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1、学 海 无 涯 1 Please give a brief summary of your current recreational and leisure activities including sports and holidays In my last holiday I went to Xiamen It s a beautiful city I see the sunrise in the morning The sunrise on the sea is zhuangkuo It makes you leave from the trouble in real life 面试官并

2、不真正关心你的娱乐活动 你要通过你的业余活动介绍出你重视的性格 I am a enegetic boy I like sports and I m really a big sports fan especially football and basketball and I play them with my friends regularly I think it is beneficial not only for my health but also the relationship between the friends Reading is my second favorite m

3、agazines novels newspapers whatever I am curious about everything so I usually spent a whole day in the library during the weekend to dig out the answer And I usually watch a movie or American TV series and share my feelings with my friends 我是一个精力充沛的人 我喜欢运动 并且是一个超级运动迷 我喜欢羽毛球和篮球 我经常与我的朋友一起打球 我认为这些运动不

4、仅有益健康 而且有助于加深我和朋友 之间的友谊 此外 我还喜欢阅读 阅读是对未知世界探索的一种捷径 通过他人的经 验来找到自己困惑的答案 我常常花掉整个周末在家看一些感兴趣的书 爬山和旅游也 是有趣并能丰富生活的事情 我喜欢欣赏那些沿途的美景 2 What clubs and societies are you a member of and in what capacity 我曾是话剧社的一名主要演员 并且担任话剧社副社长的职务 负责出演 club 出品的迷 你电视剧 还有社团的招新及日常宣传工作 我也是向日葵支教团队的一名义工 我曾 花整个暑假教河南山区的孩子们学习小学英语 我是学生会的教

5、务秘书助理 帮助学院 老师组织 协调一些重要的会议 包括研究生复试推免工作 学校夏令营工作等等 在 这些工作和角色中 我意识到责任心的重要性 重视自己工作时做好工作的前提 3 What factors have influenced your career choice 一份工作的成长性 他能带给我多大的锻炼和经验增加 我认为这是比较重要的 除成长性外 工作氛围 薪资待遇也是影响我职业选择的原因 4 Please describe your objective and what you have done to date to achieve it 我的口语不是特别流利 但是我毕业想拿到外企的

6、 offer 于是口语是必不可少的一项技 能 首先我每天坚持背单词 坚持 100 天之后使得我的词汇量达到 XXXX0 可是支持 日常交流 然后我参加了长沙本地的英语角 和外国人用英文交流 提高我的口语水平 最后为了检验我的口语水平 我还参加了 BEC 高级考试 用考试的方式给我的进步一 个证明 5 Describe your greatest success or a situation where you exceeded your own expectation 我认为超出我预期的一次成功是在埃森哲的实习 这次实习 我不是最优秀的一名实习 生 但是我是唯一一个坚持到项目结束的一个实习生

7、其他实习生在中途因为各种原因 离开这个项目 但是出去最初到来时的承诺 我选择了坚持到底 并最终获得的项目经 理的肯定和推荐 6 Please include any other information which you may consider relevant to your application 我是一个坚持到底 不轻易言弃的人 也是一个拥有激情 喜欢挑战的人 我希望能有 贵公司能给我一个充满挑战的机会 让我大展身手 7 Why are you applying for this position 因为我在学校的专业是经济类并且我想在本专业有所深造 这个职位适合我的专业而且 如前所述

8、这个职位让我觉得很有趣 很有挑战性 8 Please explain how your personal qualities skills knowledge and working experience will help you to be successful in the position for which you are applying make you differernt 学 海 无 涯 我曾在埃森哲实习了将近一年的时间 熟悉项目的基本流程 了解 SAP 的操作系统 各 模块的基本功能 和客户进行沟通时的关键要点等等 9 If you have completed a wor

9、k term in a co op summer or intern program please tell us about your experience and how you benefited from it Your answer is limited to 1 000 characters 我在 XXXX 年 10 月到 XXXX 年 6 月间在埃森哲 SAP 项目实习 从系统设计到系统落地 耗时将近一年 在这段实习中我学习到了沟通 时间管理 项目管理的经验 10 Describe a recent project you have worked on which demonst

10、rates your determination to complete challenging tasks and your ability to work with others 在项目中有一项工作时制作一份 ERP 专刊以宣传项目组工作 我先整合几个板块 然后 结合项目资料进行整理 最终出了两次报纸专刊 11 Please give an example of a time when you developed a new or different solution to a problem Why did you think the problem needed a new solut

11、ion How did you develop the new solution What feedback did you receive on how it is working Please give your answer in English 12 Sometimes it is difficult to keep the commitments we make to others Tell me about a situation where this happened to you Why was it difficult How did you decide what to d

12、o What was the impact of this decision Please give your answer in English 13 Give an example of a project you have undertaken or an event you have organised What goals did you set and how did you ensure you achieved them Describe how your planning and organisation contributed to the success What wou

13、ld you have done different 14 Please describe your most recent experience of working with and or leading a team What was the project and your role What objectives did you set and how did you ensure all the team members worked to achieve them 15 Describe a time that you had successfully finished a wo

14、rk plan ahead of schedule 16 Please describe an occasion where you met with real difficulties How did you solve the problem 17 Describe the situation where you had to convince someone who was not easily to be convinced What did you do No more than 1000 letters 18 What are your expectations to Unilev

15、er Management Trainee Program No more than 500 letters 19 Please indicate what you feel are the top 3 most important factors to work well in a team with people from different backgrounds and culture 20 Please describe what you think are the top 3 key challenges for a multinational company to succeed

16、 in China and why 21 21 How would your colleagues classmates describe you in five words On what evidence would they base this assessment 22 Describe an example of a good decision you made recently What alternatives did you consider Why was it a good decision 23 Tell us something you plan to learning nearly future and why 24 Please state how you have benefited from your work experience 学 海 无 涯 25 Compared to other people in general how would you rate your leadership ability 26 Please give an exam


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