语气更加缓和或客气。Please stand up. 或Stand up, please请站起来。Please have a rest或Have a rest, please请休息一下。2. 祈使句的否定结构是以“Dont动词原形”开头。Dont go there, please 请别去那儿。Dont be late 不要迟到。Dont let him in 不要让他进来。Dont let the water run into the room 不要让水流进屋里。注意:Lets型祈使句,其否定式也可用Lets not 。如:Lets not have rest 咱们别休息了。Lets not sit here! 我们不要坐在这儿!- 3 -用心 爱心 专心



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