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1、厨房里应储备的六大最佳食物1. Blueberries1. 蓝莓Plentiful in taste and filled with antioxidants, blueberries are a great treat. You can throw them in the blender to make a smoothie, sprinkle them on top of pancakes, or grab a handful and snack on them. The antioxidants in blueberries help protect against cancer, he

2、art disease and age-related illnesses.美味可口又富含抗氧化剂,蓝莓是超级美食。可以将蓝莓放在搅拌机中做奶昔,也可以在煎饼上撒一些蓝莓,又或者直接抓一把品尝。蓝莓中的抗氧化剂有助于预防癌症、心脏病和与年龄相关的疾病。While not usually cheap, you can save money by buying them at a discount when they are not as fresh. Then just freeze them and take them out any time you are ready for a trea

3、t.虽然蓝莓不是很便宜,但你可以在折扣季不那么新鲜时购买。然后只要将它们冷冻起来,想吃的时候拿出来就行了。厨房里应储备的六大最佳食物.jpg2. Black Beans2. 黑豆If you want plenty of protein all while not spending too much money, consider getting black beans. You can put them in burritos or even make black bean soup or patties. With plenty of fiber, black beans are grea

4、t for digestive health. Try buying dried beans as they taste better and are much cheaper than canned beans.如果你想要获得大量的蛋白质,但又不想花太多钱,那么可以考虑黑豆。可以在玉米煎饼里面放些黑豆,甚至可以做黑豆汤或肉饼。黑豆富含纤维素,有利于消化健康。尽量购买干燥的黑豆,因为干燥的口感更好,也比罐装的便宜。3. Bison Meat3. 野牛肉Eating bison is slowly catching on, and for good reason. Not only is it

5、delicious, bison meat also has more omega-3s than grain-fed animals. Cooking it is a cinch, and all you need to prepare some bison steaks is salt and a little olive oil. Easy peasy.吃野牛肉渐渐变得流行起来,这是不无道理的。不仅因为野牛肉味美,而且其含有的omega-3s也比用粮草喂养的动物多。烹饪野牛肉不在话下,你只需要准备好腌好的野牛肉排和少许橄榄油就行。小菜一碟。4. Walnuts4. 核桃Much chea

6、per than almonds and cashews, walnuts dont get enough credit. They are great on top of salads, and they even are tasty on their own. Eating walnuts few times a week helps reduce LDL cholesterol levels, and they make a great, healthy yet inexpensive and convenient snack.核桃远比杏仁和腰果便宜,但却并未得到应得的赞许。将核桃撒在沙

7、拉上就很好,单吃核桃甚至更美味。每周吃几次核桃能帮助降低低密度胆固醇含量,而且核桃是一种美味健康而又便宜方便的零食。5. Oats5. 燕麦If you eat breakfast at a restaurant in the morning, you probably arent eating healthy. Instead, invest in oats, as they help in the fight against cholesterol. Whether you buy instant or steel-cut oats, you will be doing yourself

8、a lot of good. Throw on a little honey or blueberries for extra flavor! Not only do you have a low-cost breakfast, you have a very healthy one at that.如果你的早饭都是在饭店吃的,那么你吃的可能不那么健康。相反,你可以吃些燕麦,因为它们能够降低胆固醇。不管你是买即食燕麦还是刀切磨碎的燕麦,都能够给身体带来很多益处。放些蜂蜜或蓝莓可以另增风味!这样的早餐既便宜又健康。6. Broccoli6. 西兰花Sitting down and scarfin

9、g down some broccoli doesnt sound appetizing. To give it some flavor, cook it in a stir fry and let it will soak up all the flavors of the meal. Broccoli is inexpensive, so its great if you are on a budget.坐下来吃些西兰花听起来让人觉得并不是很有食欲。想要味道更好,可以油炸西兰花,这样它就能更入味。西兰花很便宜,所以如果你目前生活拮据,那么吃些西兰花再好不过了。If youve ever s

10、tuck rigidly to a diet, managed to lose weight but then piled the pounds back on, its not your fault.如果你曾严格坚持节食并减肥成功,但之后体重却又反弹,这不是你的错。After about five years, 41 per cent of dieters gain back more weight than theyd lost - its just that your brain takes charge, doing what it has to do: fighting back a

11、gainst the perils of potential imminent starvation.41%的节食者在五年之后体重会反弹,并且要比减下去的还要重。这一情况应该是你大脑负责的,因为它要做必须做的事情:那就是与潜在的、迫在眉睫的饥饿作斗争。The truth is everyones brain has a set body weight range that it will fiercely defend.实际上,每个人的大脑都会拼命把体重维持在特定范围内。The range, which varies from person to person, is determined b

12、y genes and life experience.这个范围因人而异,取决于基因和生活经历。减肥失败不怪你! 你的体重大脑来决定!In an ideal world, your brain defends this range with a natural process of subconscious weight regulation which gently nudges hunger and activity levels so you eat or exercise no more or less than your body needs.理想情况下,大脑会自然而然地进行潜意识的

13、体重管理,对饥饿程度和运动量进行微调,确保食物的摄入量和运动量既不超过也不少于身体所需总量,使体重维持在该范围内。Within this range your weight will be relatively easy to manage. Theres every chance if you drop below your brain weight, youll meet powerful resistance in the form of cravings for quick-fix calories.在这个范围内,体重相对容易管理。如果你的体重下降到低于大脑体重的水平,身体很可能会以对

14、速效热量渴望的形式进行强烈的抵抗。The best way to discover your true brain weight is to make the conscious decision to stop dieting and try intuitive eating.发现真实大脑体重的最佳方法是有意识地停止节食,尝试直觉饮食。It is simple: eat only when youre hungry and stop when youre full.这个方法很简单,即饿了就吃,饱了就停。Within six to 12 months, your weight should s

15、tabilize to your brains desired range.6到12个月内,你的体重就会稳定在大脑希望的范围之内了。DONT BELIEVE THE HUNGER HYPE千万别信那种不吃东西的宣传You shouldnt believe all the rules about when, what and how to eat things. Click through to find out 6 of the worst diet myths around and what you should be doing instead to save yourself from

16、hunger hell.千万别信那种什么时候吃、吃什么以及如何吃的规则。继续点击下去看看六大最糟糕的饮食建议以及你可以做什么以让自己不再挨饿。CALORIES ARE CALORIES卡路里就是卡路里100 calories from fruits and 100 calories from a packet of crisps are not the same. While natural food is full of nutritious calories essential for a balanced diet, processed greasy food is only made up of so-called empty calories that have no benefi



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